Good Day - #4357; Frank Gorshin, Jim Verniere; Dr. Marilyn Griffin; Debra Horowski; Margery Egan; Jessica; Fortunato; Heidi Krizer

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April 18 1991
Good Day Thursday April 18, 1991 No. 4357 Rec: 4/18/91 Air: 4/19/91 X3044
Good Day; viewer alert: clear language about a rape incident; Eileen Prose is joined by Heidi Krizer, Debra Horowski, and Margery Egan to discuss the issue of rape reporting; black screen breaks with some audio interruptions; Ted Reinstein reports from a home of Kathy Pugsley in Braintree that is used to demonstrate Paule Stewart's organizing strategies; Frank Gorshin is interviewed about his many years of acting work and his life in comedy; Jim Verniere talks about Mortal Thoughts and The Object of Beauty; Marilyn Griffin discuss dangers of birth control methods, and less invasive surgery;

2 Copies
