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Presidents--United States
4) 0307 cat. 0005-01-WABI-57
Eisenhower Speaks at Dow AFB, Bangor
Bangor: Eisenhower gives a short speech and receives a fly rod as a gift. Shots of Eisenhower, Air Force 1 airplane on the ground and departure. Ref. 300.
35) 0307 cat. 1001-02-WABI-55
President Dwight Eisenhower at Dow Air Force Base
Eisenhower refueling including landing strip and airplane, Ike talking with two officers.
11) 0307 cat. 1001-08-WABI-53
First Salmon to Dwight D. Eisenhower
Washington, D.C.: Presentation of year's first salmon by Walter D. to President Eisenhower including the pair in the Oval Office, outside the White House, the Capitol, and other...
52) 0313 cat. 0009-03-WABI-59
Interview with Charles K. Wharton (?)
Interview with Charles K. Wharton (?), legislative assistant to Vice President Nixon about policy with Russia. Issues are the steel dispute and strike, legislation about TV show...
57) 0419 cat. 0091-02-WABI-55?
President Dwight Eisenhower Refuels at Dow Air Force Base
Refueling of Eisenhower's jet including his deplaning and talking with the base commander, his plane landing and taking off, LS and MLS of him talking with officers and young wo...
6) 0752.0002
Warner Pathe News: Volume 1, Number 2
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'United Nations'; 'U.S. Marines in Korea, MacArthur makes a tour'; 'Formosa prepares itself for invasion by ...
3) 0752.0003
Warner Pathe News: Volume 2, Number 2
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'General Marshall retires'; 'New York Governor Dewey visits Truman at White House'; 'Eisenhower and NATO tro...
4) 0752.0005
Warner Pathe News: Volume 2, Number 4
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Presidential Possibilities'; 'British conflict along the Suez Canal in Egypt'; 'Child spy released'; 'Stop ...
9) 0752.0007
Warner Pathe News: Volume 2, Number 6
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains:'Ike Says He's Willing'; 'Snowbound Streamliner'; 'Churchill in America'; 'Troops Undergo Atom Test'; 'The St...
17) 0752.0009
Warner Pathe News: Volume 2, Number 8
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Presidential Race Review'; 'Record Snow Hits California'; 'Fire Razes Snowboung Home'; 'Airlift Saves Nevad...
2) 0752.0014
Warner Pathe News: Volume 3, Number 4
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Ike on the Job'; 'New Jet Record'; 'Trygve Lie Resigns'; 'The Hot War: Indo-China, Korea'; 'NATO Maneuvers'...
15) 0752.0015
Warner Pathe News: Volume 3, Number 3
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'America Elects a New President: Dwight D. Eisenhower'; 'Lincoln at Gettysburg'; 'Voyage of the 'East Wind''...
13) 0752.0016
Warner Pathe News: Volume 3, Number 5
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Ike Goes to Korea'; 'The Crown Jewels'; 'England's Atom Bomb'; 'Battle of Na San'; 'Paradrop Maneuvers'; 'S...
26) 0752.0017
Warner Pathe News: Volume 3, Number 6
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Eisenhower Inaugural'; 'Youth Orchestra'; 'Thomas Alva Edison'; 'A Course in Courtesy'; 'Rocket Review'.
15) 0752.0018
Warner Pathe News: Volume 3, Number 7
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Floods Ravage Europe'; 'Democracy at Work: Truman, Eisenhower and Stevenson'; 'Two Ship Disasters'; 'A Patr...
30) 0752.0021
Warner Pathe News: Volume 3, Number 10
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Power from the Sun'; 'The Coronation'; 'The Battle for Berlin'; 'Truce in Korea'; 'Robert A. Taft 1889-1953...
23) 0752.0023
Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 2
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Report on Korea'; 'Report on Germany'; 'Attempt to Slay Sultan'; 'Mid-Atlantic Sea Rescue'; 'Art: Masterwor...
28) 0752.0024
Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 3
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Trieste'; 'Korea'; 'Indo-China'; 'A Big Birthday Party [for Eisenhower]'; '[Eisenhower and Cortines] Dedica...
25) 0752.0025
Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 4
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Royalty in the News'; 'Indo-China War Goes On'; 'More Trouble in Trieste'; 'Ike Speaks French'; 'Nixon Visi...
56) 0752.0026
Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 5
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The President: 'Big Three Meeting', 'Eisenhower at U.N.''; 'First Atomic Submarine'; 'Tornado Rips Vicksbur...
27) 0752.0027
Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 6
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'President Eisenhower Ends His First Year'; 'Queen Elizabeth on Pacific Tour'; 'France Hails a New President...
21) 0752.0032
Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 1
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Pilgrimage to Mecca'; 'Three U.S. Presidents: Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower'; 'What's New on Wheels: The Revol...
59) 0752.0035
Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 4
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The Elections'; 'Keeping Up With the President: He Dedicates Iwo Statue, He Welcomes New Americans, He Open...
24) 0752.0038
Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 7
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Formosa'; 'Russia's Malenkov Falls From Power'; 'Cameras Film Ike's Press Conference'; 'The Days of the Dir...
5) 0752.0044
Warner Pathe News: Volume 6, Number 3
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Three Terrible Floods'; 'Open Washington's Home'; 'Pope at Athletic Meet'; 'Reds Free German P.O.W.'s'; 'He...
16) 0752.0046
Warner Pathe News: Volume 6, Number 5
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Presidential Possibilities'; 'The Mystery of the Joyita'; 'Educators Meet in Washington'; 'Morocco Hails Su...
20) 0752.0047
Warner Pathe News: Volume 6, Number 6
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'President Eisenhower Takes Up Full Duties'; 'Crucial French Elections'; 'Floods Hit Three States'; 'Festiva...
28) 0752.0048
Warner Pathe News: Volume 6, Number 7
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'News of the President'; 'Argentina: Crowds Hail Freedom'; 'Brazil: Inaugurate New President'; 'India: Parad...
22) 0752.0049
Warner Pathe News: Volume 6, Number 8
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Ike Says 'Yes''; 'Crowds Call on Rhee to Run Again'; 'World Hails Pope on Anniversary'; 'Youngsters Greet R...
67) 0752.0054
Warner Pathe News: Volume 7, Number 4
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Eisenhower Re-Elected!'; 'The Invasion of Egypt'; 'Russia Crushes Hungary'; 'The Teeming Life Within the Se...
36) 0752.0055
Warner Pathe News: Volume 7, Number 6
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The Inauguration!'; 'Ike Visits Dust Bowl'; 'Great Cal. Brush Fire'; 'Inside the Gaza Strip'; 'Open Longest...
9) 0752.0063
Warner Pathe News: Volume 8, Number 5
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'News of the President'; 'Satellite Test Fails'; ''Free Fall' Parachuting'; 'Four-H Club Champions'; 'Aviati...
1) 1108.0121
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 121
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 121 The President [Eisenhower] at Stewart Air Force Base. Screening notes: Pan of United States Air Force plane on runway, service truck. VS pla...
25) 1321.0001-.0022
[Archie Stewart--home movies]
Amateur footage of Sauls family and Stewart family activities. Can notes follow; reel numbers are donor-assigned. 1. Goofy golf tricks--Xmas. Korea Military Maneuvers. Baby Mary...
84) 2002-013.0009
Eisenhower inauguration, 1957--Julia Crafts Sheridan--home movies. Reel 9
Eisenhower inaugural parade. Figures wave from open cars. US Army Firestone Missile on truck, missile says "Honest John" on it. Dark, views obscured by heads.
36) 2002-013.0010
Eisenhower inauguration, 1957--Julia Crafts Sheridan--home movies. Reel 10
Color film of 1957 Eisenhower inaugural.
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Dwight D. Eisenhower (1)
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