Way Back Home

Phillips Lord plays Seth Parker, resident of Jonesport, Maine. Film shot in Santa Clara, California. Also stars Bette Davis. Distributed on VHS videocassette by Turner Home Entertainment, 1993. 'RKO Collection.' VHS cassette jacket reads, 'Bette Davis makes her third screen appearance as a star-crossed girl who Seth Parker (Phillips H. Lord) helps unite with her beloved, despite forces of evil bent on keeping them apart. The honest virtues and rustic sentiment of Maine's Down East farmers are authentically and effectively captured in this homespun tale based on the old Seth Parker radio show. Fans of 'A Prairie Home Companion' will appreciate the amusing countified atmosphere of the story, complete with barn dances, taffypulling singing bees, and the mellow rhythm of Yankee village life. The new York Times praised it as a 'gentle and frequently moving intertainment.' Guaranteed to make you feel good inside.'