Good Day - #4422; Dr. Tom Cottle; Kay Smith-Blum; Joe Piscatella

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July 22 1991
Master Good Day X2593 Monday July 22, 1991 No. 4422 Rec. 7/22/91 Air. 7/23/91
Good Day: Susan Wornick hosts in place of Eileen Prose; Kevin Burke talks about the suspect who was found in Maine, and who is a suspect in the murder of Martha Brailsford; black screen breaks with some audio interruptions; Joe Piscatella, author of Controlling Your Fat Tooth, talks about how to control desires for fat, and demonstrates cooking that includes budgeting for fat; Tom Cottle describes attention junkies, and callers ask questions about how to manage these friends or family members; Kay Smith-Blum notes the latest in trendy devices, drinks and snacks, and home decor statements; the results of a kitchen makeover are reviewed by Ted Reinstein and homeowner Susan Nadworny; [viewer alert: some sound distortion during the final segment.]#4422; Dr. Tom Cottle; Kay Smith-Blum; Joe Piscatella

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