[Geoff Neiley, Jr.--home movies] Reel 4

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Donor's notes: 'Oct. 1972; L.R. at night; Winemaking in cellar (dark); Geoff w. pumpkin at Halloween; Pumpkin carving; Christmas tree, Dec. '72; Dec. Geoff in first snow of winter; Getting Christmas tree.' // Baby with carved pumpkin; baby with Christmas ornament (?); dark shots of baby, mom in front of fireplace with Christmas ornaments; Christmas(?); man and toddler with decorated Christmas tree; toddler in snowsuit walking in the snow, in yard with man and dog; man carrying cut pine tree to house; man trimming pine boughs; little boy on toddler bike, splashing in puddle; man carrying pine tree into house, little boy crawling up stairs; little boy in driveway and yard with shovel, playing in snow and puddles; black dog in snow; black cat ; shot of Christmas wreath; little boy opening Christmas presents (hockey stick, chalk board) reading book, toy cars, playing beanbag toss, putting together puzzles; little boy in man's lap blowing out four candles on cake; little boy taking gifts out of stocking that says 'Geoff'; Christmas scenes with little boy, man and woman; little boy unwrapping presents (wooden train set, wooden car), giving older kids kisses; man pulling root vegetables out of garden; little boy in garden helping to load wheelbarrow.

3 Copies
