5 work results

1) 2716.0843 Jabberwocky - Packages J84
Jabberwocky #84 Packages;Jabberwocky; packages; Mr. B holds a basket of eggs and talks about how eggs develop into chickens and the egg shells contain that process, which are packages; introduction musi...;In the studio Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood JoBeth Williams, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Shelagh Gordon, Joyce Smith, Bob Tingle, Dave Lawless, Carol Reichenback, Jil...
4) 2716.0876 Jabberwocky - Being Polite J102
Jabberwocky J102 "Being Polite";Jabberwocky; Being Polite; JoBeth, Tucker, and Mr. B pantomime letting each other go first through a door; theme song and visuals; Jobeth opens a letter for Dirty Frank, which i...;On the set Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, JoBeth Williams, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Joseph A. Bailey, Shelagh Gordon, Joyce Smith, Bob Tingle, Dave Lawless, Carol ...
5) 2716.0905 Jabberwocky - Being Black J117
Jabberwocky J117 "Being Black";Jabberwocky; Being Black; still images of children playing, individually and in groups; theme song and visuals; Tucker, Mr. B, and then JoBeth talk about the kinds of changes th...;In the studio JoBeth Williams, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Paul Jones, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Edsel Watkins, Elma Lewis School, Jill Katz, Shelagh Gordon, Bob...
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