14 work results

25) 1040.0001 Woodsmen and River Drivers: Another Day, Another Era
Woodsmen and River Drivers, edited version, broadcast on Maine Public Broadcasting, fall 1993.
31) 1136.PC1-.PC72 [public service announcements]
MPBC promotional, public service announcements. Mostly 30 seconds each, some multiple spots on each reel. Boxes are coded with 'F-' numbers, as follows: Series F100s-200s F108: ...
18) 1241.0014-.0029 [Boat footage] NHF TAPES 014-029
Various factual and educational programs. 014: Boat--Interview--Tape 1 015: Boat--2 016: Boat--Greene--#1 017: Boat--4 018: Boat--5 019: Boat--6 020: Boat--Waxing--Walter Greene...
2) 1241.0030-.0052 [various programs] NHF TAPES 030-052
Various factual and educational programs. 030: A--Chapel--On floor CU rehearsal--W. Frank CU 031: A--Lunch--Ron and student 032: A--Chapel--above shots--Frank Lantz--Mtn shots--...
3) 1241.0053-.0075 [various programs] NHF TAPES 053-075
Various factual and educational programs. 053: F--Landfill master 054: F--[Midved?] 055: F--Shots of Henry--Sandy Ives 1 056: F--Lloyd Irwin 1 057: F--Fred Knight 2 058: F-- 059...
4) 1241.0076-.0095 [various programs] NHF TAPES 076-095
Various factual and educational programs. 076: H--WGME--Turnpike--Boise Cascade 077: H--WCSH--Doe Hearings--11 pm report--6 pm report--3/25/86 078: H--Sister Mildred--Shaker com...
5) 1241.0096-.0119 [various programs] NHF TAPES 096-119
Various factual and educational programs. 096: L--Vinalhaven 1 097: L--Vinalhaven 2 098: L--Vinalhaven 3 099: L--Vinalhaven 4 100: L--Vinalhaven 5 101: L--Vinalhaven 6 102: M--A...
6) 1241.0120-.0145 [various programs] NHF TAPES 120-145
Various factual and educational programs. 120: Q--Tim Sample 121: Q--Tim Sample worktape--Promos for Fred Raisier 122: Q--Tim Sample in concert 123: Q--Tim Sample 124: Q--Tim Sa...
7) 1241.0146-.0152,.0154-.0175 [various programs] NHF TAPES 146-152; 154-175
Various factual and educational programs. 146: Station IDs--MPBN logo master 147: Station logos MPBN--Festival 84 promos--men talking about railroad 148: Maine forest service PS...
8) 1241.0153 NHF TAPE 153
Various factual and educational programs. NHF tape 153: Ask the..--Ask Joe--Ask George--Ask Bill--Ask Olympia;MPBN logo images of children playing and outdoor scenes; silence still of man at podium; color bars; Ask Your Representative logo silent video; black screen break; color bars; A...
9) 1241.0155 NHF TAPE 155
155: State wide: Olympia Snowe and Chipman Bull Note: There is dropout on the 3/4 in. at approximately 40 min. into tape. Dropout lasts about 4-5 min. then tape is ok.
10) 1241.0176-.0193 [various programs] NHF TAPES 176-193
Various factual and educational programs. 176: Me. Arts Magazine edited segments #5 177: Phillips, Me. 178: Festival 84 promos--Interviews 179: Rand Raabe Seasons--70 slides and...
14) 1241.0197-.0202 [various programs] NHF TAPES 197-202
Various factual and educational programs. Notes on tape case follow: 197: Railroad, outtakes for R.R. program 198: Mike Noble, Conversations (ID Reel to Orono) 199: Mike Noble R...
16) 1244.0001-.0002 Things That Aren't Anymore More Things That Aren't Anymore
Two MPBC productions using NHF stock footage. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
Next 36