[The Investigators: Insurance pt. 1]

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May 21 1979
On leader: #43 1 Investigators Report 5-21-79
Reporter stand up about 2 people involved in the investigation of insurance companies that sold cancer coverage being fired. Reports have been release criticizing three of the companies involved, but a fourth report, recently obtained by News Channel 5, was never released. That report involved advertising from the Union Fidelity Insurance Company. V/O no image. Union Fidelity was accused of issuing brochures that would mislead and deceive potential customers. Interview with one of the people involved in the creation of the report who was fired, Allen J Wright. Wright and the reporter discuss the an effort to downplay the findings of these reports and the lack of discipline taken against these insurance companies. Interview b-roll. Brief interview with a different man that seems unrelated. Reel 1 of 2. See Acc. 2394.02776

2 Copies
