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Brown Paper Company Collection
1) 0836.0002
[Log Rolling Contest]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Fireman's Convention at the Balsams, 1944.' // Box captions: 'Br. Co. log roller.' // Title card reads: '22nd Annual Conference, New England Associati...
5) 0836.0004
[Protect Young Growth Titles]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Experimental film on Process work with Brown Company Woods 'Seal', Save the Young Growth, etc., 1949.' // Box captions: 'Work done on notes of June 7 ...
1) 0836.0005
[The Forest and The Woodsman--outtakes]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'The Forest and the Woodsman (footage).' // Box captions: 'Oct 1953. Traveling truck etc. Long log at Dumner[?] yard. ...for introduction material for ...
4) 0836.0006
[It's Not the Axe, It's Joe--rough cut]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'First version (no title) of Old Town, Maine, showing of 'It's Not the Axe, It's Joe.'' // Box captions: 'First version (no titles) we took to Old Town...
8) 0836.0009
[unidentified woods film--outtakes]
Box captions: 'Aug 7th, 1962. 'A.' Copy. Br. Co. hen[?] woods film. Parts taken from film and new material added (not used). This dupe copy is same as in 400' can. List of scene...
4) 0836.0011
[Cutter Blade Rotation]
Box captions: 'Dec 15 1965. Cutter Room Burgess--R Marquis, Bob Stracton--showing rotation of cutter blade. 64 t.p.s. Speeds of 350. Speeds of 440. Speeds of 150. See ex notes o...
33) 0836.0012
[Log Hauling Sequence]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Hauling sequence from The Forest and the Woodsman.' // Box captions: 'Duplicate copy. Long log hauling sequence [?] use in The Forest and the Woodsman...
12) 0836.0013
[Peeling Spruce]
Box captions: 'Peeling spruce copy film. Dupe. Also sunset scene. See can #5 on filed material for original film.' // Footage of peeling pulp and sunset. // Date from edge code ...
13) 0836.0014
[Care of Hand Tools]
Care of hand tools. // Date from edge code on film.
10) 0836.0020
[Transportation of Pulp]
Film has mag soundtrack. // Film in fair condition, has twist throughout, the mag stripe often runs into the image, many splices are loose and need repair, minor damage at head ...
36) 0836.0023
Timber is a Crop
Title on film: 'Timber is a Crop.' // Box captions: 'This film is #7 copy of 'Timber is a Crop' made in 1945. Film is somewhat scratched and should only be used for study.' // F...
3) 0836.0024
[Pulpwood for Today and Tomorrow--negative]
Title on film: 'Pulpwood for Today and Tomorrow.' // Negative with optical soundtrack. // 1946 date code on film. // Edge damage at head and tail needs repair.
1) 0836.0025
[Your Cord of Wood--picture negative]
Title on film: 'Your Cord of Wood.' // This is a silent pic negative. // Transferred at 15 fps. // 1945 date code on film. // Formerly labeled 'Reel 26.'
26) 0836.0026
[Your Cord of Wood--soundtrack]
Optical sound track for 'Your Cord of Wood.' // 1948 date code on film. // Formerly called 'Reel 27.'
27) 0836.0027
Your Cord of Wood
Title on film: 'Your Cord of Wood.' // Box captions: 'Sound (trial) version 1948.' // Optical soundtrack. // Formerly called 'Reel 25.'
11) 0836.0028
It's Not the Axe, It's Joe [French Version]
Title on film: 'It's Not the Axe, It's Joe.' // Optical soundtrack, in French. // Film also has Ansco stock. // Formerly 'Reel 29.'
63) 0836.0029
King Spruce
NHF footage notes for 'King Spruce': Logging film including axe sharpening, chopping trees, horse pulling logs, Lombard log hauler, rolling logs with Peaveys, men going to lunch...
31) 0836.0031
It Pays to be Trained
'It Pays to be Trained.' // English soundtrack. // Film has twist throughout. // Credits on film: Presented by 'The Woodlands Section of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association....
1) 0836.0032
A Guide to the Selection, Maintenance and Use of Pulpwood Cutting Tools: Part 4, Use of Tools
NHF transfer notes: Take title shots. Cut scenes showing tools on block (first series). [Guide to Pulpwood Cutting Tools, Part IV and V.] // Part 5 on reel as well? // Film has ...
7) 0836.0033
The Forest and the Woodsman
The Forest and the Woodsman. // Date from edge code - may be 1961. // Fomerly: 'Reel 33.'
29) 0836.0034
[Transportation of Pulpwood--soundtrack]
NHF transfer notes: Transportation of Pulpwood. // Optical sound track only. // Formerly: 'Reel 34.'
26) 0836.0035
Helpful Hints in Preparing Pulpwood
Title on film: 'Helpful Hints in Preparing Pulpwood.' // Donor's label: 'Helpful Hints in Pulpwood Cutting.' // Label on leader: 'Orig. Koda.' // Dates from edge codes on film. ...
36) 0836.0036
[Helpful Hints in Preparing Pulpwood--soundtrack]
Opitcal soundtrack for Helpful Hints in Preparing Pulpwood. // Label on leader: 'Pos. Trk - Helpful Hints Pulpwood.' // Date from edge code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 36.'
19) 0836.0037
A Guide to the Selection, Maintenance and Use of Pulpwood Cutting Tools: Part 1
Title on film: 'A Guide to the Selection, Maintenance, and Use of Pulpwood Cutting Tools, Part 1.' // Date from edge code on film. // A-wind. // Film has twist. // Formerly: 'Re...
21) 0836.0038
Your Cord of Wood
Title on film: 'Your Cord of Wood.' // Donor notes: B&W work copy for film Your Cord of Wood 1945. // NHF transfer notes: Work print, transferred at 15 fps. // Date from edge co...
32) 0836.0040
[The Forest and the Woodsman--soundtrack]
Optical soundtrack for 'The Forest and the Woodsman.' // Film has tear near head. // Date from edge code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 39.'
27) 0836.0052
Pictures of Pulp Mills on the Pacific Coast
Title on film: 'Pictures of Pulp Mills on the Pacific Coast taken by E.P. Cook and B.T. Larrabee November 1940.' // Slight perf and edge damage. // List of scenes in collection ...
28) 0836.0054
Noble & Wood Pulpwood Loader
Title on film: 'Noble & Wood Pulpwood Loader.' // Date from edge code on film. // Kodachrome color. // Formerly: 'Reel 75.'
24) 0836.0055
[It's Not the Axe, It's Joe and Winter Hauling--titles]
English credit titles on winter hauling and It's not the Axe, It's Joe. // Credit titles with Bill Potter soundstripe copy changed 1/17/55. // Date from edge code on fim. // Fil...
5) 0836.0063
[The Forest and the Woodsman--outtakes]
Donor's notes: 'The Forest and the Woodsman (footage).' Work copy of complete film made up for N.Y. office (spring 1950) but never used. Parts of some original film used for Woo...
31) 0836.0064
[Outtakes from unidentified film]
Donor's notes: Jan 9th 1964. Work copy. This film--not used--was taken from Brown Co. new woods movie. Material collected thru years 1960 to 1964. // Consists of outtake footage...
32) 0836.0065
[Selection and Use of an Axe--soundtrack]
Optical soundtrack for 'Selection and Use of an Axe.' // Date from edge code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 40.'
43) 0836.0066
[Care and Use of a Bucksaw--soundtrack]
Optical soundtrack for 'Care and Use of a Bucksaw.' // Formerly: 'Reel 41.'
34) 0836.0067
Selection and Use of an Axe
Label on leader: 'Selection and Use of an Axe #1.' // Date from edge code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 42.'
13) 0836.0068
Selection and Use of an Axe
Label on leader: 'Selection and Use of an Axe. Original Koda.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 43.'
24) 0836.0069
Care and Use of a Bucksaw
Label on leader: 'Care and Use of a Bucksaw #2.' // Date from edge code on film. // Kodachrome color. // Film has twist. // Formerly: 'Reel 44.'
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