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Bus travel
Outdoor Life
1) 0001.0001
The Knight of the Pines
Short drama: 'The Knight of the Pines directed by Edgar Jones, photographed by Eugene French, distributed by Arrow Film Corp.' Studio dance hall sequences (Sewall Street) featur...
9) 0140.0001-.0012
[various videotapes]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Various segments on: [Iowa farm famil...
6) 0142
[Interview with Joseph Millett]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Filmed conversation with Joseph Mille...
3) 0252.0108
[Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 108
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 108: (100 ft.) 'N.B. 1942 Clara [worming?]' Color. Canoeing and fishing. Cooking on open fire. Sign: Griff ...
8) 0252.0115
[Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 115
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 115: (100 ft.) 'Maine 1943.' Color. Cooking over open fire. Canoeing (with outboard motors).
8) 0290.0006
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 6
Amateur: Women in yard. Indoor family scene. Pan of coast. Bridge. Pan of large city. Shots taken from moving car. Airplane taking off. Old car. Girl on slide. Girls on swing, o...
27) 0290.0007
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 7
Amateur: Woman braids girl's hair outdoors. Family on rocky beach. CU adults and kids eating watermelon. CU adults. Women in hats. Aged women. Four girls sitting in one swing. G...;Back to Smith's Cove in Milbridge, Maine for watermelon on the shore. Close ups of entire group. (Most have terrible teeth.) Back to Nash house in Cherryfield. Swings and ca...
11) 0324 cat. 0017-07-WABI-60
Car and bus collision at Hudson intersection. Shots of damaged vehicles, accident scene.
9) 0325 cat. 0018-02-WABI-60
Civil Air Patrol Cadets Off to Encampment
Female CAP cadets file past officers onto an Air Force bus.
21) 0350 cat. 0032-20-WABI-62
Masque(?) Players -- India
People say goodbyes to others who leave on a bus.
40) 0361 cat. 1021-12-WABI-62
Greyhound Terminal Opening
Ribbon cutting for Brountas Travel Bureau including Governor John Reed officiating and shaking hands, the building exterior and a bus.
86) 0362 cat. 0051-17-WABI-62
Greyhound Terminal Opening
Ribbon cutting for new Brountas Travel Bureau including Governor Reed, building and crowd.
6) 0374 cat. 1026-02-WABI-62
Maine Masque Theater
Company players board a bus, wave, and leave.
27) 0379 cat. 1027-08-WABI-63
Hopkins Pond Ice Fishing
George Hale on an ice fishing expedition with a group of men. Shots include snowmobile, cutting ice with manual auger, a fish on the snow, setting the traps, MS of men talking, ...
15) 0381 cat. 0063-20-WABI-63
Great Antonio
Man named Great Antonio pulls four buses by a rope.
16) 0387 cat. 0071-23-WABI-63
Stetson Rifles
Group of girls pose and board buses marked 'Stetson Rifles.'
25) 0400 cat. 0082-07-WABI-64
Bangor High School World's Fair Trip
Students boarding bus and waving goodbye on way to New York World's Fair.
45) 0405 cat. 0089-20-WABI-64
Boy Scouts Camporee
Old Town: Camping event including tents lined up, scouts working, poles being lashed together, troop sign, boy starting fire.
19) 0410 cat. 0081-13-WABI-64
Opinion -- Transportation
Interview with two high school girls regarding whether Bangor should provide bus service to the new school. They believe it should.
11) 0426 cat.1038-07-WABI-64
Bangor: Two young women express opinions regarding need to provide busing for students to new high school.
5) 0431 cat. 0039-05-WABI-59
Fire Prevention
Bangor: Fire prevention drill at Bangor Elementary School including principal and fire chief setting off the alarm, and children evacuating building and boarding bus.
22) 0449 cat. 1054-10-WABI-67
The Great Paint-Out in Bangor
Bangor: People painting fence and picking up trash, men arriving on bus from Air Force Base, a painting race.
3) 0450 cat. 1057-19-WABI-67
Bangor High School Graduation Party at Branch Lake
Lake scenes including hot dog roast, marshmallow roast, girls in bathing suits, kids dancing.
115) 0452 cat. 1061-08-WABI-67
Bangor Fair
Vintage cars driving up and down country road. Horse-drawn hay ride on wagon with kids. Truck with side sign reading 'Enfield, ME'. Two young men playing guitars in front of bus...
144) 0559 cat. 1015-09-WABI-61
[Riot Control]
Crowds gathered as police beat and arrest man. Also shots of cameras, bus terminal, and streets.
26) 0559 cat. 1017-10-WABI-61
[Freedom Riders in Montgomery]
CBS interview with Montgomery, Alabama, police commissioner regarding the mob attack of the Freedom Riders. Shots of police, bus terminal.
24) 0571 cat. 0042-02-WABI-60
Democratic Victory Express
Bus trip of Coffin for governor, Roberts for congress and Cormier for senate. Bus, speeches, crowd.
36) 0639
B & A Railroad Round Trip Ticket
Passengers boarding B & A bus, person waving down bus, driver's view.
36) 0643
B & A Round Trip Ticket
Unused negative portion of ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-02.
18) 0646
B & A Bus Negative Original
Edited sequence from previous footage includes: bus picking up passengers, driver's view of road, mother taking daughter to restroom, passengers watching landscape, pedestrian w...
21) 0647
B & A Round Trip Ticket
Same as Catalogue No. 0046-08.
32) 0647
B & A Round Trip Ticket
Audio only for bus ad.
18) 0659
Salt Marshes (Program 5)
No description available
3) 0659
Whales (Program 3)
No description available
13) 0659
Gulls and Terns (Program 4)
No description available
14) 0659
Eagles (Program 6)
13 April 1978
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