4 work results

8) 1902.0004 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 4, Accession 1902
Box label: "Quaboag River, May 1935 Kayaking and canoeing, rapids." The Quaboag River is a whitewater Class III and features several named rapids. Views of fast-running Qua...
33) 1902.0005 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 5, Accession 1902
Can label: "Westfield River, April 1936. Kayaking scenes" The Westfield River has been designated a National Wild & Scenic River, and has Class I-III rapids along its length. ...
3) 1902.0021 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 21, Accession 1902
Quaboag River, April 30, 1922
13) 2241.0007 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 7,  Accession 2241
Box notes: " 1934-Jan- canoeing white water; Model T Ford" Pans of a rushing river after a good storm. A boy and girl in raincoats stand on the bank and throw rocks into the ...
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