126 work results

682) 0301 cat. 1000-05-WABI-59 Sentry Dog at Dow Air Force Base
Dog displays his training.
687) 0305 Dedication of Army Reserve Center
Dedication of the Army Reserve Training Center, Corps of Engineers, New England Division. Unknown speakers plus shots of head table. Groundbreaking ceremonies.
4) 0307 cat. 1001-02-WABI-55 President Dwight Eisenhower at Dow Air Force Base
Eisenhower refueling including landing strip and airplane, Ike talking with two officers.
102) 0309 cat.0007-07-WABI-59 Downtown Bangor
Bangor : Scenes of Main Street during Christmas shopping season at night. Shows WABI neon sign, a toy train in a department store window, the Sears Roebuck building, Citizens Ut...
30) 0309 cat.0007-08-WABI-58 Freeses Department Store, Bangor
Bangor : Long static night shots of Freeses Department Store lit up for Christmas. Also, some shots of the crowds on the streets and a look through the front windows of the stor...
5) 0310 cat.1002-16-WABI-59 Dow Air Force Base on Alert
Alert including people getting up from eating in mess hall to drive and board their airplanes.
9) 0311 cat. 1002-15-WABI-59 Christmas Party at Dow Air Force Base
Santa's distribution of gifts including him posing with children and nuns. People eating around a table. The men rush out to get on an Air Force plane.
8) 0312 cat. 1003-01-WABI-59 Christmas Toys
Christmas items display including cards, toys, decorations, and crowd.
34) 0312 cat. 1003-14-WABI-59 Smokey Bear at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Smokey's visit including talking to children, children listening to model of Smokey, children walking in line to receive literature and fire hats.
24) 0314 cat.1004-05-WABI-59 Paul Bunyan
Bangor: Christmas celebration around Paul Bunyan statue including crane placing of a lei around the statue's neck, Santa Claus, men raising themselves in the crane, CU of statue.
1) 0314 cat.1004-06-WABI-59 Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade including Cub Scout float on which scouts saw wood, Peace on Earth float with angels, majorettes, Santa on float.
15) 0316 cat.0010-06-WABI-59 Rexall Brewer Auditorium
Brewer: Rexall displays Christmas wares at Brewer Auditorium. Shots include people browsing; displays of cards, toys and decorations; 'Toyland' and 'Merry Christmas' signs.
72) 0316 cat.0010-09-WABI-59 Storm Scenes
Bangor: Heavy snowfall and its impact. Scenes include vehicles having difficulty from slippery road conditions, snowdrifts, and a 'Merry Christmas' sign.
10) 0316 cat.0010-12-WABI-59 Station ID and Season's Greetings
Bangor: Station ID in the form of a Christmas card held in someone's hands. The card is opened and the inside says, 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from WABI-TV Channel 5 ...
15) 0316 cat.0011-02-WABI-59 Dow Alert Force
Crowd of people eating in large hall. Five men jump to an alert and drive to their plane, which they board. Also a shot of a sign reading 'Alert Force Crew No. 5.'
29) 0317 cat. 0011-14-WABI-60 Evacuation of Dow Air Force Base
Dow Air Force Base. Low angle shots of jets taking off.
17) 0317 cat. 0012-05-WABI-59 Dow Contest
Inspection of Dow Air Force Base crew as they refuel tankers. Shots of inspection and results.
18) 0317 cat.0012-08-WABI-58 Mart Santa Claus
Santa at Mart with children on his lap. Shots include store interior, crowd and children's reaction, toy displays.
19) 0318 cat.0013-11-WABI-59 Paul Bunyan Statue
Christmas wreath is place around neck of Bunyan statue. Christmas parade shots include two men and Santa in a cherry-picker, a Cub Scout float, a peace-on-Earth float, a Santa f...
27) 0319 cat. 0013-12-WABI-59 [Joan Crawford at Dow Air Force Base]
Joan Crawford at opening ceremonies for Rudman Beverage Co., a new Pepsi-Cola factory in Maine. Her arrival at Dow Air Force Base on a Pepsi plane, her welcome by the crowd. She...
21) 0319 cat.0013-14-WABI-59 Sentry Dog Show
Dow Air Force Base: Sentry dog performs training tasks including obstacle course and attacking a dummy. Also shown barking in kennel.
30) 0319 cat.0014-02-WABI-59 Governor Day at Otis Air Force Base
Governor Day boards a plane and flies to Otis Air Force Base. Shots of him in flight, and with Air Force officials at base.
23) 0323 cat. 0017-16-WABI-60 Boeing 707 at Dow
Bangor : Dow Air Force Base: Shots of people standing around and working on a Boeing 707 airplane.
32) 0323 cat. 0017-17-WABI-60 Civil Air Patrol Cadets at Dow
CAP cadets boarding, exiting, and exploring a troop carrier.
16) 0324 cat. 0017-01-WABI-60 American Legion at Dow
Group of men and women posing.
35) 0324 cat. 0017-03-WABI-60 Armed Forces Day
Silent footage of Armed Forces Day at Air Force Base; Troop Carrier Aircraft 975, deboarding servicemembers and about two dozen uniformed bystanders.
36) 0325 cat. 0018-01-WABI-60 BOMARC and Base Dedication
BOMARC Missile Base dedication ceremonies. Shots include '30th Air Defense Missile Squadron' sign, speakers platform, ribbon cutting, crowd, soldiers, missile.
34) 0325 cat. 1008-09-WABI-60 Evacuation of Dow Air Force Base
Shots of large jets taking off.
70) 0325 cat. 1008-11-WABI-60 Horse Show at Dow Air Force Base
Show including horses jumping over barricades, a clown with a water hose, a stagecoach loaded with Air Force men and cowboys, crowd in stands.
28) 0327 cat. 0017-06-WABI-60 B-52 G at Dow
Dow Air Force Base: Christening of plane 'Maine Dow'neaster.' Shots of plane flying, landing, troop formations approaching bomber, pilot greeting welcome committee, woman christ...
16) 0328 cat. 0019-05-WABI-60 The Mart Santa
Santa arrives at the Mart in a convertible, and waves to kids and cameras. He enters the Mart, makes his way through the crowds, seats himself, and takes kids on his lap. Also s...
23) 0332 cat. 0020-06-WABI-61 Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo visits children at the Arthur R. Gould Memorial Hospital in Presque Isle. Shots of the hospital sign. Also of Bozo entertaining children at two hospitals and ...
20) 0338 cat. 0026-02-WABI-61 Christmas Decoration
Bangor: People hanging wreaths and decorations on street. [? Phil Yates, 1/94. Not on reel during transfer?]
39) 0339 cat. 0026-06-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dow
Crash at Air Force Base with plane stranded on train tracks.
40) 0339 cat. 1010-03-WABI-61 Armed Forces Day
Silent footage of the event day at Dow Air Force Base including base sign, people stopping at checkpoint, exhibits and spectators, missiles and airplanes including a 'Quail GAM7...
19) 0340 cat. 1010-06-WABI-61 Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo's visit to Presque Isle Community Center including interior and exterior of building, crowd waiting, stage, introduction of Bozo, his talking to children and ...
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