668 work results

12) 0307 cat. 0006-01-WABI-62 Governor Reed Campaign
Governor Reed, three years after becoming governor, is running again for office. Five separate campaign commercials of approximately 5 mins. each. 1) Highway Safety ; 2) Educati...
26) 0316 cat.0011-12-WABI-62 State Police
State police in action. Scenes include demonstration of loading tear gas launcher, weighing trucks, policemen talking, target practice, police taking and responding to a call, s...
20) 0321 cat.0015-01-WABI-62 Lyndon B. Johnson in Portland
Portland: Lyndon Johnson and his wife campaign for Democratic incumbents in Maine. Views of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson on platform, Margaret Chase Smith, Edmund S. Muskie, crowds...
2) 0322 cat.1008-03-WABI-60 Interstate Highway -- Augusta
Shots of highway from inside of moving car. First 10 ft. of a film negative story on the interstate highway in Augusta. This positive is spliced onto negative reel.
34) 0334 cat. 0024-11-WABI-62 Waterville Fire
Waterville: Building on fire, fire fighters, confused dog, spectators.
35) 0334 cat. 0024-12-WABI-62 Tanker
Tugboat pulls tanker into harbor.
36) 0334 cat. 0024-13-WABI-62 Gas Main
Damaged gas main. Police directing traffic around it, men working on it, spectators.
19) 0334 cat. 0024-14-WABI-62 Sliding
Children sledding and sliding down hill.
2) 0334 cat. 0024-15-WABI-62 Deer
Several dead deer lying on ground as men inspect them and crowd watches.
6) 0335 cat. 0025-03-WABI-62 All
A fire at All Soul's Church at night. Shots inside the church steeple and front door. Fire fighters inside and out fighting the fire. LS of church.
25) 0342 cat. 0031-01-WABI-62 Northern Hotel Fire
Top two stories of hotel are burning. Fire fighters working as spectators watch.
3) 0342 cat. 0031-10-WABI-62 YMCA Bangor High School Swim Team
Bangor: Shots of boys freestyle, breast stroke and butterfly races; diving competitions, scuba diving in the pool.
29) 0345 cat. 0031-13-WABI-62 Auto Accident on Main Street
LSs and MSs of one damaged car and a police officer at accident scene.
14) 0345 cat. 0031-14-WABI-62 Train and Car Collision at Veazie
Collision scene shots include damaged car, railroad tracks, police officer.
15) 0345 cat. 0031-15-WABI-62 Belfast Fire
Belfast: Fire fighters working as house is consumed.
33) 0345 cat. 0031-17-WABI-62 New Road Grader for Bangor
Bangor: LS and MS of road grader at work.
34) 0345 cat. 0031-18-WABI-62 Shop 'n Save Car Winner
Drawing for 1962 Ford Falcon Futura includes car, crowd, little girl pulling winning ticket from box, smiling woman stepping out of car.
9) 0346 cat. 0028-05-WABI-61 Studio City Construction
Complete construction of Hildreth Network's Studio City from groundbreaking through wiring.
9) 0349 cat. 0049-21-WABI-62 National Comm. American Legion
Legion members arrive at airport and Commander Powers is interviewed about the organization's purpose and programs.
25) 0349 cat. 0049-25-WABI-62 Dow Air Force Base Press Conference
Airmen speaking at Press Conference.
30) 0350 cat. 0032-14-WABI-62 Storm
People digging out with shovels and snowblowers, vehicles skidding, pedestrians.
11) 0350 cat. 0032-15-WABI-62 Covered Bridge
Workmen repairing covered bridge.
32) 0350 cat. 0032-16-WABI-62 Bangor High School Fire
Bangor: Fire fighters searching for possible fire at Bangor High School.
35) 0350 cat. 0032-19-WABI-62 City Awards
Awards ceremony to include public service award among others.
21) 0350 cat. 0032-20-WABI-62 Masque(?) Players -- India
People say goodbyes to others who leave on a bus.
1) 0351 cat. 0045-21-WABI-62 United Fund at Dow
United Fund banquet at Air Force Base. Sign says, 'Bangor-Brewer United Fund, Inc. 25 Years of Service.'
2) 0351 cat. 0045-22-WABI-62 New Patrol Cars for Brewer
Brewer: New police cars.
3) 0351 cat. 0045-23-WABI-62 Fire at D.I. Goulds
Fire at night.
25) 0351 cat. 0045-24-WABI-62 Republican Lincoln Day Dinner
Maine political figures at dinner.
26) 0351 cat. 0045-25-WABI-62 [Muskie at Dow Air Force Base]
Senator Edmund S. Muskie at Dow Air Force Base. // Includes closeup, medium shot, long shot of Muskie. // News story dated 02/09/1962.
27) 0351 cat. 0045-26-WABI-62 Northern Hotel Fire
Fire fighters work on hotel fire.
7) 0351 cat. 1018-20-WABI-62 New Road Grader for Bangor
Men presenting key to man who will drive new grader, man driving grader, men shaking hands.
8) 0351 cat. 1018-21-WABI-62 Bridges Funeral
Men wait as pallbearers bring casket from house, then place it in hearse.
24) 0351 cat. 1018-22-WABI-62 Kids Sliding
Kids ski or toboggan down snowy hill.
31) 0351 cat. 1019-11-WABI-62 Winner Snow Sculpture
Orono: University of Maine annual snow sculpture contest including sculptures of a beaver, a squirrel, a puppy, a Maine map, a teacup, and a tower.
32) 0351 cat. 1019-12-WABI-62 UM Snow Sculpture
Orono: University of Maine fraternity brothers work on snow sculptures.
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