11 work results

14) 1882.0005 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 5
Donor's note: 'Moosehead, Katahdin, color very good' Cataloger's note: Group activities by boat, shots of ferry on lake, group meal at camp with man in Indian headdress.
2) 1882.0007 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 7
NOTE: sections with severe perf damage removed and spliced to tail (image reversed) label on can: 'Scenes, Spencer Bay, 1937' Cataloger's note: Unloading at dock, men in canoes ...
3) 1882.001 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 1, Shrine Parade
original label: 'Shrine Parade, Bar Harbor'
36) 1882.002 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 2, Shrine Parade
original label: 'Shrine Parade, Bar Harbor'
16) 1882.003 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 3
Cataloger's notes: Sunset over lake
17) 1882.004 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 4
Donor's note: 'SBC [Spencer Bay Camp], color very good, deer'. Cataloger's note: Calf being washed in lake, people at camp, deer
33) 1882.006 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 6
Cataloger's note: Golf course, cars in parking lot, landscapes of mountains
23) 1882.008 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 8
Cataloger's note: Woods, trees felled by beavers, shacks, man in front of cabin, waves on lake, men with fish, women on dock, cabins, powerboat on lake, sunset, weighing fish, b...
31) 1882.009 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 9
Original label illegible, donor's note: 'Great SBC [Spencer Bay Camp]' Cataloger's note: Winter scenes, hauling logs by horse, cutting ice, deer, cutting wood, Jeep; Spring scen...
10) 1882.010 Fighting to Win, Reel 1
Show-at-Home Movie Library, Inc. version of commercial film (orig. released 1926). Kodascope stock.
11) 1882.011 Fighting to Win, Reel 2
Show-at-Home Movie Library, Inc. version of commercial film (orig. released 1926). Kodascope stock.
Next 36