79 work results

4) 0730.0001 Diane
Onsite reference only. // Documentary about actress Diane de Lorian.
9) 0736 Spirits of the Polar Night
Onsite reference only. // Documentary on Aurora Borealis including scientists, Alaskans, Eskimo art, the borealis.
7) 0798.0001 Shinto
Onsite reference only. // Outtakes, negative and workprint of 'Shinto,' a documentary about the Shinto religion.
29) 0798.0002 The Isfahan of Shah Abbas
Onsite reference only. // Documentary about Iranian city of Isfahan during the time of Shah Abbas (17th century)
9) 0799.0001 So We Will Stand and Fight
Onsite reference only. // Concerns Native American land claims.;Produced by WKGB TV Boston A Kaiser-Globe News Presentation
28) 1663.0001 A Basin of Life: the Union River Watershed
Documentary on the Union River. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY
12) 2259.0001 Invisible
Invisible master tape.
13) 2259.0002 Old Men, The
No description available
14) 2259.0003 Tree is Dead, The
No description available
10) 2259.0004 Brandeis at 20
Title on film: 'Brandeis at 20.'
16) 2259.0005 India: Writings on the Sand
Title on film: 'India: Writings on the Sand.'
17) 2259.0006 Earthspace: The Magnetosphere
Title on film: 'Earthspace: The Magnetosphere.'
30) 2450.0001 “Archives” by Sarah Westphal - Master
David Westphal, NEH Maine “Archives by Sarah Westphal Master
19) 2450.0002 AH-2
AH - 2 6 JUL 88
32) 2450.0003 AH-3 TC 1-21
AH - 3 TC 1 - 21
33) 2450.0004 AH-4 TC 22-27
A - 4 TC22 - 27
34) 2450.0005 Earth Mother
Earth Mother
35) 2450.0006 Journey into Tradition - Sacred Run
Journey Into Tradition - Sacred Run
36) 2450.0007 Lobstering 8/29/85 South Addison
Lobstering 8/29/85 South Addison
1) 2450.0008 The Union River Watershed
The Union River Watershed
2) 2450.0009 Carl Nelson
Carl Nelson Master;Video copy of ‘Of Endless Wonder’. Film by Betsy Segal + David Westphal, Music by Julian Bream.
3) 2450.0010 Legacy / Chernobyl
Legacy 25:00 Chernobyl 24:00
4) 2450.0011 Walaku TRT Edit Master
Walaku - TRT : 16:25 min Edit Master 1/23/92
5) 2450.0012 Basin of Life
Basin of Life - The Union River Watershed - Basin of Life - Edit Master 1/23/92
6) 2450.0013 Nelson I
Nelson I
7) 2450.0014 Nelson II
Nelson II
27) 2450.0015 Jon 87
Jon 87
28) 2450.0016 Walter
10) 2450.0017 Surry Soprano
Surry Soprano
11) 2450.0018 1002-293 Pageant-Wabanaki
1002 - 293 Pageant - Wabanaki
12) 2450.0019 1002-294 Pow Wow-Wabanaki
1002 - 294 Pow Wow - Wabanaki
13) 2450.0020 1002-292 Pageant-Wabanaki
1002 - 292 Pageant - Wabanaki
14) 2450.0021 1003-295-Blubber-Wabanaki
1003 - 295 - Blubber - Wabanaki
15) 2450.0022 1003-296 Bluber-Wabanaki
1003 - 206 Bluber - Wabanaki
16) 2450.0023 1001-Kilburn Orig.
1001 - Kilburn Orig.
17) 2450.0024 Shinto Mix III
Shinto Mix III
Next 36