8 work results

8) 2241.0020 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 20,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1941 - N. Goodhue - Milton & Darwins" Views of a baby on a blanket on the floor. Then the baby is held high in the air by a man. Views of baby on blanket outsid...
5) 2241.0017A [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 17A,  Accession 2241
Box notes: " Nov. 1938-July 1939 - Milton skiing- all 4 kids & 3 dogs; Fred plowing snow with team of horses". Forbes family members cross country ski on the property in Mil...
35) 2241.0010 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 10,  Accession 2241
Box notes: " 1935 - good Naushon scenes; Black Duck; Little Warrior" View of children swinging on beech tree at Naushon. A young boy aquaplaning on a board behind a motorboat ...
138) 2241.0006 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 6,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1932, Milton, 3 girls dancing on lawn in garden; short bit of 2 riders on horseback" Two young girls wearing gossamer dresses dance in the garden at Milton, leapin...
1) 2241.0003 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 3,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1930 - Black Duck; 4-masted schooner passing Naushon; Florry, Kitty & friends dancing with scarves; more Black Duck." Kitty (Alexander's daughter Katherine) and ...
43) 2241.0002 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 2,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1929 Naushon-- Family Beech Tree Climb; Florry aquaplaning; Mangasteen; nice harbor scenes." Four children swing on three rope swings handing from one branch of a ...
124) 2241.0001 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 1 Accession 2241
Box notes: "1929--June--Lossie; Irving & express wagon; children dancing, etc., Milton & Naushon" View of woman in a garden with her garden tools. A young child scoots...
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