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Lobster industry
Presidents--United States
4) 2507.0010
[S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 10
Can notes: "Europe 1958-1961";REEL TEN 1958-1961 In 1957 Daddy was told he had been transferred to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, (SHAPE) Paris, France. The only person he told was his son,...
10) 1800.0001
Maine's Harvesters of the Sea
Color is faded. // General description: narration and appearance by artist Laurence Sisson. Fishermen in trawlers, draggers, purse seiners and lobster boats. Fishing for cod, ha...
21) 1321.0001-.0022
[Archie Stewart--home movies]
Amateur footage of Sauls family and Stewart family activities. Can notes follow; reel numbers are donor-assigned. 1. Goofy golf tricks--Xmas. Korea Military Maneuvers. Baby Mary...
8) 1191 cat. 1110-02-WABI-68
Two Thai Officials Go Lobstering at Tremont
No description available
31) 1108.0136
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 136
Reel 136: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp 8-21 May. 2. Put up anchor. Record R.N.G. 3. Egonn and Anne Hafer 24 May. 4. Weikert's for Nelson Wedding 5 June. 5. General Eisenhow...
32) 0945.0001
Maine's Harvesters of the Sea
General description: narration and appearance by artist Laurence Sisson. Fishermen in trawlers, draggers, purse seiners and lobster boats. Fishing for cod, haddock, whiting, oce...
12) 0943.0001
[Disney Encyclopedia: Lobster]
Disney Encyclopedia. Doreen introduces and narrates a juvenile geographic film on down east Maine. 'This is Penobscot Bay.' Features Stockton Springs High School students learni...
5) 0853.0258
By The People (Picture Negative)
Picture negative for 'By The People,' 'An information project of Channel 6 news produced in cooperation with the Maine State Legislature.' Follows the progress of a bill proposi...
9) 0813.0463
[Comment on Nixon's Refusal to Debate Humphrey]
News story dated 10-16-68. Man comments on Richard Nixon's refusal to debate Hubert Humphrey in presidential race.
10) 0813.0409
[Pres. Johnson's New Tax Increase Plan Becomes Law]
News story dated 06-30-68.;Ron Palmquist provides guidance on the new tax law's effects for most wage earners and take-home paychecks; it is the first general tax increase since 1951;
11) 0813.0369
Toby Anderson on Truck Tax
News story dated 03-01-61. About J.F. Kennedy's new road tax bill.
11) 0697.0006
[Goodman--home movies] Lobstering with Stan Meserve
Man and boys wearing and carrying fishing gear on pier. Stacked lobster traps. Man wears boots turned down. Buddy Goodman? in stern of boat. Shot taken from behind Stan Meserve...
18) 0629
MacArthur Obituary
General Douglas MacArthur reviewing fly-bys of attack planes and bombers, receiving a scroll from and taking an oath before Dwight D. Eisenhower, his wife and son.
14) 0628
Eleanor Roosevelt Obituary
Edited clips of Eleanor Roosevelt's later years and public appearances including appearance at a rally, meeting with President John F. Kennedy, leaving a plane, meeting with off...
15) 0617 cat. 1025-01-WABI-62
Eye on the World
Behind the scenes with CBS News including Walter Cronkite describing the importance of visuals to news, the Algerian crisis, John F. Kennedy and the United Nations, London and t...
59) 0608 cat. 1014-04-WABI-65
Winston Churchill Obituary
Tribute including World War II footage: meetings with Eisenhower, Stalin, and Roosevelt; speeches by Churchill; appearance in a parade; day he is knighted.
17) 0594 cat. 1017-01-WABI-60
Nixon Visit
Bangor: Continuation of Richard M. Nixon presidential campaign visit and speech; he and Pat departing from airport, receiving a lobster presented by children, introduction of pe...
23) 0580 cat. 0056-01-WABI-62
Campobello Island Film
Dedication of new FDR Memorial Bridge between Campobello Island and Lubec includes interview with FDR's son Congressman James Roosevelt regarding his mother's health and memorie...
36) 0559 cat. 1018-01-WABI-61
Dwight D. Eisenhower at West Point
Former president Eisenhower's visit to West Point to honor Sylvanus Thane including Ike with cadets, MCU of him giving a speech.
20) 0559 cat. 1015-21-WABI-61
Nixon Speech
Speech by Vice-President Richard M. Nixon regarding President John F. Kennedy's policy on Cuba.
22) 0559 cat. 1015-20-WABI-61
Truman's Birthday
President Harry Truman's birthday party including speeches, handshaking, cake, singing, and Jack Benny(?).
22) 0453 cat. 1063-29-WABI-67
Congressman Gerald Ford on Mt. Desert
Gerald Ford with Secret Service and other man. Ford talking to people with Jordan Pond in background. Ford smoking a pipe. Men sitting under a tree. Ford talking to people who a...
27) 0452 cat. 1061-10-WABI-67
Humphrey Visit to Brunswick
Hubert Humphrey greets and talks with crowd. Shakes hands with girl and man. Shots of his wife talking with people in crowd. Humphrey with crowd.
24) 0451 cat. 1059-21-WABI-67
[Hubert Humphrey Visits Brunswick]
Hubert Humphrey and others talking in parking area. On lawn with crowd including 'Peace Now' signs, Also 'Stop the War' and others. Getting out of car and shaking hands in crowd...
25) 0425 cat. 1039-02-WABI-64
Interview with man on the street Charles Groddin; he predicts that Lyndon B. Johnson will be re-elected because of split and deadwood in the Republican party.
26) 0425 cat. 1038-10-WABI-64
Interview with man on the street Harry Robinson regarding his predictions for upcoming presidential race, his hopes for Goldwater, which parts of country will vote for which can...
27) 0425 cat. 1038-09-WABI-64
Interview with man on the street William Marley in which he predicts Lyndon B. Johnson will win upcoming presidential election.
28) 0413 cat. 0085-07-WABI-64
Interview with three people regarding their predictions on the outcome of the presidential election. Two think Lyndon Johnson will win, and one thinks Barry Goldwater will win. ...
29) 0410 cat. 0082-01-WABI-64
Opinion -- Women Presidents
Interviews with people regarding New Hampshire primary and whether Margaret Chase Smith should or could win presidency.
34) 0407 cat. 0076-08-WABI-64
Nelle Penley Retirement
Penley interview regarding her career, presidents she met, retirement.
31) 0396 cat. 1031-01-WABI-64
James Meredith at University of Maine
Interview with James Meredith regarding Civil Rights movement, including his role, and President Lyndon Johnson's policy.
2) 0396 cat. 0072-20-WABI-64
Interview with Congressman McIntire in which he states that he will support Barry Goldwater for president if Senator Margaret Chase Smith is not nominated by the Republicans.
33) 0388 cat. 1028-03-WABI-63
Bernstein on Nixon
Mr. Bernstein interview. He is asked how and why he wants to draft Richard Nixon for Maine senator. Bernstein blames a weak president. Shots include Bernstein and interviewer in...
19) 0385 cat. 0068-03-WABI-63
Preparations for John F. Kennedy at Univ. of Maine and Dow Air Force Base
Preparation for arrival of JFK at base and at UM. Shots of WABI setting up equipment, football field, helicopters coming.
25) 0384 cat. 0072-15-WABI-63
Stewart Udall
Stewart Udall speaks to Senator McIntire and other Maine political officials on a project that President Kennedy has initiated.
25) 0381 cat. 0063-17-WABI-63
Congressman McIntire
Congressman McIntire criticizes the President's tax proposal and comments on the Democrats and Republicans proposals.
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Edmund Muskie (4)
John F. Kennedy (5)
Laurence Sisson (2)
Margaret Chase Smith (2)
Richard M. Nixon (1)
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