2 work results

3) 1187.0001 [Aroostook County 1920s news story]
Television news story from Aroostook County 1920s film event at Aroostook Centre Cinemas, 10 January 1995. Excerpts from film in theater, interviews with elementary school stude...;Fourth through sixth grade students from northern Maine watch silent movies about potato farming made available by Northeast Historic Film; includes K. Sheldon clip and students...
4) 1241.0014-.0029 [Boat footage] NHF TAPES 014-029
Various factual and educational programs. 014: Boat--Interview--Tape 1 015: Boat--2 016: Boat--Greene--#1 017: Boat--4 018: Boat--5 019: Boat--6 020: Boat--Waxing--Walter Greene...
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