Channel 57 P.S.A. Storage Reel

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Various public service announcements for air on WLBZ's translator (Ch. 57) in Calais; from Fall of 1984; see collection folder for more info
[Transcript of form provided with donation; (handwritten notes in parenthesis), directional arrows on original document not depicted] Client: Channel 57 P.S.A. Storage Reel Salesman: D. Goodspeed Date: Oct. 10, 1984 10/29/84 KLM Done COPY INSTRUCTIONS When transferring these spots to this storage reel, PLEASE leave 10 seconds of Black between each spot, then add 10 second slate with the title/sponsor of spot, and length of spot. :30 Katimavik of Nova Scotia 00 (On P.S.A :30 Calais Free Library 11 Storage Reel - :30 Transition House, Fredericton, N.B. (22) #1) :30 Santa Claus Parade/Moncton, N.B. (33) (On P.S.A. Storage Reel - :30 Journey for Sight/Canadian Lions Clubs (44) #2) :30 Royal Canadian Air Cadets, Amherst, Nova Scotia (55), 2800, (in Cala[?] system) :30 2802 Nova Scotia Helpline (66, in Cala[?] system) :30 2805 Salvation Army/Moncton, N.B., Spot #1 (77) :30 2806 Salvation Army/Moncton, N.B., Spot #2 (88) :60 2812 Public Service Announcement Request/ (99) WLBZ (with D. Goodspeed) :30 2803 Holiday/Vacations/Northwoods-Multipurpose Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia (110) :60 2815 Volunteers/Northwoods-Multipurpose Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia (121) :60 2817 Nova Scotia Helpline (132) :30 2809 Sexuality Conference/Dept. of Health & Social Services, Prince Edward Island (164) :10 2820 (CS) Nova Scotia Helpline (153) :30 2821 (CS) Domestic Violence Hotline for Channel 57/WLBZ :30 2822 (CS) Maritime Winter Fair/P.S.A :10 2910 (CS) Open House/Halifax Regional Vocational School (:30 Moncton Rotary) (12/14) The last spot on the tape is the Moncton rotary P.S.A. After this spot, please transfer these spots onto the storage reel. PLEASE leave 10 seconds of Black between each spot, then add 10 second slate with the title/sponsor of the spot, and length of spot as stated on this sheet: Calais P.S.A. # [stikethrough] (Not in System, All others done, 12/17/84) 2700 Colchester Regional Vocational Centre :30 (20) 2800 :30 Royal Canadian Air Cadets (64) [strikethrough] 2809 :30 Sexuality Conference/Dept. of Health and Social Services, P. E. I. (42) 2821 :30 Drug Awareness Week/New Brunswick Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Div. (53) 2825 :20 Kids Care if you drink and Drive/New Brunswick Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Div.

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