Investigators #13

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1989 – 1990
See tape for content list: Power of the Purse, 11pm; Punishment of Crime, Pt. 1-3; Kraus; Police Racial Bias; Prospect House; Drug Marketing and Doctors; Bradlee’s Checks
Investigators #13 New Save #3405
Shot of people gathered at a political fundraiser party at Anthony’s Pier 4, Boston, Massachusetts, for Massachusetts House Speaker George Keverian. Interview with politician [Kevin Harrington]. Discussion of lobbyists for the beer industry. Interview with a woman. Reporter (Janet Wu) says lobbyists from the beer distributors succeeded in getting a bill buried. Shots of Representative Marjorie Claprood. Interview with Claprood. Shots inside the state house. Shot of a committee meeting. Interview with a man, who says that it is a conflict of interest for representatives to accept contributions from industries related to committees they sit on. Interview with a legislator. The reporter speaking from the studio. [End of story, 00:00:00-00:03:34] A person sitting on a mattress on the floor of a cell. Interview with a woman, Susan Hinckley, who describes being locked up. A female reporter, (Martha Bradlee) [Martha Raddatz] in voiceover, describes a Massachusetts law which allows judges to incarcerate women without trial for alcoholism. Interview with a man. Shot of Susan Hinckley typing. Interview with a man. Reporter describes Susan’s case, and the law, Section 35. Shots of the Framingham prison. Interview with Susan Hinckley. Still of a woman, Judith [Amendola?], incarcerated for murder, and Susan Hinckley’s cellmate. Still of Judge [Salvatore Polido?] who sent Hinckley to Framingham prison for “treatment”. The reporter speaking to the camera from a prison cell. Interview with a woman. Shot of the exterior of Framingham prison. Shots of women in the prison. Interview with Susan Hinckley. [End of story, 00:03:34-00:10:24] Interviews with three 17 year old girls, who describe their substance abuse issues. A female reporter (Martha Bradlee), [Martha Raddatz] in voiceover, describes the girls being locked up for alcoholism. Shots of inmates in the Framingham prison. Reporter describes Massachusetts law Section 35, which allows a judge to involuntarily commit women to treatment for alcoholism, but if no space is available at a treatment center, they are put in prison. Interview with one of the girls. Shot of girls in prison cell, lying on mattresses on the floor. Interview with one of the girls. Interview with a woman. A guard checking cells. Interview a man. Shots of the prison. The reporter speaking to the camera. Interview with a man. Shots of the prison. Interview with a man. Interview with the mother of one of the girls, who has herself served time in prison. [End of story, 00:10:24-00:16:27] Interview with Ester Little. A female reporter (Martha Bradlee) [Martha Raddatz], in voiceover, describes Little’s alcoholism, which resulted in prison time for “treatment” under Massachusetts law Section 35. The law allows a judge, at the recommendation of a doctor, to force a woman to go to a treatment center, and if there is not space in the treatment center, to prison. [Audio artifact 00:18:29] The reporter speaking to the camera, outside the ‘First District Court of Barnstable’ building. Interview with Ester Little’s son. Shots inside the Framingham prison. Shots of other women jailed under Section 35. Interview with an unidentified woman. Shots of the prison. Interview with an unidentified man. Shots of other, non-prison, rehab centers for women. Shots of the prison. Interview with Ester Little’s son. Ester Little walking through a parking lot. [End of story, 00:16:27-00:22:23] Two men in suits standing at a podium. A female reporter, (Janet Wu) in voiceover, identifies one of the men as Senator Richard “Dick” Kraus. The reporter says he may have violated campaign finance law. Kraus seated at a desk. Kraus’s company, Middlesex Computing, leased a computer to Kraus’s political campaign. Interview with Senator Kraus. The reporter interviewing Kraus. Interview with George Bachrach. Interview with Kraus. The reporter speaking in the studio. [End of story, 00:22:23-00:26:33] A woman walking her dog on the sidewalk. A male reporter, (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover, identifies her as Deborah Gibson, a former Boston police officer. Reporter discusses minorities serving in the police department. Interview with Gibson, who states she was fired due to racial discrimination. Reporter discusses higher rate of minority police officers fired for misconduct than white police officers. Interview with a police officer. According to the reporter, Gibson was fired for striking a suspect. She claims it was self defense. Interview with police officials. Shot of Deborah Gibson walking her dog. Reporter explains Gibson was acquitted of assault charges, and the case of wrongful termination is pending. Interview with Gibson. Shot of police officer Bernard Kelly, also charged with assault, found guilty, but not fired. Interview with a police officer [Chief? Commissioner?] Interview with attorney Mike Powers, who represented Gibson. [End of story, 00:26:33-00:30:40] Shots inside a church in Worcester, Massachusetts. A male reporter, (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover. Interview with a girl, identified as Meredith, who says she was pressured to attend the church by Elizabeth Price, a church minister and social worker, at Prospect House. Shots of Elizabeth “Betty” Price on the street. The reporter standing outside Elizabeth Price’s ‘Price Lifeskills Institute” in Leicester, Massachusetts. Interview with a mother, whose daughter attended the Institute. Still of the daughter, whose face is obscured. Reporter discussing abuse and misconduct at the Institute. Interview with [Richard Salmon?], Clinical Director of the Institute, and brother of Elizabeth Price. Shot of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office for Children offices, which investigated the Institute. Interview with a man [Sandy Jenna?] who said the Institute records were destroyed. Interview with an unidentified woman, who says the behavior was suspicious. The reporter speaking to the camera, saying the state did not revoke the Institute’s license. Discussion of a girl given an anti-psychotic drug without parental consent. Interview with [Sandy Jenna?] a former Price Lifeskills Institute employee. Interview with the mother of one of the girls, who says the employees who advocated for the girls were fired. [End of story, 00:30:40-00:36:28] Shot of a beach. Shot of a cable car in San Francisco, California. Shot of a volcano in Hawaii. [Halemaʻumaʻu Volcanoes National Park?] People relaxing by a hotel pool. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover, discusses doctors on vacations paid for by a drug company, thought to be an “illegal kickback”. Interview with a man, who describes it as a bribe. Reporter discusses the drug company Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories. [Acquired by Pfizer in 2009.] The company is accused of giving frequent flyer miles to doctors who prescribed the drug Inderal. Interview with doctor Milton [Helsel?]. Shot of Dr. Albert [Rothside?] who declined an interview. Shots of an Inderal pamphlet. Reporter says doctors were not charged with a crime, but Wyeth-Ayerst was. The company settled with the state for $195,000. Interview with an unidentified man. The reporter speaking to the camera outside a pharmacy. Discussion of a similar program by pharmaceutical company Connaught. Investigation by Department of Health and Human Services. Interview with Dr. Steven [Goldfinger?], Dean of Continuing Education at Harvard Medical School. [End of story, 00:36:28-00:41:57] Two women in a household kitchen, one identified as Daisy Gomez, an elementary school teacher. Shot of the parking lot outside a ‘Bradlees’ department store. Reporter describes a cashier at Bradlees writing ‘Hispanic Female’ on Gomez’s check. Interview with Daisy Gomez. She says the store manager told her Bradlees recorded checks by black and Hispanic customers. Hidden camera footage from inside the store. Interview with an unidentified man, who says “if this is not illegal, it’s damn stupid.” Hidden camera footage. Reporter states that, according to the Bradlee’s company, only the two stores in Dorchester had this policy. Interview with a woman, a Bradlee spokesperson, who says they were complying with the court. Interview with a man, who says the court requires a ‘description’ of the person who pays with a check. Interview with Daisy Gomez. [End of story, 00:41:57-00:45-:55]

3 Copies
