6 work results

2) 1295.0002 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 002
Amateur footage of Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 2. Jamboree 1964. Valley Forge. Al, P,...
3) 1295.0003 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 003
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 3. Valley Forge. [?]
29) 1295.0004 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 004
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 4. Valley Forge.
30) 1295.0005 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 005
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 5. Last night, 1964 jamboree, an...
6) 1295.0006 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 006
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 6. Pancake contents. Cub kite fl...
32) 1295.0007 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 007
Amateur footage of 1960s scout troop activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 7. T44. KSR.
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