51 work results

21) 0336 cat. 1009-03-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Ad including train pulling past camera, man backing up a truck and dropping off a crate, more footage of train rolling by.
25) 0336 cat. 1009-04-WABI-61 Mr. Gordon Robertson
Robertson speaks on railroads, including Bangor & Aroostook Railroad.
13) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
19) 0338 cat. 0025-14-WABI-61 B & A Railroad
34) 0339 cat. 0026-06-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dow
Crash at Air Force Base with plane stranded on train tracks.
17) 0342 cat. 0031-04-WABI-61 B & A Train
Shots of man standing by railroad tracks, train rolling by, men at the Paul Bunyan statue, food.
12) 0343 cat. 0029-09-WABI-61 Train Hits Car
Driver hit by train is fatally injured. Shots of car, train.
35) 0343 cat. 0030-02-WABI-61 Maine Potato Queen
Queen arrives on train, door opens to reveal her seated on throne. She meets reporters, receives flowers.
1) 0347 cat. 0030-11-WABI-61 Bill Gagnon in Ashland, Quebec
Gagnon and friends in Ashland taking photos, dusting his Florida license plate. Street scenes.
36) 0363 cat. 0044-13-WABI-61 Demolition of Union Station
Bangor: Demolition scenes include men working on building and tower, river's edge.
23) 0363 cat. 0044-16-WABI Union Station Tower
Silent footage of Bangor: Downtown shots include Union Station Tower, 'Spalding Headquarters -- Official Outfitters of Schools and Teams,' a panorama of one part of city.;Silent footage of Bangor train station rail yard; views of Union Station Tower; roof and trim demotion of the station; long view of the station down a city street;
28) 0559 cat. 1015-09-WABI-61 [Riot Control]
Crowds gathered as police beat and arrest man. Also shots of cameras, bus terminal, and streets.
23) 0559 cat. 1017-10-WABI-61 [Freedom Riders in Montgomery]
CBS interview with Montgomery, Alabama, police commissioner regarding the mob attack of the Freedom Riders. Shots of police, bus terminal.
14) 0559 cat. 1018-10-WABI-61 [Soldiers]
Trains loaded with jeeps and hardware, soldiers talking on trucks and walking around.
12) 0638 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Various takes of the two companies logos.
41) 0639 B & A Railroad Round Trip Ticket
Passengers boarding B & A bus, person waving down bus, driver's view.
17) 0640 B & A Free Pick-Up and Delivery
Promo for free service including alternating shots of train and truck.
15) 0641 B & A Iced Cars
Carl Smith, vice-president of B & A Railroad, describes company's new iced cars with a two and a half-ton capacity for use by potato shippers. Shot of one being loaded with ice.
31) 0643 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Unused negative portion of ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-02.
19) 0645 B & A Iced Cars
Same as 0046-07.
20) 0646 B & A Bus Negative Original
Edited sequence from previous footage includes: bus picking up passengers, driver's view of road, mother taking daughter to restroom, passengers watching landscape, pedestrian w...
21) 0647 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Same as Catalogue No. 0046-08.
7) 0647 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Audio only for bus ad.
24) 0648 B & A Iced Cars
Commercial for Bangor and Aroostook Railroad descibing the pre-iced car service they offer to potato farmers. Shows railroad cars including men loading ice onto cars and raising...
1) 0648 B & A Iced Cars
Audio track for Cat. No. 0046-11.
5) 0649 B & A Pick-Up and Delivery
Ad shows train coming, man loading boxes onto truck, driving and unloading boxes, train coming and going, B & A logo.
28) 0650 B & A Fox and Ginn
Trucking ad with truck pulling out of a drive, driving onto a B & A car, and driving on the highway.
29) 0650 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Audio for Cat. No. 0046-15.
30) 0650 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Animated Signs for the two companies. First shows a truck and a train with text, 'New, Fast, Easy-to-Use Rail Truck Service.' Also footage of B & A and F & G trucks and trains.
31) 0651 B & A Pick-Up and Delivery
Audio same as Catalogue No. 0046-03.
11) 0652 B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 1019-05.
32) 0654 B & A Iced Cars
Men loading ice blocks onto railroad cars. Related to 0046-11 and 1009-06.
3) 0654 B & A Iced Cars
Unedited footage showing men loading ice onto train cars.
9) 0806.0002 [John Murphy--home movies] Tape 2
NHF notes, 1991: Tape 2 contents (no clear divisions between 'reels' on the tape): Reel 2A: Spring 1960 to Fall 1960. Reel 2B: Nov 1960 to Dec 1961. Reel 2C: Winter 1962 to Fall...
35) 0813.0366 Toby Anderson on Plan
News story dated 02-02-61. Railroads and truckers should cooperate.
23) 1108.0138 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 138
Reel 138: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Thanksgiving 1960. 2. Snowstorm. 3. Trip to Elizabeth Anne's. 4. Trip South. 5. Kureck's Eau Gallie. NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 138...
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