Cityline - Youth Express; Supreme Court; Flying Free

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June 30 1992
Cityline; Youth Express, Supreme Court, Flying Free; X4303; Rec. date: 6-3--92; Air date: 7-5-92
CityLine: Youth; Hate; Court; Karen Holmes hosts the program; Youth Express is described by Darryl Wright, director at the Codman Square Health Center; some of the participants try using a camera with Archy LaSalle's guidance; black screen breaks; recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court protecting hate crimes and protecting abortion are detailed by Mike Goldfield; discussion of the opinions is provided by Wendy Parmet and Frederick Lawrence; the Tuskegee Airmen are recalled in a special report titled Flying Free by Philip S. Hart;
In the studio Karen Holmes, Donna Hennessey, Laura Brown, Brian Pellicano, Karen Lippert, Joe Soucar, Linda Carp, Mary K. Newsham, Roger Paulson, Jerry Milot, Al Giglio, Scott, Philbrick, Ron Schindler, Sheri Amara, Paul Black, Ken Sullivan, Dave Teixeira, Gloria Harrison, Ava Botele, Olive's, Donna Latson Gittens;

2 Copies
