16 work results

13) 1902.0013 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 13, Accession 1902
Can note: "Surf, Cranberry, Dart, Jericho Bay, Black Duck" Extended coverage of waves crashing against rocky Maine shoreline which looks similar to that on Mt. Desert. POV fr...
20) 1902.0014 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 14, Accession 1902
Can note: "Westfield River, 1915"
27) 1902.0015 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 15, Accession 1902
"Kayak in [?], Cohasset, and in Surf, Blue Hill, Mt. Desert" Date on can: June 20 & Aug. 26, 1915
16) 1902.0016 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 16, Accession 1902
"Family, Milton" Notes: "October 1915, Family members" Views of a car parked at the edge of a road, and another car with its convertible top down driving down a dirt driveway...
5) 1902.0017 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 17, Accession 1902
"Katharine" Dates on can: Sept. & Dec. 1915 and 1919
7) 1902.0018 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 18, Accession 1902
Notes: Dates on can: "June & Sept. 1915" POV from boat as it comes into a landing, including a boathouse. Hadley Harbor, Naushon Island, with view of a Herreshoff 121/2 un...
19) 1902.0019 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 19, Accession 1902
Janet & Florry, Milton, Seal Harbor (KF, JF, FEF & Yeddy), Milton See-Saw. Dates on can: 'June & Sept. 1915.';DEC. 1920
28) 1902.0028 The Heart and the Circulation of the Blood
Description from "Descriptive list of Pathefilms Classified" found at The Water Beetle (Dytiscus) and its Larva
Description from "Descriptive list of Pathefilms Classified" found at [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 31, Accession 1902
32) 1902.0032 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 32, Accession 1902
Negatives (rolls and scraps)
18) 1902.0039 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 39, Accession 1902
"Surf on Great Hd. Mt. Desert Maine Aug. 6, 1915"
19) 1902.0040 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 40, Accession 1902
"Surf Mt. Desert Maine July 1915 off Anchorage & Ingraham Pt."
15) 1902.0041 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 41, Accession 1902
"Surf Mt. Desert Maine Blue Head Aug. 5, Otter Cliffs Aug 28, 1915."
23) 3135.0001-.0050 [Alexander Forbes--glass slides] Slides 1-50
50 glass slides, primarily shot by Alexander Forbes from 1913 to 1941. Includes shots of Milton, Massachusetts, the Azores, Mallorca, Italy, and England.
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