5 work results

3) 2351.0032 [Maine Sea Coast Mission--home movies] Reel 1
Raquette Lake is the source of the Raquette River in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, USA. It is near the community of Raquette Lake, New York. The lake has 99 miles ...;Box notes "Raquette Lake 1927"
28) 2351.0033 [Maine Sea Coast Mission--home movies] Reel 2
A man and woman dressed in fur coats and hats on a dogsled ride along a bridge. Views of a dog handler giving the woman and child a ride. They wave to the camera as they drive...;Can notes: "Quebec + [Gt. B?] Reel notes: "Quebec and [?]
29) 2351.0034 [Maine Sea Coast Mission--home movies] Reel 3
Gould Farm, Monterey, MA, provides emotional and social rehabilitation for adults (guests) with mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar and schizoaffective disorder...;Box notes: "[Gould Farm?] 1928"
6) 2351.0035 [Maine Sea Coast Mission--home movies] Reel 4
Underexposed views of two men posing in tree lined area. Views of the two near a car packed for a trip. One holds a still camera. View of the car moving down the road, and vi...;Box notes: "[?] 28"
7) 2351.0036 [Maine Sea Coast Mission--home movies] reel 5
The first Macy's parade was in 1924. Views of what appears to be the beginning/staging area of the Macy's parade. Shots of men dressed up as wooden soldiers, shots of people we...
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