202 work results

1) 19248 Curtis Comments on Kennedy Campaign Politics
No description available
2) 18981 Curtis Optimistic Over Disposition of Stan-Pack
No description available
3) 18954 Curtis Compares Kennedy & McCarthy
No description available
4) 18913 Curtis Appraises Maine's Impact on Convention
No description available
5) 18596 Old Town Resident Takes Birthday Cake to Curtis
No description available
6) 18579 Curtis Lists Disappointments out of Special Session
No description available
165) 2716.1917 Chronicle - Haverhill Death; Governor King; George Barak; The Muppets
Aircheck Chronicle: Friday June 18, 1982 TS: Haverhill Death FS: Governor Kind PS: George Barak PS: The Muppets;Haverhill Death; Governor King; George Barak; The Muppets Governor King on the question of drunk driving repeat offenders and a shortage of jail space; Haverhill jail death; an...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Philip S. Balboni, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, David Skillicorn, Bill Lowell, Ron Blau, Jeanne Blake, Vince Canzoneri, Donna Downes, Hamilton Fishe...
47) 2386.0001 [Nashua, NH Films] Reel 1
A crowd is seated in bleachers under a ‘Gregg for Governor’ banner behind a man approaching a microphone. A photographer stands on top of a car. Another shot of the crowd. A ...
5) 1459.0001 Knox County on Parade 1940 DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER. // Submaster of 'Knox County on Parade' production. Original 16 mm. footage is in Farnsworth Museum Collection (acc. 0785). // For distribution duplication ...
13) 1318.0023 Friends, Ella Frankfurter show, Malden Bar Association, 1939-1940--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 23
1939 ± SAMAFILMS (color) Frankfurter show-girls Renard and band and show Oscar's house, SNOW, Isobel + Barbara Pocahontas Tavern Malden Bar Assoc Gov. Hurley swearing Judge __ i...;Compiled color home movies including scenes of musical performances, a Malden Bar Association social event, Massachusetts Governor Hurley, and a Massachusetts Industrial Acciden...
11) 1191 cat. 1109-16-WABI-68 Curtis Holding Back on Presidential Endorsement
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1109-14-WABI-68 Curtis Optimistic Brewer Bond Drive Will Succeed
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1109-10-WABI-68 Gov. Curtis Addresses Boys State at Orono
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1108-14-WABI-68 Curtis Endorses Indian Bond Issue
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1108-13-WABI-68 Curtis has No Alternate Choice if Kennedy Falters
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1108-12-WABI-68 Curtis Plans Courtesy Meeting with Wallace
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1106-06-WABI-68 Governor Curtis Launches Maine Community Betterment
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1104-05-WABI-68 Curtis Defends Offshore Leasing for Oil & Gas Exploration
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1104-03-WABI-68 Curtis Re-Affirms Support of Kennedy
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1099-11-WABI-68 Curtis Would Not Oppose Muskie as Favorite Son
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1099-10-WABI-68 Curtis Supports Kennedy for Nomination
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1098-11-WABI-68 Governor's Task Force in Brewer
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1098-01-WABI-68 Curtis and Keefe Stress Action Points In Coping With Standard Phase-Out Crisis
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1096-03-WABI-68 Curtis Comments on Pre-Convention Candidate Choices
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1094-29-WABI-68 Curtis Declines to Name Presidential Preference
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1094-28-WABI-68 Curtis on Maine's 1st County-Wide Food Distribution Program
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1094-06-WABI-68 Curtis Praises Eastern Maine Development District
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1092-12-WABI-68 Curtis Protests Federal Aid Cut in Impacted School Districts in Maine
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1092-11-WABI-68 Curtis Claims No Financial Crisis in Maine
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1089-18-WABI-68 Curtis Begins Implementing Super University Bill
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1086-10-WABI-68 Curtis Calls for Rural Youth Corps
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1084-04-WABI-68 Curtis Says Legislature Has Hit Taxpayers Hard Enough
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1083-07-WABI-67 Curtis Christmas at Blaine House
23) 1191 Governor & Exec. Council Meet Atop Sugarloaf Mt.
No description available
20) 1140.7062 [Brennan at House]
Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan addresses Maine House of Representatives about mental health services. Two other men give their response. Dale Duff reports.
36) 1140.7045 [Brennan]
Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan news conference in Augusta, speaking about the Native American Land Claim Settlement. State Senator Bennett Katz and another man speaking. Dale Duf...
Next 36