478 work results

2) 0028.0001 Childfind
No description available
32) 0028.PC3 Jasper
No description available
3) 0028.PC4 Mark Gartley
Candidate for Congress (Maine).
4) 0029.0001 Deering
TV commercial: clams and shrimp.
35) 0029.PC2 Maine Sesquicentennial/Monmouth (?)
Finished commercial.
6) 0029.PC3 Maine Sesquicentennial/Monmouth (?)
No description available
7) 0034.PC1 - PC2 Scandja
'Scandja presents The Unwinder: a Family Affair.' Short sales film promoting a Maine-built portable sauna. Shot in 16 mm. and converted to Super 8 mm. Sponsor, Scanja Corporation.
44) 0038.0001 Right to Read
Dept. of Education (Maine, Massachusetts).
9) 0040.0001 Catholic Charities
3 commercials.
10) 0041.0001 Health and Welfare
Various commercials: Rabies (4), Eye care (1), Dental Health (3), 'Love is Not Enough-Immunization (5).
11) 0043.0001 Highway Safety
No description available
52) 0045.PC1-.PC2 Scandja
No description available
15) 0053.PC1 Highway Bonds
Various elements and complete commercial.
4) 0057.0001 Bicentennial Festival
'ARCO' ? American Bicentennial Revolution Commission?
15) 0057.PC2 Canal Bank
No description available
16) 0057.PC3-.PC5 Jordan's Meats
No description available
18) 0070.PC1 Sun Federal
No description available
18) 0079.0001 Scandja
No description available
20) 0088.0001 Central Maine Power
No description available
20) 0090.PC1-.PC2 Jordan's Meats
No description available
22) 0091.PC1 Erwin
Two 30 sec. commercials and orig material.
23) 0094.0001 People's Bank
No description available
26) 0096.PC1-.PC5 Jordan's Meats
3 commercials.
31) 0098.0001 Scandja
Imperial Sauna
25) 0101.PC1 Highway Bonds
Five finished commercials.
2) 0102.0001 Health and Welfare
Commercial on Eyecare.
28) 0102.PC2 Highway Bonds
Two finished commercials.
29) 0102.PC3 Catholic Charities
2 commercials.
33) 0103.PC1 Jordan's Meats
3 commercials.
31) 0104.0001 Mark Gartley
No description available
32) 0105.0001 Childfind
No description available
5) 0107.0001 Mark Gartley
No description available
4) 0109.0001 Childfind
No description available
5) 0110.0001 Childfind
No description available
36) 0111.0001 Sun Federal
No description available
2) 0112.PC1 Right to Read
No description available
67) 0112.PC3 Bicentennial Festival
60 sec. spot.
109) 0113.PC1 Jasper
'Personal Service Banks'
39) 0113.PC2 Bicentennial, Horizons
Colonial reenactment. Large white house. Man with horsr in front. Man in tricorner (minuteman) hat, mounts horse and rides away.
40) 0114.PC1 Bicentennial, Horizons
No description available
10) 0114.PC2 Highway Bonds
No description available
42) 0114.PC3 Health and Welfare
2 commercials, 'Love is not Enough.'
7) 0114.PC5 Bicentennial Festival
60 sec. spot.
44) 0115.PC1 Heritage Bicentennial
Fort. 'September 1775.' Man's hands writing with quill pen. He looks out window. Three or four men at winter camp, in costume.
45) 0115.PC2 Deering
Two 30 sec. TV commercials.
7) 0115.PC3 Sun Federal
No description available
4) 0116.PC1 Right to Read
Massachusetts narration for finished spot.
4) 0116.PC2 Right to Read
30 sec. spot, Maine.
5) 0117.PC1 Right to Read
30 sec. spot, Maine.
10) 0117.PC2 Health and Welfare
Rabies, Commercial #1, 'David', 2 copies.
7) 0117.PC4 Bicentennial Festival
60 sec. spot, 30 sec. spot.
17) 0118.PC1 Health and Welfare
Rabies, Commercial #4, 'Dogs,' 2 copies.
6) 0130.PC1 Childfind
No description available
166) 0130.PC2 Central Maine Power
5) 0130.PC5 Bank of Maine
Radio spots.
56) 0131.PC1 Miscellaneous Spots
No description available
16) 0143/0144.0002 [Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies] Reel 3: Health Parade
Box notes: 'Health Parade 1932 also E. Dover.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Children in parade, signs: Katahdin Ave. School, Eat Cereal, Eat Vegetab, Oxford St. Health Kingdom. Child...
2) 0293 Smoking Out/Maine
Dated 11-18-86. Commercial with an anti-smoking theme. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
1) 0294 The Mystery Box
Western. Excerpts from chapter one (probably) and chapter five of 'The Mystery Box,' date code 1925. Opening title missing, starts with intertitle with actors 'Don Collins--Rene...
60) 0294 [various segments]
Various footage. Technical Service notes follow: 1. 1933 Snipe 2. NRA Announcement 3. Gem Theatre Announcements 4. Contest, Lionel Trains 5. Willamantic Snip 1932 6. Trailers: M...
29) 0294 [various segments]
Various footage. Technical Service notes follow: 1. Trailer for 'Desirable' 2. 1946 Boxing New Stock--badly deteriorated 3. Coming Next Week trailer for Wallace Beery in 'Viva V...
5) 0294 [two Pathe newsReel 00clips]
Two Pathe newsreel clips ca.1927. Technical Service notes follow: 1. Pathe Cinema France--Ducks, A Kite 2. 1927 View of Theatre District and Irving Berlin Music Publishers Building
6) 0294 [segments of various features]
Segments of features, 1920-1926. 'Revolutionary film footage, gangster movie, ad for hand care with Lillian Gish.' Technical Service notes follow: 1. 1925 Segment of feature fil...
7) 0294 [segments of features]
Technical service notes follow: 1. Film segment of feature film 2. Winter scene from feature film
65) 0294 [various segments]
Various footage. Technical Service notes follow: 1. Dupont-Pathe 'Special Attraction' 2. 1939 Trailer D.W. Griffith's 'Abraham Lincoln' 3. Trailer 'Grand Hotel' 1932 4. Trailer ...
5) 0301.0001 J. Barnhart, Gadget Master
Man in the studio in a kitchen set demonstrates a Gadget Master food slicer, juicer, garnish maker, trimmer, safety grater and towel. [Probably John Barnhart, who performed his...;Two female models, framed by a white picture-like border titled Emery-Brown Co. across the top, wear white blouses and waistband skirts; a voice-over describes the models' blous...
2) 0301.0002 Emery Brown Co. Commercial
Waterville: Spring fashions modeled in the studio by two women for the Emery Brown Co., Waterville, featuring blouses for $2.98. Woman's voice-over describes blouses.;A salesman demonstrates the perfect slicer using a potato, tomato, cucumber and cabbage; he then demonstrates the worlds smallest juice extractor on a lemon; he moves on to demo...
4) 0308 cat. 1002-02-WABI-59 Dead River Presents
3 ads for Dead River Co. in which man describes company's contributions to Maine, and encourages viewers to watch 'Dead River Presents' Sunday night television program.
2) 0309 cat. 0007-09-WABI-60 Eastern Trust and Banking Co.
Commercial about the Eastern Trust and Banking Co., and list of branch offices. Probably used with the University of Maine 114th Commencement, which they sponsored live telecast...
3) 0309 cat. 0007-10-WABI-60 Merchants National Bank
Commercial for Merchants National Bank, advantages and locations of various branches. Probably broadcast with University of Maine 114th Commencement. 'Remember, you are always w...
11) 0309 cat. 0007-11-WABI-60 Merrill Trust Co.
Merrill Trust Co., advantages of the banking system. 'The commencement broadcast is a public service provided by Merrill Trust Co.' Probably broadcast with University of Maine 1...
5) 0309 cat.0007-13 Bowl MOR Lanes
Exterior Bowl MOR Lanes, three men shaking hands, man bowls a strike. Ref. 300.
13) 0309 cat. 0008-02-WABI-60 Hampden Roofing
Product promotion: Scenes include demonstration of the strength of the exterior door of a house and CU of trim and siding. Man hangs from door, looks at camera. Two men stand on...
17) 0316 cat.0010-11-WABI-60 Libby Motor Renault
Commercial for Libby Motors for the new Renault. No visible image. Announcer states advantages of buying a Renault.
4) 0316 cat.0010-12-WABI-59 Station ID and Season's Greetings
Bangor: Station ID in the form of a Christmas card held in someone's hands. The card is opened and the inside says, 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from WABI-TV Channel 5 ...
26) 0316 cat.0011-03-WABI WABI News Promo Globe
Bangor: Promo for WABI. Shots include revolving globe, 'WABI News Channel 5.'
15) 0317 cat.0012-01-WABI-59 Mammoth Mart
Mammoth Mart Old-Fashioned Sale Days. Group dressed in period costume poses around piano.
18) 0317 cat.0012-07-WABI-58 Bowl MOR Lanes
Ad for Bowl MOR Lanes
8) 0318 cat.0013-04-WABI-60 Shell Sign
Revolving Shell service station sign. Two takes.
18) 0322 cat.1008-02-WABI-60 Sears Roebuck Farm Dept.
Commercial for Sears. Man tries to sell couple an item at Sears, then shakes their hands.
16) 0328 cat. 0018-16-WABI Country Kitchen
Country Kitchen Bread ad. Bread slice is torn in half, then loaf is shown. Narrator says, 'Only batter whiping makes bread this tender, and only Country Kitchen is batter whippe...
17) 0328 cat. 0018-17-WABI-61 Beacon Finance
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
11) 0328 cat. 0018-20-WABI-61 Beacon Finance Co.
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty, Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
12) 0328 cat. 0018-21-WABI Country Kitchen
Commercial: Country Kitchen bread, 'Have you tried the tenderness test?' A woman compares normal bread to batter-whipped Country Kitchen bread, tearing it.
29) 0328 cat. 0018-23-WABI-61 Dead River
Dead River Co. ad in which a man makes a speech. 4 takes.
21) 0328 cat. 1008-14-WABI Cushman Bakery Products
Commercial : shows woman seated at a table extolling virtues of Cushman products and pouring syrup over Cushman brownies and ice cream.
26) 0332 cat. 0019-10-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamp commercial. Stamp spins with caption, a stamp book filling up, and a poster for the stamp.
27) 0332 cat. 0019-11-WABI-60 New Central Furniture
First commercial is for refrigerator with double doors. 2 takes. 36 ft. each. Second commercial is for washer-dryer set.
18) 0332 cat. 0020-01-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamps spot. Stamp spinning, a stamp book filling up and displaying its total value, and poster advertising stamp.
25) 0332 cat. 0020-03-WABI-59 John Paul
Commercials: 1) A tall man models a suit and then walks to a sign that says, 'John Paul, Chargray Flannels, $37.50.' three takes 2) Same model in suit walks to a sign 'America's...
27) 0332 cat. 0020-03-WABI-59 John Paul Spots
First spot has a tall man modeling a suit and walking over to a sign that says, 'John Paul -- Chargray Flannels -- $37.50' 3 takes. 10 ft. each. Second spot has same man walking...
27) 0332 cat. 0020-04-WABI-59 John Paul Top Coats
Spots for Ranch Coats and Top Coats. A man wearing a top coat looks into a three-way mirror, then walks to a sign with the coat's name and price. & takes.
21) 0332 cat. 0020-05-WABI-59 John Paul Fits em All
Shot of the 'John Paul Fits Em All' sign. 2 takes.
20) 0332 cat. 0020-07-WABI-60 Libby Motors (Renault)
Libby Motors Renault spot. Shots of Renault driving and of two men opening the trunk.
21) 0334 cat. 0024-05-WABI-61 Community Oil
Commercial featuring Chevron Oil Company. Shots of a receptionist answering the phone, a Chevron truck delivering oil to a house, and other oil and gas companies in Bangor area ...
34) 0334 cat. 0024-06-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron commercial featuring their products such as Comoco Antifreeze and RPM Motor Oil. Shots of attendant pumping gas for customer at Chevron station and station sign.
35) 0334 cat. 1009-09-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron ad including products such as Comoco Anti-Freeze and RPM Motor Oil. Man pulling his vehicle into Chevron station, being helped by attendant and serviced with products, C...
26) 0335 cat. 1009-11-WABI-63 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Commercial : including stamp spinning and stopping with the caption 'Freeses Gold Bond Trading Stamps.' Cut to a drawing saying, 'Where a Wonderful World of Gifts is Waiting for...
20) 0336 cat. 0023-07-WABI-61 Saab
Hammond Motors Saab commercial. Optical audio track followed by shots of Saab on various types of roads, its features, Hammond Motors.
28) 0336 cat. 0024-02-WABI-59 John Paul Ads
John Paul clothing store ads. Young boy models a suit, walks to sign naming type of suit and price: 'Chargray Flannel -- $19.98,' 'Ice-Grey flannels -- Suit $24.98,' 'Sportcoat ...
98) 0336 cat. 1009-03-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Ad including train pulling past camera, man backing up a truck and dropping off a crate, more footage of train rolling by.
99) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
28) 0336 cat. 1009-06-WABI Bangor & Aroostook Pre-Iced Cars
Ad including a hydraulic lift raising large ice blocks to top of a railroad car, men sliding blocks down into car. Dick Curless sings jingle.
58) 0336 cat. 1009-07-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Round-trip Ticket
Commercial: Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's round trip ticket on their bus service. Shots include bus stopping to pick up passengers, onboard the bus, washroom, shot of the road a...
30) 0336 cat. 1009-08-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Four copies of ad. Same as Cat. No. 1009-03. Third or fourth copy is listed as the first proof.
200) 0337 cat. 0023-02-WABI-60 Dead River
Dead River spot.
201) 0337 cat. 0023-03-WABI-61 Dead River Salutes Houlton
Dead River spokesman talks about their representatives in Houlton, Presque Isle and Van Buren. He holds up cards with pictures of those stations and their managers.
203) 0337 cat. 0023-05-WABI Dead River
Dead River ad.
35) 0341 cat. 0026-15-WABI-61 Bangor Bank Ads
Commercial stating that live 116th UM commencement ceremonies were public service sponsored by Eastern Trust and Banking Company. Includes information on branches and services, ...
2) 0344 cat. 1010-09-WABI-58 George Hale for Coca-Cola
Hale discusses food shopping, hearty meals, saying, 'And don't forget plenty of sparkling Coca-Cola.'
3) 0345 cat. 0031-16-WABI-61 Glidden Paint
Animated ad for Spread Satin paint has house asking paint doctor about blistering problem, for which he prescribes Glidden Paint.
4) 0347 cat. 0030-08-WABI-60 John Paul Animation
Quick animation spot for John Paul clothing store in which tall, fat and short men model as sign reads, 'John Paul Fits Em All.'
5) 0347 cat. 0030-12-WABI-59 New Central Furniture
Interior shots of furniture store including sign reading, 'Office of Pappy Rappy.' Man coming out of this office smiling and with open arms. Also shot of calendar page from Sept...
6) 0347 cat. 0030-13-WABI Freese's Gold Bond Stamps
Gold Bond Stamp ad.
7) 0347 cat. 0030-15-WABI-59 John Paul Animation
John Paul clothing store ads. Men with varied builds model clothes.
5) 0347 cat. 0030-20-WABI-56 John Paul Ads
Slow zoom onto John Paul clothing store logo reading, 'Big or Small, Short or Tall, John Paul Fits Em All.'
6) 0349 cat. 1011-02-WABI-61 Dead River
Commercials including 'Dead River Salutes Presque Isle's Bion Hartford and Sons,' 'Dead River salutes Vaillencourt Oil Co. in Van Buren,' 'Dead River's History -- Parts 1 and 2,...
118) 0350 cat. 0032-13-WABI-60 New Central Furniture
Store's January Sell-Out Sale.
11) 0354 cat. 0047-15-WABI-62 Chevron Lucerne
Men talk about Chevron Seat Belt offer. Sign says, 'Seat Belts Save Lives -- $5.95 each installed free.';Silent footage of three men talking about the Chevron Seat Belt offer; the sign behind them reads, 'Seat Belts Save Lives -- $5.95 each, installed free.'
31) 0362 cat. 0051-14-WABI-62 UM Commencement Promos
Commercial UM Commencement sponsor Merrill Trust Co., including its services and locations. Also an Eastern Trust and Banking Co. commercial, bank's 75th anniversary. 2 takes.
13) 0364 cat. 0051-04-WABI Nuclear Survival Products
Superior Sales Corporation presentation of their nuclear war survival package. Man describes this 8- to 16-day ration package, saying that rations are most important aspect of n...
14) 0389 cat. 0066-02-WABI-63 Red and White Sales Meeting
Red & White sales meeting. Group of people listens to man at podium. Man points to ad boards. People hold books, papers, listen.
15) 0395 cat. 0065-02-WABI Rice's Frankfurts
Commercial including arrival of a Rice truck, a frankfurts display in a store, a man weighing a bunch of frankfurts.
16) 0395 cat. 0065-04-WABI-63 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Same as positive copy found on Catalogue No. 1009-11.
35) 0395 cat. 0065-05-WABI-63 Freeses Shoe Dept.
Shoe department including many racks of shoes and a sign reading, 'Bob's Smart Shoes.'
17) 0395 cat. 0065-06-WABI-63 Merchant's Bank
Commercial for bank including person signing form, dropping a key onto the form, two women entering the vault and opening a safety deposit box.
19) 0395 cat. 0065-07-WABI Webber Supply, Heil Furnaces
Commercial including a woman and small boy inspecting a furnace sold by Webber Supply.
13) 0395 cat. 0065-08-WABI Fairview Wine
Commercial with man showing and describing varieties of Fairview wine.
11) 0395 cat. 1028-06-WABI-63 Bangor-Brewer Bowling Lanes
Footage from the Bangor-Brewer Bowling Lanes for an ad or promo. Shots include exteriors, an arc shot of a setup of bowling pins, also various LS and MS of attempted strikes. Re...
22) 0398 cat. 1035-05-WABI-64 Coopal on New Bangor High School
Interview of Bangor official Coopal by Dick Bronson regarding commercial saying new Bangor High School will be auctioned off. Same as Cat. no. 0081-05-WABI-64.
23) 0408 cat. 0086-13-WABI-64 Broiler Festival
Belfast or Skowhegan: Festival including 16 county misses, Miss Poultry Queen, Maine Sea Goddess, advertising billboards for event, a lot filled with trailers, woodcutting conte...
24) 0431 cat. 1014-03-WABI Chevron Commercial
Commercial : including a receptionist answering the phone, an oil truck leaving from Chevron and delivering oil at a house, company logo on truck, truck driving past other fuel ...
23) 0452 cat. 1060-16-WABI-67 Northeast's New Supervisor of Grooming & Appearance
Poised woman and two officials at Bangor Airport, Northeastern Airline Terminal. Walking down stairs, walking across tarmack, politely listening to one man. Displaying poise and...
26) 0553 cat. 0060-17-WABI-62 Cole's Express
Message from Cole's Express by Ali Cole's son. Gives a brief history of his company and how they employ 200 Maine people. Commercial to sponsor an upcoming show from Bass Park's...
38) 0558 cat. 0059-12-WABI-62 Renault Automatic
Commercial for Renault's new push button automatic automobile. CU finger pushing the drive button, LS of car cruising along various roads, stopping for a boy and dog to cross ro...
19) 0558 cat. 0059-14-WABI-62 Nissen Buttermilk Biscuits
Commercial for Nissen's new buttermilk biscuits. Narrator describes how people used to make buttermilk biscuits over process. Shots of a woman putting biscuits in oven. CU biscu...
29) 0558 cat. 0059-15-WABI-62 Holsum Gold 'N' Round
Commercial: Two ads for Holsum's Gold 'N' Round bread. Both show a loaf of bread spinning in LS, various arrangements of hors d'oeuvres on slowly spinning plates. Jingle and nar...
30) 0558 cat. 0060-01-WABI-62 Dane-T-Bits
A woman talks about and shows Dane-T-Bits Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies. Shots include MS woman with cookies, LS of cookies, MS pan of some women seated.
31) 0558 cat. 0060-02-WABI-63 Rapaport Auto
Commercial: Rapaport Auto Co., Inc., Sales and Service. Raw footage for commercial is on 1026-16. Shots include MS of car driving on a road, zoom to a LS, man gets out of car to...
140) 0558 cat. 0060-03-WABI Rapaport Auto
Footage for a Rapaport Auto Ad. Footage includes a look at the outside of the building and car lot, one of their cars on the road, Rapaport logo.
9) 0558 cat. 0060-04-WABI-62 W.C. Grants Toyland
Commercial: W.C. Grants Toyland. Man promotes a doll and carriage. MS of doll, carriage and man, Grants sign in background.
34) 0558 cat. 0060-05-WABI Summer Fun in Rhythm
Promo for Channel 5 Spectacular, sponsored by Rapaport Auto. Shots include dancing men and women intercut with onscreen words, 'Swing' 'Into' 'Summer.'' 'Summer Fun in Rhythm', ...
30) 0558 cat. 0060-06-WABI-63 Jordan's Franks
Commercial: Jordan's new extra mild skinless franks. Sound is barely audible. Shots include MS and CU of package, table set up with franks and rolls, barbecue things. Jordan's l...
24) 0558 cat. 0060-07-WABI-63 Homemaker Beans
Commercial: Homemaker Beans, CU of man at podium, saying he won't put up with watery beans, zooms out to show a crowd with picket signs protesting. Ends telling you how to get a...
1) 0558 cat. 0060-08-WABI Bread Commercial
Commercial: Italian bread. Shows a few loaves of bread on table. Woman takes an Italian roll and fills it with salami, onions, lettuce.
2) 0558 cat. 0060-10-WABI-64 Grey Brothers Equipment Co.
Commercial: Hus-ski snow sled in commercial for Grey Brothers Equipment Co. Shots include a man taking a Hus-ski out of the back of his truck, CUs of Hus-ski, CU of Grey Brother...
45) 0558 cat. 0060-11-WABI-62 Nissen's English Muffins
Commercial: An animated boy tells how to use Nissen's English Muffins in recipes: shots include a woman looking through her recipes, creamed leftovers being poured over english ...
4) 0558 cat. 1026-16-WABI-62 Rapaport Auto Co.
Commercial : for car, including various takes of car driving around a bush, CU of front grille, man getting out of car to let woman out.
5) 0579 cat. 0044-09-WABI New Equipment?
Men inspect new equipment and shake hands. LS of tower or crane included.
6) 0619.0001 Seven Wonderful Nights
Jack Webb's preview of the CBS fall television lineup, all based on true stories, he says, including Lassie, Dennis the Menace, Ed Sullivan, The McCoys, True Stories, What's My ...
55) 0626 B & A pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13. Copy.
43) 0627 B & A -- Fox & Ginn
Same as 0046-15 but with SOF First proof with added freight scene for final.
30) 0631 and 0630 B & A Christmas Message
Same as 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end. Two takes of 36 ft. each.
58) 0632 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13 but with SOF
85) 0633 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-11 but with S.O.F.
7) 0634 B & A Audio
Audio track (jingle) for B & A transportation company ad, sung by Dick Curless.
68) 0635 B & A Christmas Message
Only audio that goes with a non-audio copy. Similar to 0046-18.
43) 0636 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13. Two takes. SOF
87) 0637 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13.
73) 0638 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Various takes of the two companies logos.
42) 0640 B & A Free Pick-Up and Delivery
Promo for free service including alternating shots of train and truck.
18) 0642 Saab Ad Footage
Hammond Motors Saab footage including Saab's features and Saab driving on various kinds of roads.
9) 0643 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Unused negative portion of ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-02.
64) 0644 Animated Snow Scene
Animated snow scene with trees and mountains. Was used on B & A Christmas commercial.
79) 0645 B & A Iced Cars
Same as 0046-07.
20) 0646 B & A Bus Negative Original
Edited sequence from previous footage includes: bus picking up passengers, driver's view of road, mother taking daughter to restroom, passengers watching landscape, pedestrian w...
21) 0647 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Same as Catalogue No. 0046-08.
24) 0647 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Audio only for bus ad.
47) 0648 B & A Iced Cars
Commercial for Bangor and Aroostook Railroad descibing the pre-iced car service they offer to potato farmers. Shows railroad cars including men loading ice onto cars and raising...
26) 0648 B & A Iced Cars
Audio track for Cat. No. 0046-11.
37) 0649 B & A Audio
Same audio track described in Catalogue No. 0046-03.
28) 0649 B & A Pick-Up/Delivery
Unused negative portion of B & A ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-04.
49) 0649 B & A Pick-Up and Delivery
Ad shows train coming, man loading boxes onto truck, driving and unloading boxes, train coming and going, B & A logo.
74) 0650 B & A Fox and Ginn
Trucking ad with truck pulling out of a drive, driving onto a B & A car, and driving on the highway.
51) 0650 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Audio for Cat. No. 0046-15.
52) 0650 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Animated Signs for the two companies. First shows a truck and a train with text, 'New, Fast, Easy-to-Use Rail Truck Service.' Also footage of B & A and F & G trucks and trains.
33) 0651 B & A Pick-Up and Delivery
Audio same as Catalogue No. 0046-03.
40) 0652 B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end.
33) 0652 B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 1019-05.
267) 0653 Fairmount Furniture Co.
Shot of building exterior as people enter.
55) 0654 B & A Iced Cars
Men loading ice blocks onto railroad cars. Related to 0046-11 and 1009-06.
32) 0654 B & A Iced Cars
Unedited footage showing men loading ice onto train cars.
67) 0655 B & A Christmas Messages
B & A employee Gordon Robertson wishes everyone Merry Christmas and says to be strong through tough financial times and enjoy holiday.
26) 0659 Portland Glass
Commercial for Portland Glass showing man trying to close ripped shower curtain. Suggests he should replace it with Portland Glass product.
5) 0659 [Maine State Lottery Commercial]
Maine State Lottery commercial featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson characters.
6) 0659 [Shaw's Commercial]
Shaw's Supermarket commercial with woman featuring Shaw's low prices and this week's special on pork chops.
7) 0659 [Maine State Lottery Commercial]
Second Maine State Lottery commercial on Cat. no. 5414 featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson characters.
244) 0659 Portland Glass
Commercial for Portland Glass in which man is driving classic car with cracked windshield. Suggests he should replace it with Portland Glass.
184) 0659 Coupon Swap Centers
Dated February 7, 1980. Shaw's Supermarket commercial in which woman demonstrates how to put coupons into bins at swap center.
28) 0659 ['Falling In Love' Ad]
Short, incomplete ad for HBO movies 'Falling in Love' with Meryl Streep and Robert de Niro and 'Same Time Next Year' with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn
8) 0659 [Shaw's Commercial]
Shaw's Supermarket commercial with woman featuring lower prices including this week's special on pork chops.
25) 0659 cat 5415-03-WEST [WGMX radio spot]
WGMX-FM 93 radio spot: bright pop art animation of man sitting in living room surrounded by smokey cloud until he changes radio dial and breath of fresh air comes in. Scene tran...
9) 0686 cat. 5295-01-SHAW-89 Shaw's Impact '90
Promotional tape for Shaw's Supermarkets which incorporates 2-second MCU shot of cow from Hinckley Collection at NHF (Catalog no. 5044-01-HINK-40). Opens with events of 1856, ye...
11) 0704 We'll Be Right Back
Dated July 31, 1989. Compilation of campy commercials from early days of TV. Includes Madge of old Palmolive dishwashing liquid commercials and Mr. Whipple character from Charmi...
1) 0729.0001 [Pape Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Pape Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial.
16) 0729.0002 [Staley Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Staley Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of red car in garage, equipment, mechanics, exterior of Staley C...
3) 0729.0003 [Miscellaneous Chevrolet Dealer Ads]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Chevrolet car dealer advertisements/commercials. // Footage of blue pickup truck, 'Shepard Chevrolet, Inc.' sign, dealer in lot, ...
4) 0729.0004 [Sebago Lake Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Sebago Lake Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of 'Sebago Lake Garage' sign, dealer in front of store.
19) 0729.0005 [Miscellaneous Chevrolet Dealer Ads]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Chevrolet car dealer advertisements/commercials. // Footage of car in Forest City Chevrolet garage, footage from Sebago Lake Chev...
6) 0729.0006 [Leighton Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Leighton Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of cars in lot at Leighton Chevrolet in York, dealer beside st...
21) 0729.0007 [Sebago Lake Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Sebago Lake Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of men beside red truck at Sebago Lake Chevrolet in North W...
312) 0729.0008 [Marcotte Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Marcotte Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of Marcotte Chevrolet exterior and lot in Auburn. // Marcotte ...
9) 0729.0009 [Cantin Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Cantin Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of Willie Cantin Chevrolet sign, exterior of building and lot, d...
293) 0729.0010 [Louis Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Louis Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial // Footage of red truck with dealer, exterior of Louis Chevrolet building, sn...
11) 0729.0011 [Forest City & Louis Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Forest City and Louis Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of Forest City and Louis Chevrolet, OK Used Cars, variety of Chev...
12) 0729.0012 [Goodwin Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Goodwin Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of 'Goodwin's Chevrolet' exterior, cars arriving in lot on truck.
13) 0729.0013 [Dreselly Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Dreselly Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of 'John W. Dreselly' sign, exterior of building and lot, deal...
14) 0729.0014 [Leighton Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Leighton Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of Leighton Chevrolet exterior in York, dealer driving convertible.
15) 0729.0015 [Chaplin Cadillac Ad]
Raw footage for Chaplin Cadillac car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of 'Chaplin Motor Co. Cadillac Oldsmobile' sign, exterior of building and lot, cars. // Location...
16) 0729.0016 [Rowe Ford Ad]
Raw footage for Rowe Ford car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of man in gold hat at Rowe Ford beside car, inspects car, places 'Fussbudget Approved' sticker on it, w...
17) 0729.0017 [Moto-Ski Dealer Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Moto-Ski snowmobile distributor advertisement/commercial. Footage of Rockwell Distributors Inc. building, interior with equipment...
18) 0729.0018 [Sampsons Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Sampsons advertisement/commercial. // Footage of 'Sampsons' sign and store, interior aisles, cash registers.
33) 0729.0019 [Capitol Shopping Center Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Capitol Shopping Center advertisement/commercial footage. // Footage of YMCA, 'Capitol Shopping Center' sign, construction, Shaw's and Mammoth Ma...
20) 0729.0020 [Capitol Shopping Center Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Capitol Shopping Center advertisement/commercial footage. Footage of 'Capitol Shopping Center' sign, construction, Capitol building dome, Mammoth...
21) 0729.0021 [Capitol Shopping Center Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Capitol Shopping Center advertisement/commercial footage. Footage of construction, newspapers on rack, Augusta Hospital.
36) 0729.0022 [Shaw's Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement/commercial for Shaw's Supermarket. Footage of gumballs, boy pushing shopping cart around store, playing with gumball machine, exter...
1) 0729.0023 [Columbia Market Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement/commercial for Columbia Market. // Footage of meat on display in store.
2) 0729.0024 [Columbia Market Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement/commercial for Columbia Market. // Footage of china display in store with cups and plates on shelves. // Tape label on film: 'Colum...
3) 0729.0025 [IGA Ad]
Advertisement/commercial for IGA. // Footage of flowers in garden, meat and corn on grill. // Label on film: 'IGA 16 1/2 Sec. P-5 Back Ribs on Grill with Corn.'
26) 0729.0026 [CVS Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement/commercial for Consumer Value Stores (CVS). // Footage of storefront (probably Portland CVS), interior with display racks and custo...
27) 0729.0027 [Newsbeat Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Outtake footage for Newsbeat advertisement/commercial. // Very short clips of weatherman, miscellaneous reporters, cruise ship in water, singer o...
222) 0729.0028 [Maine Sunday Telegram Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Maine Sunday Telegram advertisement/commercial. // Footage of newspapers coming off press, man reading Maine Sunday Telegram paper, paper by fron...
7) 0729.0029 [Jordan's Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Jordan's advertisement/commercial. // Footage of picnic with hot dogs by ocean. Soundtrack is boy singing Jordan jingle. Jordan's meat products s...
8) 0729.0030 [Nissen Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Nissen Bread advertisement/commercial. Animated footage of boy eating slice of bread. Soundtrack: 'baked in the New England tradition.' // Labels...
9) 0729.0031 [Nissen Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Nissen Bread advertisement/commercial. Animated footage of boy eating slice of bread. Soundtrack: 'baked in the New England tradition.' // Labels...
119) 0729.0032 [Cushman's Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Nissen Bread advertisement/commercial. // Footage of woman holding tray with food, Cushman's box. Talks about Cushman's Easter bakery products in...
227) 0729.0033 [DiMillo's Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement/commercial for unknown restaurant, possibly DiMillo's in Portland. // Footage in restaurant of people ordering, eating lobster, ban...
12) 0729.0034 [Central Maine Power Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Central Maine Power Company (CMP) advertisement/commercial; woman beside stove, thermostat, talks about benefits of electric heating; CMP logo at...
35) 0729.0035 [Central Maine Power Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Central Maine Power Company (CMP) advertisement/commercial. Woman shopping for electric clothes dryer, discusses benefits of electric dryers. // ...
36) 0729.0036 [Central Maine Power Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Central Maine Power Company (CMP) advertisement/commercial. 'It's A Happening!' text/title flashes across frames. Footage of water coming out of ...
15) 0729.0037 [Depositor's Trust Ads]
Date from edge code on film. // Depositor's Trust Company advertisement/commercial. // Drawings/cartoons of men intercut with text. Still drawings, not animated. // Item consist...
18) 0729.0038 [Depositor's Trust Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Depositor's Trust Company advertisement/commercial. // Drawings/cartoons of men intercut with text. Still drawings, not animated. // 'Questionabl...
319) 0729.0039 [McCulloch Chainsaws Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // McCulloch chainsaws advertisement/commercial. // Animated man with 'McC' cowboy hat covering entire body stands in front of television set with m...
18) 0729.0040 [Soule Glass Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Soule Glass advertisement/commercial. // Interior footage of glass warehouse, glass on storage shelves. // Label on film: 'Soule Glass WGAN-Portl...
235) 0729.0059 [R.C. Hazelton Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement/commercial for aluminum culvert material from R.C. Hazelton. Announcer interviews foreman at Brunswick shopping center (possibly Co...
17) 0729.0068 [Depositor's Trust Ads]
Depositor's Trust Company advertisement/commercial; drawings/cartoons of men intercut with text; still drawings, not animated; item consists of two ads: 'It Takes Money To Make ...
25) 0729.0075 [Chaplin Cadillac Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Chaplin Cadillac car dealer advertisement/commercial. Footage of cars in lot, exterior of dealership. // Tape label on film: 'Raw...
24) 0729.0076 [Chaplin Cadillac Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Chaplin Cadillac car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of cars in lot, exterior of dealership. // Tape label on film: '...
23) 0729.0077 [Pape Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Pape Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial; exterior of building; tape label: 'Unused Pape'
24) 0729.0078 [Marcotte Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Marcotte Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial; footage of Marcotte Chevrolet exterior, trucks in lot, cars being painted in garage, service counter; Mar...
241) 0729.0079 [Shepard Chevrolet Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Raw footage for Shepard Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial. // Footage of Shepard Chevrolet exterior. // Tape label on film: 'Shepard ...
17) 0729.0083 [Staley Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Staley Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial; footage of trucks in lot, exterior of Staley Chevrolet building, inspection equipment in garage; also see i...
243) 0813 Pruf, Had It Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
28) 0813 Seven-Up, Turn Around Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
3) 0813 Hills Bros. Coffee, The Bean Buyer Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
15) 0813 Avon Cosmetics Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
19) 0813 Plymouth Duster 1973 Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
6) 0813 Downy, Ganging Up Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
33) 0813 Marshal Cavendish Man & Woman, Attraction Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
22) 0813 Cold Water All, Shopping Cart Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
35) 0813 Ocean Spray, Breakfast Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
10) 0813 Skippy Peanut Butter, Outdoor Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
1) 0813 Joanna Western, Window Shopping Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
12) 0813 IGA, Milliken, Tom L
Advertisement (commercial).
231) 0813 Good Seasons, Alberghetti Fresh Salad Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
19) 0813 Schick Injector System, Face Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
15) 0813 Georgia Pacific, Renaissance Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
6) 0813 Toyota, Symphony Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
7) 0813 Wild West 3A
Advertisement (commercial).
1) 0813 A&W Root Beer, Burger Family Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). 5/28/74
9) 0813 Chapstick, Warm Weather Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
12) 0813 Crest, Check Ups Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
13) 0813 Publishers Clearing House, Forbes Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
35) 0813 Pepsodent, Volleyball Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). box also says CW All Power
265) 0813 American Dairy, Football Star Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). NHF viewing notes: Milk commercial with groovy good-looking guy and cheerleader.
266) 0813 Ivory Bar, Write In Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
53) 0813 American Dairy, Britisher Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
268) 0813 Wisk, Laundering Expert Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
55) 0813 Winnebago Industries, Quick Cuts Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
270) 0813 Totes, Womans Umbrella Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
59) 0813 Bonanza, Quality Alt Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
30) 0813 Carling, Pit Stop Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
61) 0813 Del Monte, We Never Stop Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
22) 0813 Sunbeam Crepemaker, Versatility Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
16) 0813 American Dairy Assoc., School Teacher Explicit Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
34) 0813 Hasbro Toys, Moe the Monkey/Inch Worm Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
35) 0813 A&W Root Beer, General Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
72) 0813 Nestle, Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
18) 0813 Colgate, Bambeano's, Vendor Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
28) 0813 Carling, Pit Stop Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
3) 0813 Schmidts, Chorus Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
19) 0813 E.F. Hutton, J.P. Getty Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
20) 0813 Bonanza, Kids Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
32) 0813 Yerxa's fan-mower
Advertisement (commercial).
21) 0813 Airwick-Solid, Sunrise-Sunset Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
286) 0813 Salada, Fireater Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
31) 0813 Coast, Club Dance Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
22) 0813 Datsun, B-210/1975 Intro Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
23) 0813 Dutch Boy Paints, Fence Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
2) 0813 Schick Super II, Heart Pool Out Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
3) 0813 Gerber's Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
33) 0813 Polaris, 1978, TX/TXL Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
24) 0813 Playtex, Matinee/LFP Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
25) 0813 Vanity Fair, Dinner Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
26) 0813 Morton, Donut Shop Donut Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
8) 0813 Borden Drake Yodels, School Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
7) 0813 Sunkist, Southwest Kids Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
10) 0813 Marshall Cavendish, Animal Life, Zebras Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
35) 0813 Polaris, 1978 Cobra Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
12) 0813 Cold Water All Powder, Switch Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
13) 0813 Hills Brothers Coffee, Wrong Price Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
27) 0813 Toro, Grass Test Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
28) 0813 A&W Root Beer, Root Beer Natural Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
14) 0813 Ajax, State Trooper Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
17) 0813 Dial Anti-Perspirant, Gentle Difference Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
18) 0813 Wisk, Dressing for Dinner Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
29) 0813 E.F. Hutton, Plane Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
20) 0813 Cycle, Split Screen Revg. '74 Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
21) 0813 Kellogg, Cornflakes, Champion Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
22) 0813 Sunoco, School Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
18) 0813 American Dairy, Cheerleader Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
42) 0813 Advanced All, Raspberry Tank Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). box also says 'Dove Liquid'
36) 0813 Schmidts, Taste Dis Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
31) 0813 E.F. Hutton, Restaurant Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
6) 0813 Jet-X, Father's Day Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
10) 0813 Bold Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
22) 0813 Rockwell, Drill Sergeant Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
32) 0813 Cycle, Living Can Rev '74 Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
34) 0813 Ocean Spray, Diner-Rev Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
32) 0813 Columbia Pic.
Advertisement (commercial).
21) 0813 Borden Drake Coffee Cake Jr., Sneaky Snacks Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
23) 0813 Seven-Up, Tiffany Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
35) 0813 Schmidts, Locations Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
36) 0813 Drive, Bar-B-Que Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). Lever Bros.
33) 0813 El Producto, Air Cured Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
2) 0813 Sunbeam, Carousel Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
34) 0813 Airwick, Lemon Scent Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
35) 0813 Skippy, Raisins Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
289) 0813 Lemon Pledge/Liquid Glory Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
6) 0813 Dash, Look-o-Th Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
36) 0813 A&W Root Beer, Teen Burger Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
290) 0813 Seven-Up, Doubletake Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
22) 0813 Canada Dry, Mixer Cheese Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
10) 0813 Borden Drake Devil Dog, Bakery Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
295) 0813 Toro, 3 in 1 Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
12) 0813 Bonanza, Housewives Alt. Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
13) 0813 Sunbeam, Coffee Master, Stainless Steel Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
14) 0813 Hoover Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
15) 0813 Grant's Bikes
Advertisement (commercial).
16) 0813 Clorox, Litter Green Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
17) 0813 Jenn-Air, Flip Its Top Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
18) 0813 Schmidts, Moe Fennig Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
303) 0813 Toro, Country Rider Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
20) 0813.PC223 Toyota, Foreman Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
1) 0820.0001 [various commercials]
One reel containing 1970s commercials from WABI TV Bangor; national spots.
17) 0823 Speaks for Itself
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Capistro Wine, title 'Speaks for Itself,' producer WLBZ
2) 0823 Geek Banker
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Great Northern Lighting, title 'Geek Banker,' producer...
29) 0823 American Tradition
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Downeast Country Wines, title 'American Tradition,' pr...
14) 0823 Winter Spots
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Northeast Chrysler & Plymouth Inc., title 'Winter Spot...
5) 0823 Light Up Your Life
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Sound Ideas, title 'Light up Your Life,' producer WLBZ
35) 0823 All People
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Ellsworth Builders Supply (EBS), title 'All People,' p...
5) 0823 Babcock-Ultra Power Plants
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Maine Power Services, title 'Babcock-Ultra Power Plant...
1) 0823 [title not known]
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Paul's/Jordan's Restaurant, [title?], producer WLBZ, 4...
9) 0823 Old Man
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Ellsworth Builders Supply (EBS), title 'Old Man,' prod...
10) 0823 Stay an Extra Day
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Quoddy Bay/Fundy Isles Tourism, title 'Stay an Extra D...
11) 0823 Beauty of Nature
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client New Land Nursery, title 'Beauty of Nature,' producer WLBZ
12) 0823 April Diamond Heist
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client G.M. Pollack & Sons, title 'April Diamond Heist,' prod...
13) 0823 A New Mariane's
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Mariane's, title 'A New Mariane's,' producer WLBZ
14) 0823 Old Man & All People
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Ellsworth Builders Supply (EBS), title 'Old Man & All ...
32) 0823 [title not known]
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Footman's Dairy, [title?], producer Duffy Darrow, 30 sec.
16) 0823 Simply the Best
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client The Lion, title 'Simply the Best,' producer WLBZ
17) 0823.PC9 Hinckley
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client The Hinckley Co. title 'Hinckley,' producer Jeff Dobbs...
20) 0845.0001 Television: Birth of the Video God in Bangor
Bangor High School student's video term paper including interviews with Richard (Dick) Bronson, George Gonyar and Margo Cobb about beginnings of WLBZ TV and WABI TV. Also includ...
2) 0845.0002 [raw footage for 'Birth of the Video God in Bangor']
Unedited interviews for Bangor High School student's video term paper titled 'Birth of the Video God in Bangor.' Interviews are with Richard (Dick) Bronson, George Gonyar and Ma...
296) 0849 Maine at the Big E
No description available
301) 0849 Maine Spring Ski-ver
No description available
7) 0849 [Various titles]
Includes the following titles: - Waterfront, a television series (syndicated 1954) about San Pedro Harbor (CA), starring Preston Foster; 16 episodes, 1,000 ft. each. - 138 assor...
2) 0849 Maine Fall
No description available
308) 0849 Maine Summer Festival
No description available
13) 0849 Nature's Blueberryland
No description available
14) 0849 Potatoland
No description available
297) 0849 Maine Bluefin Tuna
No description available
70) 0856 [Fairview Wine advertisement]
Studio commercial for Fairview Wine, a product of Gardiner (Me.) by John Eaton, a newsman and announcer.
14) 0867.0001 Simpler
Cablevision advertising used footage from Veilleux Collection Christmas scenes (Cat. 5310-07) for seasonal advertising for Lewiston Mall.
36) 0872.0001 Cole Haan Men's Fall 1992
Includes archival footage from NHF collections for shoe manufacturers' advertisement. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
10) 0873.0001 Country Kitchen Light
Advertisement for Lewiston, Me. -based bakery. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection: Country Kitchen ad, and YMCA excercise. Ad uses music video style. ONSITE ...
8) 0935.0001 Land of Remembered Vacations
Promotional work made for the Maine Department of Economic Development. begins with scenes of Kittery, Maine turnpike to Augusta and Kennebec River. Film includes discussion of:...
2) 0960.0001-.0122 [1992 political commercials]
Political commercials, 1992 campaign. All the tapes WABI TV ran during the campaign season except the controversial abortion spot which the group requested back. List by Colleen...
19) 902 Scandja
Imperial Sauna
212) 1013.0001 New England's Heritage Trail
Summary provided by AFI: 'A tour of New England which includes scenes of Mystic, CT; the mansions of Newport, RI; Martha's Vineyard and Boston, MA; a clambake and blacksmith's f...
73) 1068.0001 [Sunset Lodge promotional film]
Can notes for Reel 1: 'Sunset Lodge Promotional Film.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 as follows. Printed title cards in quotes. 1. 'Two young ladies come to Maine for their bass...
22) 1081.0001 ['Birth of the Video God in Bangor' rough copy--interviews]
Note: compare with Acc. 0845.0002 (may be same)
39) 1092.0008-.0009 The Resource and the Challenge (NHF Reels 8-9)
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for NHF Reels 8-9: [DIVISION BETWEEN REELS IS UNCLEAR] 'J.R. Simplot Co. Presents The Resource and the Challenge.' Promo film for a mining and agri...
9) 1092.0010 Machine, Inc. of Maine (NHF Reel 10)
NHF catlaoguer's notes, 11/94 for NHF Reel 10: 'Machine Inc. of Maine' promo film for a sand screening production equipment company.
73) 1108.0074 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 074
Reel 74, Part I: Archie Stewart can notes 'Silent & sound. Trip to Florida, winter 1937-38 (for the dear public). SOUND Screening notes: Color. Intermittent sound. Same tr...
118) 1136.PC1-.PC72 [public service announcements]
MPBC promotional, public service announcements. Mostly 30 seconds each, some multiple spots on each reel. Boxes are coded with 'F-' numbers, as follows: Series F100s-200s F108: ...
27) 1140.0556 [New State Lottery Games]
Steele reports on new games being offered by the Maine State Lottery. Games are 'Great Outdoors' and 'Downeast Sweepstakes' and are geared towards the tourist trade. Lottery dir...
28) 1191.4478 CBS Affiliates Fall Preview Film: The Winners Circle
CBS season promo including previews of Mayberry RFD for Monday night, Lancer for Tuesday night, The Good Guys for Wednesday night, Blondie for Thursday night, and Hawaii Five-O....
29) 1191.4479 CBS Affiliates Fall Preview Film: Where the Good Times Are
CBS promo reel for fall show premieres including Bear Cats; Chicago Teddybears; O'Hara, United States Treasury; the CBS Sunday Night Movie, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?; CBS Th...
30) 1191.4487 CBS - The Best Television On Television
CBS/WABI-produced season preview; Have Gun, Will Travel; The Governor & JJ; Marshall Dillon; Medical Center; The Jim Nabors Hour; Get Smart!; To Rome With Love.
31) 1191.4489 CBS Affiliates Film: 1972-1973 Promo
CBS promo reel for 1972-1973 shows including MASH; Anna & the King; Bob Newhart; Maude; New Bill Cosby Show; Sandy Duncan Show; The Waltons; Bridget Loves Bernie; Previous acces...
32) 1250 [NHF Compilation: 'sample uses of archival footage']
1991 NHF compilation of sample uses of archival footage. The tape contains: 1. Bank checks, June 1947 2. 'Reflet' excerpt, 10/26/81 3. United Airlines commercial, 4/10/91.
25) 1250.0010 [NHF Compilation - Samples From the Collection]
VHS reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation of samples from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, Drawing a Lobster pot, 1902, ...
5) 1255.0001 [Burnett's Vanilla Extract]
Company-made film about how vanilla extract is made. Opening of film is missing but otherwise it is complete through the end. Intertitles. 1) Constant inspection must be maintai...
1) 1275.0002 Hollywood on the Kennebec
Dated June 1988. Made for broadcast show regarding history of moving image in Maine. Includes clip from 'Way Down East,' screening of that film at Grand Theatre in Ellsworth, sh...
36) 1300.0001 [Excerpts from Total Containment/S.D. Warren Productions]
VHS reference tape. Contains excerpts from two industrial promotional works. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY. 'Total Containment, Jacket Application' was made for marketing purposes, to b...
1) 1316.0001 [Fabulous Footage Demo Tape]
Demo tape (trailer) containing representative stock footage that is marketed by Fabulous Footage. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
3) 1348.0001 Discover New Hampshire on Videocassette
'New Hampshire Movies announces its 1989 releases.' ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
26) 1356 Portrait of a Day
Video 'slide show' promoting Proctor Academy. Emphasizes 'spirit, friendship...the good things in life.' Includes archival stills.
4) 1359.0001 Celebration of Winter
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Celebrati...
5) 1359.0002 Parachute for Safety
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on reel as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Parachute for Safet...
3) 1359.0003 New Hampshire
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on card inside film container and on reel as follows (length is approx.). Print may b...
7) 1359.0004 Remembering New Hampshire
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Rememberi...
5) 1359.0005 Autumn N.H.
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Autumn N....
6) 1359.0006 Holidays Unlimited #3
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Holidays ...
10) 1359.0007 Winter Fun in N.H.
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container and reel as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. '...
18) 1359.0009 N.H. The Granite State
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'N.H. The ...
9) 1359.0011 It's No Picnic
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'It's No P...
12) 1359.0012 N.H. Schools
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container and on note inside container as follows (length is approx.). Print ...
14) 1359.0013 Many Moods of N.H.
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Many Mood...
14) 1359.0014 It's Fair Time in New Hampshire
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'It's Fair...
16) 1359.0015 Concord Coach
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Concord C...
5) 1366.0001 The Progressive Forest: Champion in the Northeast
Promotional video by and for Champion International Corporation. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
13) 1367.0001 History is Always Being Made at Bucksport
Promotional video by and for Champion International Corporation. This production includes NHF archival footage from: Central Maine Power Collection (Bucksport mill construction)...
16) 1374.0001 [Maine Agricultural Footage]
NHF notes, 4/96: Maine agriculture footage shot by Maine Central Railroad, possibly intended for use in promotional film to attract passengers from New York City. With intertitl...;Title: Picture of farm animals outside a building: ‘The Bank of Nature’. Intertitle: ‘It Pays Dividends’. Intertitle: ‘The producers of this film gratefully acknowledge the coop...
8) 1439.0001 League of Conservation Voters: Times
VHS reference tape of television ad called 'Times' paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Association. Dated 10/1/96. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collecti...
2) 1461 Maine's TV Time Machine
General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WABI-TV, Bangor news and commercials from the 1950s and 1960s. Includes segments o...
22) 1461.0001 Maine's Television Time Machine
Broadcast version of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 01/02/1991. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WA...
3) 1461.0002 Maine's Television Time Machine
Maine's Television Time Machine 'Version 2.' // Created 05/01/1989. // Formerly Distribution Master. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI...
28) 1461.0003 Maine's Television Time Machine DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 10/27/1989. // New NHF 'tag' added to tape 02/26/1996.' // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor H...
2) 1482.0001 New Hampshire's Route 16
Promotional work sponsored by New Hampshire Dept. of Transportation. Includes NHF archival footage (from Stump to Ship). ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
26) 1490 [NHF compilation: Promo Reel 10]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Unity Raceway, cat.no.0065-01, dated 6/24/62 2. Merchants Banks ad, cat.no.0065-06, dated 2...
20) 1490.0002 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 2]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. B&A pre-iced railroad cars ad, 60 sec., sof, cat.no.1009-06, dated 5/17/61 2. Freeses Gold ...
28) 1490.0003 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 3]
3/4 in. reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Ike speaks at Dow, sof, cat.no.0005-01, dated 1957 2. JFK at Univer...
31) 1491.PC4 [NHF compilation: TV commercials]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. The tape contains: Political commercials: AD-1: cat.no.1007-01, July 1958, 20 sec. sound, Hildreth for Govern...
34) 1539 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Man describes reasons to buy Freeses stamps and where to go to get them.
31) 1558.0024 [WVII Station Identifiers & Eastern Dodge & James Henderson]
Tape contains 2 'Seven Is the One' 60 second WVII station commercials followed by 2 30 second station commercials. Raw footage from Eastern Dodge advertisement follows. Final po...
42) 1630.0001 [Hot Shots/Cool Cuts and Action Sports Adventure demo tape]
VHS reference tape. 1997 demo tape featuring: Action Sports Adventure: 'professional, archival, olympic, [and] extreme' footage; and Hot Shots/Cool Cuts: 'locations, newsreels, ...
107) 1934.0001 Bangor Historical Society/WABI Compilation
Clips of 'Gadget Master' and 'Nuclear Survival Products' transferred from original negative. Digibeta stored in vault, BetaSP stored with reference tapes.
34) 2205.0001 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Color is faded, soundtrack has peeled off in some places.
35) 2205.0002 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // A-wind.
3) 2205.0003 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Color is faded.
1) 2205.0004 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // A-wind.
5) 2205.0005 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Features the Tone-A-Matic belt for women to wear to aid in weight loss. // A-wind.
6) 2205.0006 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // A-wind. // Same as item acc. 2205.0007.
4) 2205.0007 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // A-wind. // Same as item acc. 2205.0006.
8) 2205.0008 [Jordan Marsh Ads]
Agfa film stock. // Item contains 4 advertisements for the Jordan Marsh department store. // A-wind.
6) 2205.0009 [Jordan Marsh Ad Outtakes]
Raw footage of customer interviews for advertisements for the Jordan Marsh department store.
7) 2205.0010 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Label on film: 'J Marsh Oriental Gowns.' // A-wind.
8) 2205.0011 [Jordan Marsh Ads]
Dates from edge codes on film. //Item contains 4 advertisements for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Disco scene. // A-wind.
9) 2205.0012 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // A-wind.
13) 2205.0013 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
Agfa film stock. // Advertisements for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Labels on film: 'Marshall's C-Roll.' 'Marshall's Back to School (General).' 'Marshall's Back to Scho...
14) 2205.0014 [Jordan Marsh Ad]
2 inch videotape // Advertisement for the Jordan Marsh department store. // Label on tape: '5/28/74.'
35) 2227.0001 [Camel Cigarette Advertisement]
1967 date code on film. // Faded, scratching throughout, several frames missing. // Television advertisement for Camel Cigarettes filmed in Acadia National Park. 'I'd walk a mil...
34) 2267.0002 Screaming Yellow Zonkers: Metamorphosis
Date from edge code on film. // Animated advertisement for Screaming Yellow Zonkers (cereal?). // Elderly man eats Screaming Yellow Zonkers, transforms into bearded man with bow...
33) 2288.0001 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 1
Date from edge code on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel appears to consist primarily of material from Sk...
32) 2288.0002 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 2
Date from edge code on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel appears to consist primarily of material from Bl...
16) 2288.0003 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 3
1967, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from E.M. Loew's West Boylst...
30) 2288.0004 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 4
1970, 1971 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Mohawk Trail Community ...
24) 2288.0005 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 5
1965, 1968, 1972, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Route 7 Dri...
19) 2288.0006 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 6
Date range from edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Seekonk Twin Drive...
7) 2288.0007 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 7
Date range from edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Neponset Drive-In ...
26) 2288.0008 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 8
Date range from edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In Th...
12) 2288.0009 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 9
1967, 1979, 1984 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In T...
24) 2288.0010 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 10
1962, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In Theater...
18) 2288.0011 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 11
1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Chelm...
25) 2294.0001 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 1
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters.
13) 2294.0002 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 2
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters.
20) 2294.0003 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 3
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters.
19) 2294.0004 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 4
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters.
26) 2339.0001 [Miller Beer Advertisement]
Color slightly faded. // Television advertisement for Miller Beer filmed in Maine with lobster fishing theme.
16) 2342.0001 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 1
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from Massachusetts and West Virginia drive-in theaters.
17) 2342.0002 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 2
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from Massachusetts and West Virginia drive-in theaters.
18) 2342.0003 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 3
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from Massachusetts and West Virginia drive-in theaters.
14) 2342.0004 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 4
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from Massachusetts and West Virginia drive-in theaters.
13) 2342.0005 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 5
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from Massachusetts and West Virginia drive-in theaters.
12) 2359.0004 [Seavey's Ads]
Label on tape: 'Seavey's 9/28/84 #2 of 2.'
4) 2359.0014 [Advertisement Compilation]
Label on tape: 'Sales Demo 14.' // Compilation of southern Maine advertisements. WCSH countdown at beginning indicates that tape may have been made by WCSH. Date from paperwork ...
1) 2359.PC2 [Greater Portland Boys & Girls Clubs PSAs]
Label on tape: 'Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Portland. PSA with Narration.' // 2 30 second television ads.
8) 2384.0001 [Sutton Motor-In Trailers] Reel 1
Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from the Sutton Motor-In in Sutton, Massachusetts.
2) 2716.0198 Cityline - Acrerley; Elec. Wrap; Isaac Julian
Cityline - Acrerley; Elec. Wrap; Isaac Julian; X425; WCVB code 48;The lack of Black representation in the city; billboard advertising messages at Dudley Station; Young Soul Rebels, a film set in 1977; low voter turnout and slow start to campai...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes; Directed by Phil Rubin; Production Assistant: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard Peabody; Audio: Joe...
3) 2716.0217 Cityline - Whoopi; Advertising
Cityline - Whoopi; Advertising; X2617; WCVB code 24; rec date: 9-15-92; air date: 9-20-92;Cityline - Whoopi; Advertising Whoopi Goldberg, MBongeni Ngema; Leleti Khumalo are interviewed; Advertising to the Black consumer; Colette Phillips and Bink Garrison are interv...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Au...
6) 2716.0493 Good Day - #4318; Penn and Teller; Dr. Marilyn Griffin; Anya VonBremzen
Master;#4318; Callers talk about their tattoos; Penn and Teller demonstrate some magic on the show and talk about why they call themselves the bad boys of magic; Anya VonBremzen demons...
10) 2716.2393 Chronicle - Look of Love
Aircheck;Look of Love; Hamburger wars between McDonald's, Wendys, and Burger King; extensive ads and use of interviews to explain the differences in the products and attitudes of the pro...
14) 7318 [Commercials and NASA films]
Commercials: Morton Foods; promo for 'Captain Nemo and the Underwater City'; Coca Cola; Camel Cigarettes. NASA films: Energy from Wind Power; Landsat (Earth Reserves Satellite);...
3) 7493 [Hot Shots/Cool Cuts and Action Sports Adventure demo tape]
VHS reference tape. 1995 demo tape featuring: Action Sports Adventure: 'professional, archival, olympic, [and] extreme' footage from the Sports Footage Library and Production; a...
19) 7976 Fidelity at Fifty
VHS reference tape. Promotional tape made by and for Fidelity Investments Corporation. Dated 7 March 1996. Includes seven seconds of NHF archival footage from one of three colle...
1) 9630 [various commercials]
Eleven 30-second commercials. Label for 3/4 in. tape: 1. Friendly Candlemaker :30 'Village bath' FCM-77-3 2. Downeast Toyota :30 'Get what you pay for' DET-77-15 3. WVII 'You Sa...
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