4 work results

19) 1549.0005 [DuMais Family--home movies] Reel 5
Detailed content list in collection folder. // Donor notes: Play school party in Auburn. Neodak Lodge and Holl's Inn in Inlet, New York. Family vacation. Seaplane at dock. Ausab...
6) 1818.0006 Vinalhaven scenes, 1940-1942--R. Mont Airy--home movies. Reel 6
"Sept. 1940 and Sept. 1941-June 1942, Mill, Wayside Inn, Vinalhaven in Winter, Memorial Day, V.H., Last trip of steamboat, Edith's picnic" ;Rainbow. Cars loading on ferry. Departure. On board. Beach. Stone buildings and houses. Mill stones. Waterwheel. Stream. Women next to car. Cutting cake. Closeup of cake. House....;Compiled color home movies of various scenes shot in Vinalhaven, Maine, between September 1940 and July 1942.
16) 2114.0059 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 59, Accession 2114
Footage of flowers and trees in gardens, including a man chasing a baby in a field and a woman and a child in a car. Footage of a pond filled with lily pads. A few shots of a ...
6) 2419.0056-.0069 Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 56-69
Black and white and color amateur footage of the Katz family around Cambridge, MA, construction of the EMF store, family vacations around New England including Benson's Wild Ani...;Reel 56: b&w Winchester Conservatories building, women emerge from front door carrying flowers. Cemetery, gravestone of Josephine T. Cohen, age 23 years. Reel 57: b&w Child...
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