5 work results

30) 2681.0073 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 73
Box: Painting the boat 1961 / Colorado Dietrichs putting up tent;A boy (David) painting a boat. A boy (Mark) painting an oar. Shot of various boats on blocks, including one named ‘Reve’ out of ‘Cape Rosier’. A bird’s nest. A picnic on the bea...
6) 2681.0111 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 111
Box: Camping on Isle Au Haut July 1965;A tent in the woods. A picnic on the beach. A boat on the water. A woman (Mary) cooking over a campfire. A sailboat. Lobster traps stacked on the shore. Mary walking around the ...
8) 2681.0112 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 112
Box: The Dawners at Calderwood Island 1965;Panning shot of trees and a tent on an island. The family walking around the campsite. People walking down the ramp to a dock. A ropes course. Serving food from a tent. [End of ...
4) 2681.0115 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 115
Box: 1966 – Camp trip with the Dawners / Marky catching a dog fish – July 1966;A man loading the trunk of a car. A woman (Mary) and another woman packing a picnic basket. A man carries the baskets to the car. People getting in the car. Unloading the car. P...
29) 2681.0116 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 116
Box: Trip to Pond Island with Dawners and Richard Dietrichs August 1966 / Steamers on Babbage Island;Tents in a field. A girl (Mary Lou) setting up a tent. A woman (Mary) sitting in a tent. A cat playing with a box. Shot of tents and the water. Shots around the campsite. Men at...
Next 36