[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 8
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circa 1927
Title: ‘LUTHER GULICK CAMPS SEBAGO WOHELO 1927’. Intertitle: ‘EVERY TENT AND BUNGALOW HAS ITS OWN INDIVIDUAL VIEW. THIS IS WHAT WE SEE FROM THE “POTTERY HOUSE”. A building in the trees. View of the lake. Intertitle: ‘THE GIRLS AND COUNSELLORS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF CAMP’. Close ups of various campers. A boy wearing a bowtie, seated in a motorboat. Intertitle: ‘WHO CAN SAY WHAT THIS FREEDOM IN THE WATER IS WORTH TO THIS GIRL’. A girl swimming underwater. Intertitle: ‘THE FOLLOWING PICTURES OF DIVING REPRESENT A LARGE PROPORTION OF THE CAMP AND NOT JUST A FEW EXPERTS’. Campers diving from a diving board. Intertitle: ‘PROFESSIONAL SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS WILL RECOGNIZE THIS FORM SWIMMING AS A MOST DIFFICULT---’, ‘ACCOMPLISHMENT OTHERS WILL VIEW IT AS A BEAUTIFUL EXHIBITION OF TEAM WORK’. A synchronized swimming routine. Intertitle: ‘THE THRILL OF AN AQUA-PLANE IS LIMITED TO THOSE WHO HAVE BECOME “WATER WITCHES”. Girls on wakeboards, pulled by a motorboat. Intertitle: ‘WE SPEND ONE DAY OF EACH SUMMER AT THE OCEAN’. Campers playing at the beach, sunbathing, and cooking on campfires. Intertitle: ‘THE HAEREMAI BALL BRINGS SOME STRANGE VISITORS’. Campers eating, some in costumes. Intertitle: ‘YEARS AGO, HIITENI TAMED ONE CHIPMUNK AND NOW WE HAVE MANY OF THESE FRIENDLY PETS’. A chipmunk runs around a small dog statue. A woman feeds the chipmunk with food from her pocket. A camper feeding a chipmunk. Intertitle: ‘THE TIMANOUS GOAT SPENDS A DAY AT WOHELO’. Shot of the goat. Intertitle: ‘THERE IS NO ACTIVITIY THAT GIVES SO MUCH PLEASURE TO THOSE THAT UNDERSTAND AND LOVE IT AS WALKING.’ Intertitle: ‘HERE’S A “GYPSY” TRIP’. Campers walking alongside a horse drawn wagon. Campers pose for the camera. Two girls with the wagon. [End of Reel]
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