Miller's Court - Money Changes Everything #411

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circa 1985
Miller's Court X381 Local Version Master; (Lottery Winner) "Money Changes Everything" #411
Miller's Court: Money Changes Everything; Lottery Winner; local version; the scene opens on a divorced couple winning the lottery; though she held the winning ticket, he believes he is entitled to some of the winnings because she played some of his favorite numbers; black screen breaks; attorneys Kathleen Peratis and Frank Donahue question witnesses before a jury; the viewing audience is invited to vote on whether she should share the money and vote for the plaintiff, or she should be allowed to keep the money by voting for the defendant; the attorneys are asked about their strategies and the jurors are asked what they thought when they voted; 8 jurors voted that she should be allowed to keep all the winnings and 4 voted that she should have to share the winnings.
Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, Geoge Nahas, Mike Fosco, George Manning, Wayne Smith, Chris O'Hare, Richie O'Neill, Peter Walent, Ed Paolino, Marcia Tankersley, Susan Kreiger, Geoffrey Sullivan, Alan Pratt, Rodney Grace, Elley Boyce, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanmian, Bill Dawson, Frank Firnschild, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Joy McGugan, Marjorie Burren, Al Accardi, David Mittleman, Joel Mittleman, Netta Vercollone, Stephen Minkofsky, The Charles Hotel at Harvard Square, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera.

2 Copies
