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Pearson, Adelaide Collection
1) 2550.0031
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 31
2) 2550.0030
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 30
Note in can reads "Slides - 13-14-15-16-24-25-31-32"
3) 2550.0029
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 29
4) 2550.0028
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 28
5) 2550.0027
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 27
Slides 1-3-5-6-7-9-18-27-25-31-34/ Monte Alban
61) 2550.0026
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 26
60) 2550.0025
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 25
8) 2550.0024
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 24
11) 2550.0023
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 23
10) 2550.0022
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 22
11) 2550.0021
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 21
12) 2550.0020
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 20
11) 2550.0019
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 19
23) 2550.0018
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 18
Women selling items at roadside stands. People on horseback. A tree in a field, with mountains beyond. Market stalls selling with pot and baskets. Panning shot of a cove. A bird...
52) 2550.0017
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 17
C-bad, too dark - Paddock copper - 1st half possible;A woman (Laura Paddock) walking with a dog. She stops periodically to examine and collect stones. [End of Reel]
20) 2550.0016
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 16
A woman (Laura Paddock) breaking stones with a hammer and putting the broken pieces in a bag. Paddock digging and collecting sand on the beach, accompanied by dogs. [End of Reel]
30) 2550.0015
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 15
A woman (Laura Paddock) and dogs sitting by the water. Paddock is breaking stones with a hammer. Paddock examining stones and playing with the dogs. [End of Reel]
18) 2550.0014
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 14
A woman in costume. A group of children run over to her and sit around her on the grass. A parade with a marching band and children carrying signs, including: ‘BROOKLIN INTERMED...
84) 2550.0013
B&W - Paddock - copper - quartz - lead -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 13
B&W - Paddock - copper - quartz - lead;A woman (Laura Paddock) examining a stone. Paddock and a dog on a beach. Paddock digging in the sand. Paddock breaking stones with a hammer. [End of Reel]
33) 2550.0012
Paddock - Feldspar -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 12
C- bad except 1 shot = Paddock - feldspar;A woman (Laura Paddock) and two dog on a rocky shore. Paddock is breaking rocks with a hammer. [End of Reel]
21) 2550.0011
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 11
People in period dress. Children in costume dancing. [End of Reel]
22) 2550.0010
Feldspar - clams -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 10
Feldspar - clams;A woman (Laura Paddock) and two dog on a rocky shore. Paddock is breaking rocks with a hammer. Paddock digging for clams. [End of Reel]
23) 2550.0009
Gaudy & Jug Town -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 9
Gaudy & Jug Town Jug Town - 50' + Gaudy - 50';A man working at a potter’s wheel. People watching a potter make a jug. Close up of the potter’s wheel. [End of Reel]
43) 2550.0008
Chinese Funeral -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 8
Chinese funeral [illegible];A Chinese funeral procession. [End of Reel]
25) 2550.0007
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 7
A tug of war. People in the stands around a field. Dark shots of a crowd of people. A band on a stage. Children on stage in costume, with an American flag, a fief and a drum. A ...
36) 2550.0006
[Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 6
A production on stage of people in period dress. A chorus of children, being conducted by a woman. A group of people with signs (protest? Rally?) People in the crowd wearing str...
27) 2550.0005
Carter Digging Clay -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 5
Carter digging Clay;A man (Carter?) digging for clay. [End of Reel]
57) 2550.0004
Brick Yard, Penobscot -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 4
Brick Yard Brick Yard, Penobscot;A man making bricks. A man pushing a wheel barrow past rows of drying bricks. He shakes sand over the bricks. A man laying out bricks. Men stacking bricks. (Inside the kiln?) Sh...
55) 2550.0003
Grand Canyon, 1933 -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 3
Grand Canyon, 1933;Panning shot of the Grand Canyon. A campfire. The river. Pack mules by the water. [End of Reel]
65) 2550.0002
Total eclipse of sun, 1932 -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 2
Total eclipse of sun - near Portsmouth N.H. Aug 31, 1932;Shots of the sun during an eclipse. [End of Reel]
36) 2550.0001
K.D. Scudder, 1931 Riviera -- Adelaide Pearson--home movies, Reel 1
K.D. Schudder, 1931 Riviera - very short film;Two women walking up a path. One woman stops to take a picture with a camera. The women with a camera. People entering a large stone castle. [End of Reel]
227) 1564.0008
[Mexico and Central America. Adelaide Pearson--home movies] Reel 8
Gulls + Puppies - Maine;A person standing beside a body of water. They put rocks in a bag and hit it with a hammer. Cut to a scene of houses on a snowy street. A man shovels coals out of a small outdoo...
4) 1564.0007
[Mexico and Central America. Adelaide Pearson--home movies] Reel 7
A group of men in hats. A woman standing in front of an archway. Blurry shot of mountains. Blurry panning shot mountainous landscape. Shot too blurry to see. Shots of a stone ho...
33) 1564.0006
[Mexico and Central America. Adelaide Pearson--home movies] Reel 6
Shot of two trees. Various shots of mountains. Dark shot of what looks like a dam next to a body of water. A boat on the water next to a bridge. Shot of mountains. Shot of fruit...
32) 1564.0005
[Mexico and Central America. Adelaide Pearson--home movies] Reel 5
Panning shot of mountains. Shot of thatch roofed buildings. Shot of a car next to a sign post. Shot of thatch roof buildings. Panning shots of mountains and a stream. [End of Reel]
31) 1564.0004
[Mexico and Central America. Adelaide Pearson--home movies] Reel 4
Shot of dancers in headdresses, filmed over other spectators’ heads. Performers in masks, with flower garlands. The dancers in headdresses performing. The dancers in masks perfo...
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