3 work results

31) 1612.0005 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 5
Footage of a parade, including various marchers with flags and banners, people on bicycles, marching bands, cars, trucks, tractors, floats and shots of the crowd. A group shot ...;Notes on can: “Casco Days Parade; Naples Parade; Boy Scouts; Buck Austin Fishing; Salmon Jumping @ Edes Falls.”
27) 1612.0012 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 12
A few shots of scenic landscapes. Two shots of two different covered bridges nestled in fall foliage. Two shots of a sign with several directional arrows pointing to various t...;Notes on can: “Homestead #4”
9) 1612.0028 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 28
Footage of a woman exploring houses and other structures in a wooded area, including the woman taking pictures of a house damaged by fire and a boy scout holding flowers. A few...;Notes on can: “Naples - early shots - ice cutting wall - etc. 16” “Moose Pond - Parade Bridgton - Rope Tow - Plane no ice cutting”
Next 36