20 work results

1) 3117.0020 Paine estate [John Bryant--films] Reel 20
30. Paine estate, pool, 1938 Hurricane, kids at a party?, filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);5 Hurricane - children 32 Paine estate party pool Water fall tinted Blue [hurricane?] Kids [?] party 30
19) 3117.0019 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 19
29. Possibly Wyoming, filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);31 31. Horese [Horses] possibly in wyoming, parade of native americans, rodeo possibly wyoming
3) 3117.0018 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 18
26. Unknown, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951)
4) 3117.0017 Vacation [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 17
25. Vacation, Suez, France, Chateau de debit, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);25. Vacation, Suez, France Chateau de debit
16) 3117.0016 Paine Estate [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 16
24. Paine, Estate. Snow, horses, Vermont, swimming, filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);11 Misc. Paine estate Snow horses Vermont swimming pool
6) 3117.0015 [John Bryant Paine--film] Reel 15
23. Unknown contents, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);Misc #23 23 Aquestrian [Equestrian] / jumps and falls, tenniss [tennis] possibly weston golf club
14) 3117.0014 [John Bryant Paine--film] Reel 14
21. Unknown contents, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);21
13) 3117.0013 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 13
20. Unknown contents, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);20
9) 3117.0012 Charles Lindbergh [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 12
19. Charles Lindberg[h], presumably commercial film;Lindberg 19
11) 3117.0011 Weston Golf Club [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 11
18. Sports, canoeing, golfing, Weston Golf Club, filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);Sports fest canooing [canoeing] golfing Weston golf club 1920's
11) 3117.0010 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 10
17. Unknown, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);17
9) 3117.0009 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 9
16. Unknown, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);16
8) 3117.0008 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 8
15. Unknown, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);15
14) 3117.0007 [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 7
13. Unknown, presumably filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);13
6) 3117.0006 Rodeo 1920's, Montana [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 6
6. Rodeo 1920's Montana, filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);Rodeo 1920's Montana 6 7
5) 3117.0005 Big Horn Country [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 5
5. Big Horn Country, presumably northern Wyoming, filmed by John Bryant Paine (1870-1951);4A Big Horn 5
4) 3117.0004 Europe, Western Front [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 4
4. Europe, Western Front, if non-commercial then filmed by John Bryant Paine (1879-1951);4. WWI educational film "America Goes Over" [youtube url - dead link] Europe Western Front
3) 3117.0003 "America Goes Over" [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 3
3. World War I Education Film "America Goes Over" presumably commercial films;3. WWI educational film "America Goes Over" [youtube url - dead link] Europe Western Front
2) 3117.0002 "America Goes Over" [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 2
2. World War I Education Film "America Goes Over" presumably commercial films;2. WWI educational film "America Goes Over" [youtube url - dead link] Europe Western Front
1) 3117.0001 "America Goes Over" [John Bryant Paine--films] Reel 1
1. World War I Educational Film "America Goes Over" presumably commercial films;1. WWI educational film "America Goes Over" [youtube url - dead link] Europe Western Front
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