3 work results

1) 1813.0001 Anchor of the Soul [DVD master]
Original DVD Case Description: "Anchor of the Soul provides the first, in-depth look at Black history and race relations in northern New England. This hour-long documentary tell...
35) 1813.0001-.0170 Anchor of the Soul [Production Elements]
Inventory April 6, 2001 / DVD added February 2021 (Only two item numbers assigned as of August 5, 2024) FILM Orig. 16mm Negative 59 rolls on 21 cores. Rolls 1-7 (2 reels in can...
3) 1813.0002 Anchor of the Soul [Protection Master]
"Anchor of the Soul" Producers-Hoose/Odlin 3/9/94 RT 59:23 Bad Protection Master - horizontal shift present / Not to Be Used;[video quality appears to be OK, checked August 5, 2024]
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