Miller's Court - Ask Questions Later #70
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February 23 1985
Miller's Court X3466
(Self-Defense) "Ask Questions Later" No. 70
Miller's Court; Ask Questions Later; a couple in a parking garage is accosted by two youths; the man pulls out a gun and shoots the youths. One of them dies, one survives an "act of self-defense"; Scott Harshbarger and James LaRossa represent each side of the question; a jury listens to the arguments offered on each side of the question of whether the situation called for an act of self-defense using deadly force; each of the lawyers discusses his strategies in presenting evidence; the jurors are vocal in their support of each side of the question; 8 jurors voted not guilty and 4 found the shooter guilty of manslaughter;
In the studio Arthur Miller, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jay Gravina, Joe Mozdiez, George Ellard, George Manning, Karl Lorencic, Tony Bratton, Wayne Smith, Emeric Feldmar, George Nahas, Peter Walent, Rich Spongberg, Geoff Sullivan, Doug Divitt, Libe Stril-Rever, Zip Bradwell, Emmons S. Levine, Ted Talanian, Michael Grana, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, John Valentine, Michael Walsh, Mark Solari, Marianne Maguire-Cherico, Netta O'Brien, Stephen Minkofsky, Joy McGugan, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera;
2 Copies