11 work results

20) 1963.0019 [Medomak Camp] Reel 19
Footage of William J. “Rockey” Brooks showing campers a loon’s nest with an egg in it. Footage of a track meet at Cub Camp with counselors Tot Hoople, Eric Sterling (with blond...
21) 1963.0020 [Medomak Camp] Reel 20
A shot of a sign that reads, “Medomak Cub Camp” with a wooden bear on each side. A shot of Harold E. “Couch” Martin and his wife Alva with their dog and cat. Footage of George...
22) 1963.0021 [Medomak Camp] Reel 21
A few shots of older men and a few boys gathering in the road in and around a truck. A shot of two men emerging from a tent with baseball gloves to talk to two other men. A sh...
23) 1963.0022 [Medomak Camp] Reel 22
Footage of Rangers in aluminum canoes on a river, including canoes being roped through some rapids. A few shots of lumberjacks pulling pulp wood from the water as Rangers pole ...
12) 1963.0023 [Medomak Camp] Reel 23
Footage of Rangers in canoes on the St. John River, including a shot of them rowing under a bridge in Fort Kent, ME, at the end of their trip. Footage of a baseball game at Sen...
24) 1963.0025 [Medomak Camp] Reel 25
Footage of a canoe trip, including men and boys in canoes, boys shooting a sluice in canoes, a shot of fish laid out on a canoe, men and boys building a wooden structure along t...
5) 1963.0026 [Medomak Camp] Reel 26
A shot of boys pulling a canoe through an abundance of pulp logs floating in the water. A shot of boys pulling a canoe through a sluice in a dam. A few shots of boys pulling a...
26) 1963.0027 [Medomak Camp] Reel 27
A few shots of young campers and counselors engaged in an activity. Footage of boys and girls in a swim meet. Footage of boys and girls and a few men and women at a dance. Fo...
3) 1963.0028 [Medomak Camp] Reel 28
Two shots of Cubs running and getting into a truck. Footage of campers exploring a fort, including Cubs being lowered into a hole in the ground, eating lunch, playing on a cann...
2) 1963.0029 [Medomak Camp] Reel 29
Footage of girls’ camp, including girls running various kinds of races, such as a three-legged race, performing a synchronized swimming routine as a crowd watches from the shore...
1) 1963.0030 [Medomak Camp] Reel 30
A shot of a wooden sign with a bird on it that reads, “MED-O-LARK CAMP.” Footage of camp, including a group shot, a few shots of sailboats, girls swimming, diving, playing tenn...
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