12 work results

33) 0453 cat. 1061-16-WABI-67 Maine Vo-Tech Inst. Progress Report
Construction of large Vo-Tech building. Quick pan across the side of the building and then cut to sides. Man walking along side to show scale of building. Men working on windows...
24) 0456 cat. 1071-14-WABI-67 Scott Logging Operations at Greenville, Pt. 1
Greenville: Tree de-limber working on trees. Crew watching. Logging crane picking trees. Men looking at branches. Cleared site.
26) 0456 cat. 1072-04-WABI-67 Beal College New IBM Computer
Sign reading, 'THINK!' on top of machine with knobs and buttons. Sign reading 'IBM System 360.' Shot of printer and two men talking. Shot over printer towards men with storefron...
4) 0457 cat. 1073-01-WABI-67 Bangor Sylvania Plant Interior
Bangor: Woman (Karen Gordon) demonstrates wire bonding as man describes her activities to WABI reporter Ralph Lowe. Three women work with 'dry box.' Plant interior with centrifu...
35) 1490.0001 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 1]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Ike at Dow for refueling, cat.no.1001-02, dated 7/24/55 2. Ground breaking at Bangor Audito...
6) 1490.0003 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 3]
3/4 in. reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Ike speaks at Dow, sof, cat.no.0005-01, dated 1957 2. JFK at Univer...
33) 1490.0005 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 5]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Univ. of Maine electronic brain, cat.no.0029-16, dated 1961 2. Union Street Tower demolitio...
9) 1490.PC7 [NHF compilation: Promo Reels 9 and 11]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tapecontains: Promo Reel 9 (all sof): 1. Maine woman in Miss America Pageant, [cat.no.????], dated 9/10/64 2....
9) 1491.PC4 [NHF compilation: TV commercials]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. The tape contains: Political commercials: AD-1: cat.no.1007-01, July 1958, 20 sec. sound, Hildreth for Govern...
35) 1491.PC9 [NHF compilation: Transportation]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. The tape contains: Roads/infrastructure: TR-1: 3 min. sound, A Redevelopment Plan for Main Street in Bangor, ...
2) 18322 Autoanalyzers at Thayer Hospital in Waterville
No description available
1) 18758 New Telephone-Telewriter Library Network
No description available
Next 36