99 work results

2) 19613 United Fund Victory Dinner At Dow
No description available
13) 18717 Salute to Dow
No description available
3) 18679 Orville Freeman Tours Dow
Orville Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture
36) 3124.0107 [Turbyne--home movies] Reel 107
On leader: Mark + Pat Nashua Band
5) 3124.0106 [Turbyne--home movies] Reel 106
Winslow Band trip to Portland Conn. Mr. Osterline - New York City - Portland Band here
19) 2932.0017 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Tape 5
Nantucket - Aug. 94 Christmas 94 Aislyn B.D. June 95 Jazzy + Ball Mels Christmas Concert 95;Sunset over the water. Panning shot of dunes and houses along the shore. A ferry. A lighthouse (Brant Point Light, Nantucket, Massachusetts). Three teenagers. (Carla, Melanie an...
26) 2790.0001 [Roger Inman Film]
[The film is water damaged and some images are obscured.] A series of “magic tricks” accomplished with film editing: A trick with a bottle. A woman appears, standing on a table....
9) 2716.1270 New England Sunday - Repack, Part I, July 7, 1985
NES X3134 Repack July , 1985 Part I Rec. 6/21/85 Air. 7/7/85;Title: ‘New England Sunday’. Frank Avruch and Jan Holmes host. Avruch talks with former Boston police commissioner Joseph M. Jordan. They discuss his retirement, police officer ...
33) 2681.0026 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 26
Box: Maine Maritime Academy Graduation June 1957 – Don Silver and family;Men in uniform marching in formation. The Maine Maritime Academy band. A graduation ceremony at the Maritime Academy. Blurry shots of the ceremony. The band performing. Two men ...
2) 2507.0006 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 6
Can notes: "1950-51 Kids Windstorm Oak Park Steve's camp Clovis";REEL SIX 1950-1951 Reel Six is all taken at Clovis Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Stevie is 7 ½ and I am 5 years old. The opening scene Daddy shot at the base air...
7) 2507.0003 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 3
Can notes: " WP to Maxwell Football Game, Ft. Put, Ft. Monmouth, T-6, WP in snow." "Fall 1948-1949 West Point 1948 Football game, Mechanics Dept. party at Round Pond. Hunti...; REEL THREE 1948 The 1948 football season game between arch rivals Army and Navy is seen followed by an after game party where the men and women, all officers and their spouse...
2) 2507.0001 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: " 1) Engagement pictures May, 1942 2) Stevie's first holy pictures July, 1943 3) Christening day - Marge" 4) Stevie with Jack for first time in front of 150" Add...;REEL ONE 1942-1944 The scene opens with pre-marriage expectations. The date is May 27, 1942. The location, Post Chapel, Lemoore Army Flying School, California. The time, ...
9) 2187.0016 [Smyth Family--home movies] Reel 16
Footage taken from boat of waves, shoreline. Possibly Alcatraz. Air force plane/jet. Farm at sunset. Graduation/commencement exercise. Storm at sandy beach.
10) 1837.001 [Houlton Air Force Base Parades]
Amateur footage of Houlton Air Force Base parades during World War II
2) 1551.0058 [Birch Rock Camp footage, Kimble Union Academy] Reel 58
A football game. The band seated in the stands. People on the sidelines. Band members eating hot dogs. Buildings and snow covered trees. Skiers on a slope. A snowball fight. A b...
11) 1370.0025 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 25
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 25. Key West apt. dedication, boat scenes, July '57. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: Baby in stroller. People in summer cl...
4) 1258.0018 [Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 18
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 18: 'HS football cheer. Band, John. '51?' More AHS football with Mary Joan cheering and John playing in band.
18) 1258.0017B [Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 17B
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 17B: 'Jean's wedding. Football AHS '51. MJ cheer.' AHS football. Mary Joan cheering...Also Claire Devlin, John play...
2) 1229.0014 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 014
NHF Cataloguer's notes as follows. Intertitles in quotes; film box dates/notes in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 14: (Firemen's Parade). (1929). (0:00) Marchin...
3) 1229.0006 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 006
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. Intertitles in quotes; film box notes/dates in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 6: (Football: Maine vs. Bowdoin). (1929). (24:...
28) 1191 cat. 1096-28-WABI-68 Inactivation Ceremonies at Dow
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1083-03-WABI-67 Bangor Air Force Cadet Before Lions Club
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1075-18-WABI-67 Military Retirement Ceremony At Dow
No description available
28) 1191.1100.21 [Last Planes Leave Dow]
Last bomber plane and stratotanker leave Dow Air Force Base in Bangor; Air Force men board plane, it takes off; 'City of Bangor' painted on side of bomber; inspection of men in ...
26) 1140.5786 [Loring Restart Hearing]
Loring Air Force Base closure hearing; Senator Edmund Muskie, Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan, William Cohen, Olympia Snowe. Other people speak. Dale Duff reports.
1) 1140.2983 [New Plans For Dow Base]
Interview with Bangor Development Director Ed McKeon about plans for the former Dow Air Force Base; President Harold Chute (sp?) of chemical company opening plant.
27) 0938.0004 Mackinac Meeting (Film No. 4)
Videotape copy of film showing New England Mutual insurance company meeting. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Footage details received with film: - 'Mackinac Meeting.' Island convention. Par...
27) 0780.0007 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 007
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 7: 'German band & Planes ; 1941'. Length 5:45. b&w.;Musical band of German soldiers giving a concert outdoors at some kind of camp for audience of mostly women and young children. People crossing a river or stream on a makeshift ...
18) 0720 cat. 5434-01-WCSH-85 Retired Officers Band
No description available
158) 0705.0003 Central Maine Power Oldtimers [Part 3 of 4]
'Old Timers' Part 3 of 4: Band playing and crowd watching. Continuation of power pole race from cat.no.5388-02. Tug of war. Men's and women's foot races, with women wearing dres...
58) 0573 cat. 1031-12-WABI-63 Ellsworth 200th Anniversary
Ellsworth: Large parade down Main St. including floats, marching bands, military officers, cars. Narrated by two men. 1st reel of 3. Others are Cat no. 1032-01-WABI-64 and 1033-...;Silent footage of Main St in Ellsworth; a banner hanging above the street reads Welcome to Ellsworth Our 200 Anniversary; shots of display windows; builds and people dressed for...
35) 0571 cat. 0043-02-WABI-60 Veterans Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including Bangor, Brewer, Milo and other marching bands, majorettes, floats.
20) 0558 cat. 0060-12-WABI-63 NORAD Anthem
Promo for the North American Air Defense Command which tells how the military defenses of the U.S. and Canada protect North America from aerospace attack. Shots of flags, jets, ...
20) 0552 cat. 0063-29-WABI-63 Bangor High School Band -- Studio City
Band tours Studio City.
19) 0456 cat. 1072-19-WABI-67 University of Maine Homecoming Day
Orono: Broken 'October 14' banner with someone in UM bear costume next to it. Two young women walk down sidewalk. Sculpture with sign 'The Pink Wildcat Takes a Walk on the Wild ...
9) 0456 cat. 1071-26-WABI-67 Maine's New Marching 100
Marching band members climbing into bleachers. Horns. People playing flute, piccolo, bells, drums. Conductor. Band practicing marching on football field.
Next 36