[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 37
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circa 1940
Aerial Footage ;Shoreline Scene ; Girls Hold Title Card ; Various Camp Activities
The lake filmed from an airplane. A floatplane landing. Two girls (campers) in swimsuits holding a sign: ‘LUTHER GULICK CAMPS’. Camp buildings. A teddy bear on a cot. A cabin. A man, a woman and a dog getting into a car. Campers riding horses. A man on a pinto horse. A line of girls on horses. Riding around an outdoor ring. A trail ride. A girl looks at a sign for a ‘SAILING REGATTA’. Sailboats. Campers working on metalwork crafts. Girls painting paddles. Metalwork. Weaving on a small loom. A string quartet performing. A violinist performing, silhouetted against the lake. Dance practice. People gathered on the dock. A motorboat pulling a wakeboarder. (Aquaplaning) A girl taking off her swim cap. Exercises. (CPR?) Campers swimming, practicing rescues. Diving from the dock. Synchronized diving. Synchronized swimming. Loading gear into canoes. Canoeing. Cooking over a campfire, including reflection ovens. Campers pose with decorated canoe paddles. Canoeing. A motorboat towing a line of sailboats and canoes. A girl and a dog sitting on the shore. The line of boats. Serving food at a campsite. Sunset over the lake. A girl playing the bugle, silhouetted against the sunset. [End of Reel]
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