392 work results

1) 1076 [NHF compilation: John Martin stories]
1994 NHF compilation tape of WABI news stories about John Martin dated December 1973 to January 1974.
2) 1191.4080 [Muskie & Curtis on Energy Crisis]
Press conference with Senator Edmund Muskie and Governor Ken Curtis; federal action on the energy crisis.
3) 1191.4081 [Equal Rights Amendment Debate]
In the hearing/debate on the Equal Rights Amendment, women and men give speeches both for and against it; Governor Curtis is viewable, though the tape is silent; views of the au...
4) 1191.4082 [Maine Campaign Finance Reform]
New Maine tax law allows for campaign finance reform; one dollar donation; press conference; 'give a damn by giving a dollar'.
5) 1191.4083 [unidentified]
Men speak, get papers, conference/meeting in classroom.
6) 1191.4084 [Hathaway on Nixon]
Interview with William Hathaway; President Richard Nixon is not innocent; gives impeachment predictions.
7) 1191.4085 [Townsend Murder Case]
Bangor police investigation of Theodore Townsend murder; Robert Franco charged; plea at press conference for public to turn in the weapon/gun.
8) 1191.4086 [Discussion of Carpool Proposal]
Carpool idea discussed by Murphy and Coffey (?)
9) 1191.4087 [unidentified]
Women in a classroom.
10) 1191.4088 [New State Liquor Law]
New Maine liquor law and New Hampshire liquor/alcohol sales; interview with man wearing a bow tie.
11) 1191.4089 [Brewer Bank Security]
Metal detector at new Brewer savings bank building.
12) 1191.4090 [Movie Theater Demolition]
Destruction/razing of downtown movie theater/cinema continues; footage in snow; Bangor urban renewal?
13) 1191.4091 [Agriculture Meeting]
Public meeting; people testify on agriculture/dairy laws.
14) 1191.4092 [unidentified]
Snow trucked in to racetrack.
15) 1191.4093 [Longley Interview]
Interview with Jim Longley on money/cost report (?)
16) 1191.4094 [unidentified]
Men wearing aprons; people hang out and drink coffee.
17) 1191.4095 [Mitchell For Governor]
George Mitchell for governor rally; Mitchell announces his candidacy and makes speech about political cynicism and Watergate.
18) 1191.4096 [UMaine Basketball Coach Interview]
Hale interviews University of Maine basketball coach Skip Chapelle.
19) 1191.4097 [Hardware Store]
Interior and exterior footage of Park's Hardware and Variety Store; nice new sign.
20) 1191.4098 [Cohen on Energy Crisis & Oil Companies]
Congressman William (Bill) Cohen speaks on windfall profits tax for oil companies, discusses energy crisis at Lions Club dinner.
21) 1191.4099 [Curtis on Energy Crisis]
Governor Ken Curtis talks to legislature about heating oil/energy crisis.
22) 1191.4100 [unidentified]
William (Bill) Cohen; model of new building.
23) 1191.4101 [Harrison on Political Secrecy]
Interview with Harrison Richardson on secrecy in government, wants legislative committee meetings open to the public.
24) 1191.4102 [Curtis on Energy Conservation]
Governor Ken Curtis speaks on the energy crisis and need for conservation by the people; discusses summer tourism and gasoline; press conference.
25) 1191.4103 [unidentified]
Handicapped girl with toy truck in Governor's office; Miss Maine Teen, Governor Ken Curtis; possibly March of Dimes.
26) 1191.4104 [Oil Refinery Hearings]
Hearings on Pittston/Eastport oil refinery.
27) 1191.4105 [Mitchell on Candidacy]
Lowe interview with George Mitchell on his campaign for governor.
28) 1191.4106 [unidentified]
Small panel before large audience.
29) 1191.4107 [Human Sled-Dog Race]
Kids/Boy Scouts on snowy hill; human sled-dog race.
30) 1191.4108 [Kids at School]
Kids walk through snow into elementary school from school buses; lots of waving at camera.
31) 1191.4109 [Drug Addiction Meeting]
Kiwanis Club honors young woman; woman mumbles speech about drugs and teenagers; prescription drug addiction; 'some people are drug addicts and don't even know it'.
32) 1191.4110 [Mitchell on Oil Crisis & Refineries]
Interview with George Mitchell on energy/oil crisis and oil refineries.
33) 1191.4111 [Unidentified Bangor Building Tour]
Rooftop view of Bangor in winter across the street from Paul Bunyan statue; tour of the new building, possibly hotel; urban renewal-related?
34) 1191.4112 [Cohen at Maine Maritime]
William (Bill) Cohen shakes hands and speaks at Maine Maritime Academy.
35) 1191.4113 [House Boarding-Up]
House being boarded-up, possibly after a fire; abandoned house.
36) 1191.4114 [Elderly Housing]
Congressman William (Bill) Cohen speaks to group of seniors (speech footage is silent); interview with man on housing lawsuit, housing moratorium (possibly unrelated).
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