Good Day - #4369; Bob Cottle; Theresa Powle; Tom Cottle; Linda Sunshine

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May 6 1991
Master Good Day X322 Do Not Air - Not a Complete Show Monday May 6, 1991 No. 4369 Rec. 5/6/91 Air. 5/7/91
#4369; Bob Cottle; Theresa Powle; Tom Cottle; Linda Sunshine; Good Day; viewer alert: a caller during the show uses crude language; Second chance on first love; couples talk about their longtime affections; Bob Cottle "Captain Bob" and his wife Beth met in the mid-1930s; Harry and Theresa met at a dance in the 1960s but there were interruptions with military service and loneliness that resulted in a first marriage; they met again by chance; President George Bush talks with reporters after a short health interruption; Tim Johnson talks about what the heart issues are for the President; black screen breaks; callers on the Good Day show ask questions and share their own stories; Tom Cottle talks about hypochondria; an update by several specialists on the President's health interrupts the show; recording ends abruptly; Linda Sunshine does not appear in this recording; "not a complete show"

2 Copies
