[Multiple Stories]

Revere (Mass.)Roslindale (Boston, Mass.)
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3/13 - 1) Wonderland T Station opens 2) Rosindale Breakout 3) Arab Demo 4) Leukemia Child 5) Blackie 6) Red Sox Tickets (2 reels) 7) Coffee 8) Virginia Slims 9) Energy Caucus 10) Red Sox (2 reels)
Descriptions from Assignment Sheet: 1) "Wonderland MBTA - Reopens/this is the last of the storm damaged "T" stations can be put back on its feets."; 2) "Roslindalw R.E. [Real Estate] - 5 little boys runaway from the detention center."; 3) "Anti-Israeli Demo - The friends of some American born Arab sympathizer are upset with Israeli's and demonstrate outside their consulate/that's generic enough."; 6) "Fenway Ticket lineup - Several hundred folk lineup outside the ticket office to buy tickets to se the box bosox play/then Roger and Larry go to talk with some of the folk. We're there when a rush on the gate occurs."; 7) "Milford coffee wars - Going on in restaurants."; 8) "Virginia Slims - Just some generic action."; 9) "N.E. Energy Congress - The announcement was made by the members of the caucus at a news conference/we have an interview with Lawrence Levy (no relation to Lawrence Weisberg who shot the story)."

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