Investigators #12

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See tape for content list: Sexually Dangerous, pt. 1-4; Power of the Purse, pt. 1-3
Shot of a prison yard at the Bridgewater Treatment Center for sexually dangerous criminals. A female reporter, (Martha Bradlee) [Martha Raddatz] in voiceover. Interview with David Richard, a man incarcerated for rape and murder of Lori Secher. Interview with a man [Eugene Recktor?] who is an admitted pedophile. Reporter discusses cases of sex offenders. Interview with a man whose face is obscured, a child molester deemed too mentally unfit to sign a photo release form. He claims to hear voices. Reporter speaking to camera. Interview with David Richard, who describes being sexually abused as a child. Shot of a yearbook page. [Might include the name of Richard’s then girlfriend?] Interview with one of Richard’s high school friends. Interview with a man who describes Richard’s crimes. Interview with David Richards. He describes hallucinations. Shots of inmates at the treatment center. Reporter discusses possible repeal of law, which would return the men to the prison system, rather than the treatment center. Interview with the man who admits to child molesting. [End of story, 00:00:00-00:06:31] Interview with [Al Gagne?] a man incarcerated for rape and child molesting at the Bridgewater Treatment Center. Other inmates lifting weights. A female reporter (Martha Bradlee) [Martha Raddatz] speaking to the camera. Interviews with other inmates. Discussion of diminished therapy at the treatment center. Interview with commissioner of mental health. Interview with [Eugene Recktor?], a rapist. Interview with [Al Gagne?]. [End of story, 00:06:31-00:12:60] A man [Neil Cook?] playing the guitar. A female reporter, (Martha Bradlee) [Matha Raddatz] in voiceover, explains that Cook is incarcerated in the Bridgewater Treatment Center for child molesting. Interview with [?] Murphy, commissioner for mental health. Discussion of the pending repeal of a law which provides treatment for sexually dangerous criminals. An inmate in the treatment center [Mike Dayno?] lifting weights. Interview with [Daryl Alvers?], whose prison sentence is completed, but believes he will re-offend if released from the treatment center. Interview with treatment center administrator. Discussion of therapy. Interview with [Al Gagne], who states he will re-offend if released. [End of story, 00:12:60-00:19:17] Interview with David Richard, incarcerated for rape and murder at Bridgewater Treatment Center. Interview with [Al Gagne?], incarcerated for the rape of children. A female reporter, (Martha Bradlee) [Martha Raddatz] in voiceover, describes the men incarcerated at Bridgewater Treatment Center as “sexually dangerous”. Interview with an inmate [Mike Dayno?]. Interviews with inmates, who say there is inadequate therapy. The reporter speaking to the camera. Interview with [Al Gagne?] who says if released he will re-offend. Interview with a treatment center staff member. Reporter discusses cost of running the Bridgewater facility. [End of story, 00:19:17-00:23:43] Shot of a group therapy is in session at a Vermont treatment center for sexual aggressors. A female reporter, (Martha Bradlee) [Martha Raddatz] in voiceover. Interview with [George Fisher?], convicted of sexual assault of a child. Interview with a treatment center staff member. [Dr. Pithers?] Shots of an inmate inside the treatment center. The reporter speaking to the camera, comparing the Vermont treatment center to the Bridgewater Treatment Center in Massachusetts. Interview with [Fred Robar?], incarcerated for sexual assault of a minor. Discussion of “relapse prevention” therapy. Interview with [Bruce Morgan], convicted of child molestation. Interview with a treatment center staff member. Shots of inmates. Discussion of release and ongoing treatment. Interview with [Dr. Pithers?] Shot of the exterior of the treatment center. Interview with an inmate. [End of story, 00:23:43-00:30:00] A man wheels a birthday cake through a crowd of people, who sing happy birthday. Representative Marjorie Claprood blows out the candles. The event is her 40th birthday party and a political fundraiser. Shots of the party. A female reporter, (Janet Wu) in voiceover, discusses large financial contributions to Representative Claprood, particularly from health care professionals and lobbyists. Discussion of donors using donations to gain access to the legislature to influence healthcare bills. Interview with a man about “special interest” groups. Shot of William Palmer, head of the Berkshire Mutual Insurance Company. Shot of the Massachusetts legislature. Interview with a man who says insurance companies use the legislature to “advance their causes”. Interview with Representative [Shannon O’Brien]. Shot of lobbyists. The reporter speaking the camera. Interview with Representative Claprood. Shots from Claprood’s birthday fundraiser. Interview with a legislator, discussing PAC money. Shots of Health Care Committee chair [John McNeil?]. Interview with [John McNeil?] Interview with a man. Discussion of McNeil’s use of PAC money for (possibly) personal expenses. Interview with McNeil. [End of story, 00:30:00-00:36:07] A horserace at Suffolk Downs. A female reporter, (Janet Wu) in voiceover. A man, lobbyist Joe Grant, with binoculars. Grant is accused of bribing public officials. Shots of the Massachusetts State legislature. Interview with a man. Interview with a man [House Ways and Means Chairman, Richard Volk?] The reporter speaking to the camera. [Video artifact – 00:38:28] Discussion of case involving the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Horses in a stable. Discussion of Joe Grant filing for bankruptcy. Interview with [Richard Volk?] Shot of the exterior of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Interview with a man. Shots of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shots of the race track. Shot of Gregory [Delcour?], former chief of staff to the house speaker. Accused of accepting bribes from lobbyist Robert [Sheridan?] of the Massachusetts Banking Association. [End of story, 00:36:07-00:41:46] Shot of a hearing at the Massachusetts State House. A female reporter (Janet Wu) in voiceover, discusses a group of drug stores paying the house chairman [John McNeil?] an honoraria to speak on their behalf. Shot of Representative [?]. The reporter talking to the representative on the stairs, asking why he takes so many contributions/honoraria from lobbyists. Discussion of [Senator Tom Norton?]. Interview with [Richard Volk?]. A group of state legislators preparing for a trip paid for by the government of Israel. Shot of Massachusetts House Majority leader Charles Flaherty who, according to the reporter, is pretending he is not going on the trip. [Flaherty was found guilty and fined in 1996 for of tax evasion and conflict of interest issues.] The reporter speaking from a crowd of people at a party. House speaker George Keverian, hosting a fundraiser. Discussion of political contributions from PACs and lobbyists. Interview with a man. Shot of Representative Nicholas Paleologos talking on the telephone. Interview with Representative Paleologos. Shots of people in the legislature. Interview with [John McNeil?] Shot of the exterior of the State House. Interview with [Kevin Harrington]. [End of story, 00:41:46-00:48:04]

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