Bartlett Island, Maine--Messler family--home movies. Reel 4
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circa 1939 – 1940

Credit: Patricia W. Messler Collection, Northeast Historic Film.
Men on dirt road in woods. Wood scene. Barn with red silo. Birch trees. Saw mill. Boards piled outside. Road in woods. Barns with woodpiles. View of water and mountains. Horse with white face. Man waving. Water with lobster boat. Picture of coast. Men dropped off at dock. View from boat. Lobster boat moving in water. Man walking down road towards water. White building (house) in panorama. Back to sawmill and piles of wood. Birches and pasture scene with dirt road. Chicken coop and barns with farm machinery. Long shot of white house. Water scenes with dock and boats. Man walking down dock. Rowboat in background. Long johns hanging on clothes line. Chickens. Shetland pony with man. Dog in background. 3 people petting pony. Man training pony with rope. Another man with pony and whip. Dog jumping on man. Women join men. Man on horseback. Heat lightning in background. Quick flash. 2 men on horseback riding towards camera and then away. Woman in scarf on horseback riding down dirt road. Long view of farm. Sheep in pasture with baby lambs. 2 men walking down dirt path. 2 men in horse drawn carriage with Shetland pony following mother horse. One black sheep in pasture. Water scene. Chickens in pen. Some white, many dark. View of mountains behind water. Man in carriage. Man in dark hat by barn. Carriage coming towards camera. Farm wagon with large wooden wheels being pulled by horse. Man in hat with cigarette holding calf. (brown and white) Man in plaid shirt and 2 men in carriage driving down dirt path and back. Man in surrey being pulled by horse. Woman in scarf seated backwards waving to camera. Return surrey. Man on horseback throwing hat down. Man in lobster boat pulling up rope. Man and woman in scarf on boat being driven by man at wheel. View of boat on water. Man walking up ramp with box in hand. Lobster boat in water. Men walking down towards water in snow. Frozen lake/pond with ice houses. Long shot of countryside beyond frozen lake/pond. CU of ice house interior. Fish in box. Man with worm baiting hook. People walking around on ice. Fishermen talking and working inside huts. Man coming out of white house followed by women. Older woman in apron coming out of house followed by people with dachshund being carried. View of large 3-story house on street in town.
On can: "Bartlett's Island 1940"
On reel: "Maine - Bartlett's Island - Smelt Fishing"
Color home movies of scenes at Bartlett Island, Maine, including a lumberyard, saltwater farm, training of a paint horse foal, and ice fishing.
5 Copies