40 work results

22) 2367.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 1
Label on can: '1934 & 1935. Deer Isle Day. Porcupines. Eatons.' See collection folder for additional notes.
21) 2367.0002 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 2
1937 edge code on film. // Label on can: 'Deer Isle. W.C.O. 1938.' See collection folder for additional notes.
20) 2367.0003 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 3
Date range from edge codes on film. // Label on can: '1939 Home & Bay.' See collection folder for additional notes.
19) 2367.0004 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 4
Date range from edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Deer Isle 1941.' See collection folder for additional notes.
18) 2367.0005 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 5
1946 edge code on film. // Label on can: '46.' See collection folder for additional notes.
17) 2367.0006 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 6
1947 edge code on film. // Label on can: '47.' See collection folder for additional notes.
16) 2367.0007 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 7
Label on can: 'Stonington 1952-1961.' // See collection folder for additional notes.
15) 2367.0008 Deer Isle as It Was: 1933-1958
Edited compilation taken from 8mm films shot by Thomas Haviland.
68) 2367.0009 Stonington as It Was: 1935, 1939-1940, 1950
Edited compilation taken from 8mm films shot by Thomas Haviland.
13) 2367.0010 Stonington as It Was: 1952-1961
Edited compilation taken from 8mm films shot by Thomas Haviland.
8) 2374.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 8
1950-1952 Cormorant on mooring Cormorant under way, Carney Island and Little Deer (2 "run-bys") Bill at the helm Sail Boats off [Buele's]? Harbor Camden Hills from head of the R...
7) 2374.0003 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 10
Isle Au Haut, Millers, Chosw'ths, Lazy Gut Circus, side show, Cham, Links, Poucl?, Randall, Lucy, Smalls
6) 2374.0004 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 11
Isle Au Haut
14) 2476.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 12
Lobstering at Deer Isle, Maine with Edward Lowe, Paul Nojeic
18) 2479.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 13
Deer Isle, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Acadia, Bucksport, and sailing
17) 2479.0002 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 14
Shore - Maritime Academy, Foggy Bay
16) 2479.0003 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 15
Portland Head Lighthouse in fog View from our house Cormorant under way Lazygut Island picnic Rocky Coast Schooner Gulls
15) 2480.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 16
Bill as a baby
14) 2480.0002 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 17
Images of garden, cat, different flowers and trees, bees, flowering trees
20) 2480.0003 [William Haviland--home movies] Reel 18
Pre-maritial W.A.H.? 1959-1960 Deer Isle spring & winter Ice skating, mines?, snow man, honeymoon
11) 2481.0002 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 20
Fillies, Boat moves, Katadin head har
9) 2481.0004 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 22
Camden Falls / Bucksport Bridge / Belfast Church (Peyton Pl) / Settlement / House at Lilly Pond Seedomek / House, Lincoln Car, Pond, Seedomsete, Braces House, Stave Is. Fire, St...
4) 2506.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 24
Rose [lips]? Snoopie - Cham? / Treess H20 / Brimstone / Victory Chimes / Little Deer / off on porch / Toothakeis Cove / Deck, cab, etc / Fish? / Bar IS & Pumpkin / Pickery I...
3) 2506.0002 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 25
Old Ship, Naugastet Beach, Bucksport, Lisbon Falls (Androscoggin), Brunswick, Churches (Penobscot & Orland), Haskell House, Janet Wedding, Stonington scenes, eclipse, cross ...
1) 2506.0005 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 27
Seafaring and fishing
26) 2516.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland -- Home Movies] Reel 28
Thomas P. Haviland to age 10 months
25) 2516.0002 [Thomas P. Haviland -- Home Movies] Reel 29
Tom: 10 months to 5 years
24) 2516.0003 [Thomas P. Haviland -- Home Movies] Reel 30
Wally: Birth to 3 years
26) 2670.0001 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 31
Land Sequence
24) 2670.0003 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 33
Shore, [Gray] and Foggy Bay, St. John [Quoddy], [Autumn] color
23) 2670.0004 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 34
Sea, Castine Bridge, Blue Hill, [Anemone], Cadillac
Next 36