For Kids' Sake spots

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One 60-second and 24, 30-second spots in the state's 'For Kids' Sake' promo campaign. Various themes supporting children's well-being and safety. Talent includes Eddie Driscoll, Eloise Daniels, Dale Duff, and Jill Mc Donald. Ends with raw footage of 'The Breakwater Clubhouse;' appears to be about Mount Kineo resort in autumn, shot for news story, includes Jill McDonald standupper.
For Kids' Sake :60 Snowman Vignette (to theme music) :30 TV Smart Tip with Janet Smith :30 TV Smart Tip with Ed Driscoll :30 Paying the Bills :30 Parent Tip-Babysitting Swap :30 Animation: Tom the Frog :30 Perilous Plants :30 Maternity Care--Exercise :30 Halloween Safety--Costumes :30 Thanksgiving :30 Christmas-Toy Safety :30 Snoball Softball/March of Dimes with Dale Duff (PSA) :30 Visiting the Dentist :30 Diving video :30 Pennies from Heaven/Bangor Creative Playground (PSA) :30 Gift of Time-Volunteer :30 Father's Day :30 Make Neighborhoods Safe :30 Art Contest Promo :30 Volunteers Needed/Bangor Creative Playground (PSA) :30 Halloween/ ideas for older kids with 2-Team :30 Firearms & Hunting Safety

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