136 work results

1) 1741.0001 Hollywood Fashion Machine: Westmores
Production made during 1999 and 2000 using NHF archival footage from John White Coll. Acc. 0813, reel 2. Production used 12 seconds of material.
9) 1760.0001 Bucksport Movie Queen 2000
Collection includes: Silent release print (1200 ft.), 2 reels outtakes (2400 ft. total), intertitle outtakes (800 ft.), test reel (100 ft.), 1/4 in. audiotape soundtrack.
29) 1760.0002 Bucksport Movie Queen 2000
Includes soundtrack recorded live at Alamo Theatre premiere.
22) 1761.0008 My Mother's Early Lovers
Copy of independent feature filmed in Vermont.
26) 1772.0004 Jenny's Island Life
VHS reference tape. Acc. 1772 is VHS copies of tapes already added to Reference by Mail collection. Documentary about resident of Nash Island and efforts to save lighthouse there.
30) 1786.0001 NHF Credit Roll
Scrolling list of NHF members. Four cuts. Gift of Nat Thompson, 7/2000.
32) 1790.0002 Maine Film Footage, 1954-1960
VHS reference tape. Acc. 1790 consists of tapes sent for Reference By Mail consideration. Compilation of home movies. Note from producer: 'This is 3rd generation VHS video and n...
28) 1791.0003 She Walks on Air
VHS reference tape. Acc. 1791 is collection of miscellaneous videotapes acquired by NHF. Cut (with time code) of documentary on girls' basketball
34) 1808.0012 Snowe for Senate 'Why', 'Always There'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 9/5/00).
10) 1808.01 Maine's Forest Heritage Coalition 'Devastate'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence the November referendum on forest practices.
12) 1808.02 Maine's Forest Heritage Coalition 'Also Affects You'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices.
12) 1808.04 Maine's Forest Heritage Coalition 'Biggest Threat'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 10/13/00).
13) 1808.05 Maine's Forest Heritage Coalition 'Independent Experts'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 10/21/00).
14) 1808.06 Maine's Forest Heritage Coalition 'Revised Totten'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 10/27/00).
17) 1808.07 No on 1 'Dangerous'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 9/29/00).
16) 1808.08 No on 1 'Grace & Dignity'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 10/10/00).
19) 1808.09 No on 1 'Same Mistake'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 10/16/00).
18) 1808.10 No on 1 'Pressure'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (dated 10/25/00).
19) 1808.11 No on 1 'Outsiders'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices (box dated 10/31/00).
20) 1808.13 'Prescription Drugs - REV'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 9/12/00).
21) 1808.14 'Education'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 9/29/00).
22) 1808.16 'Bonnie Lee'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 10/20/00).
23) 1808.17 'People'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 11/1/00).
24) 1808.18 'Prescription Drugs'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate.
25) 1808.19 'Debate 1'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 10/26/00).
179) 1808.20 'Debate 2'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate (box dated 10/26/00).
27) 1808.21 'Healthy Change'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Senate.
28) 1808.22 'Choose'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Congress from Maine's Second Distri...
180) 1808.23 'Delivery'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for United States Congress from Maine's Second District.
30) 1808.24 Tom Sawyer for Senate
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for Maine Senate from Bangor.
31) 1808.25 Vote Yes on 2
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on forest practices.
32) 1808.26 'Eight'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November election for U.S. President.
33) 1808.27 Mainers for Death with Dignity
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November referendum on physician-assisted suicide.
34) 1808.28 'Jane Saxl Record'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the election for Maine Senate from Bangor.
35) 1808.29 'Safety'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to inform viewers of International Paper Company's safety record.
36) 1808.30 'Gore-Gantuan ME', 'Big Relief vs. Big Spending ME'
Collection was being discarded by WLBZ and retrieved by NHF. Spot was produced to influence voters in the November, 2000 election for United States President.