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Clif Reynolds
1) 1567.0001
[Laurence Sisson]
Label on tape: 'For Noon NewsCenter.' // Reynolds visits studio of Laurence Sisson. Sisson paints canvas while smoking pipe. Closeup shots of brushstrokes illustrate the process...
59) 1567.0002
[Beer Can Collector]
Beer can collector Bob Crawley (sp?) covered his basement walls and ceiling with beer cans. Interview with Crawley about collecting cans. // Image quality deteriorates severely ...
3) 1567.0003
[Limington Antique Store]
Reynolds interviews the Springs at their store on Route 25 in Limington. Elderly woman makes aprons, pot holders and other crafts and man sells antiques.
4) 1567.0004
[Disco Contest]
Clif Reynolds visits club 'Page One' for a disco dancing championship. Disco soundtrack accompanies shots of the contestants dancing.
5) 1567.0005
[Morse's Sauerkraut]
Clif Reynolds visits Morse's Sauerkraut manufacturing and packaging plant in Waldoboro at harvest time. Interview with Mrs. Morse. Company was started by her father-in-law 65 ye...
6) 1567.0006
[Swan Island]
Label on tape: 'Gene Dumont, Ass't. Regional Biologist, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Bob Whitman, Custodian.' // Reynolds travels by boat on the Kennebec River to Swan Island pr...
7) 1567.0007
[Making Cider at Terison Orchards]
Reynolds visits Terison Orchards in Cumberland and talks with apple grower Tom Terison about a poor crop and the process of making apple cider. Many shots of the cider-making pr...
8) 1567.0008
[Washburn-Norlands Living History Center]
Label on tape: 'The Norlands, Billy.' // Reynolds visits the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center, a 19th-century working farm offering educational and school programs on rur...
9) 1567.0009
[Model Shipbuilder]
Interview with 84 year-old woodworker Bert Hamilton at his home workshop. He makes small wooden model schooners and lobster boats.
10) 1567.0010
Reynolds reports from bridge over the Kennebunk River between Kennebunk and Kennebunkport. Reports on the debate over the name of Harbour Village in Kennebunk, located along the...
11) 1567.0011
[Growing Oysters]
Reynolds talks with Mary Parmley about her small aquaculture oyster-growing operation at Christmas Cove in South Bristol. Also grows oysters on the Damariscotta River.
12) 1567.0012
Reynolds interviews gymnastics instructor Hal Marsh about his gymnastics class for children. Some students are as young as 5. Discusses training young gymnasts and the current s...
13) 1567.0013A
[Hallowell Geese & Gray Senior Citizens' Christmas Party]
On tape with 1567.0013B. // Label on tape: 'Hallowell Geese (Dominic Blodgett) / Gray Senior Citizens Xmas Party.' '4:25 / 5:25.' // Farmer discusses geese on his farm in Hallow...
14) 1567.0013B
[Gray Senior Citizens' Christmas Party]
On tape with 1567.0013A. // // Label on tape: 'Hallowell Geese (Dominic Blodgett) / Gray Senior Citizens Xmas Party.' '4:25 / 5:25.' Additional labeling on tape for cut 2: '1. M...
15) 1567.0014A
[Monmouth Blacksmith Shop Museum]
On tape with 1567.0014B. // Reynolds visits 7-building Village Blacksmith Shop Museum in Monmouth. Receives whirlwind tour from Earl Flanders, who turned old blacksmith shop int...
16) 1567.0014B
[Saco Woodcarver]
On tape with 1567.0014A. // Crossed-out label on tape: 'Saco Woodcarver, Christina Dube.' Reynolds visits with woodcarver Christina Dube at her Wood Carvings, Etc. store on Rout...
17) 1567.0015A
[Westwind Farm]
On tape with 1567.0015B. // Crossed-out label on tape: 'Larry Walker, Standish, hay rider, wagons.' // Reynolds visits Westwind Farm in Standish, interviews Larry Walker about t...
18) 1567.0015B
[Christmas Eve PP&T Party]
On tape with 1567.0015A. // Christmas Eve party at the home of WCSH cameraman Barry Atwood in North Gorham. Christmas tree is decorated with numerous ornaments. Brief shot of WC...
19) 1567.0016
[Wood Carver John Lankhorst]
Moderate dropout throughout, worsens towards end of tape. // Interview with woodcarver and lobsterman John Lankhorst. Carves wooden sculptures with a knife. Discusses his work, ...
20) 1567.0017
[Housepainter Pat Shearman]
Moderate dropout throughout. // Interviews with housepainter Pat Shearman. Shearman discusses her painting business.
21) 1567.0018
[Peanut Butter Readers]
Peanut Butter Readers perform for children at New Gloucester Memorial School. Interview with Mark Nutial about the group, which aims to encourage children to read.
26) 1567.0019
[Berwick Town Clerk Office in Restaurant]
Label on box: 'Standby PP&T, do not erase or remove, #8 of 8.' // Reynolds reports from front of Berwick Town Hall. The Town Clerk's office is not located in Town Hall, but in t...
23) 1567.0020
[Telescope Glasses]
Label on box: '1. Kyron: West Rockport, 2. Stanley Moore.' // Interview with Stanley Moore, who was born legally-blind. Wears special bioptic 'telescope glasses,' created by Dr....
24) 1567.0021
[Sunnyfield Acres]
Interview with Alice and Ernest Purinton at their home at Sunnyfield Acres farm. They show their animals at agricultural fairs around the state each year and have won thousands ...
25) 1567.0022
[Saint Patrick's Church]
Label on box: 'Standby PP&T, do not erase or remove, #3 of 8.' // Reynolds visits Saint Patrick's Church in Newcastle. Building is the oldest Catholic church still standing nort...
26) 1567.0023
[Stunt Kite-Flying]
Moderate dropout. // Interview with kite-flyer Ron Gerard on beach. Gerard flies unique stunt kites of his own design. Shots of aerobatic kite stunts. Gerard is considering ente...
7) 1567.0024
[Sculptor Roger Majorowicz]
Reynolds visits with sculptor Roger Majorowicz in Kings Mills. Majorwics explains his metal sculptures and gives a tour of sculptures outdoors. Includes a Don Quixote sculpture....
28) 1567.0025
[Salamandra Glass]
Interviews with George Cirocco and David Ballentone at Salamandra Glass Works in Portsmouth. The two discuss and explain the glassblowing process and techniques. Shots of the gl...
29) 1567.0026
[Illustrator Harry Smith]
Illustrator Harry Smith discusses his work. Smith illustrates children's books. Shots of his work.
30) 1567.0027
[Toadstool Painter]
Reynolds visits "The Old-Timer Art Shop" in Gardiner where folk artist T.A. Gould, "The Old-Timer," paints toadstools. Interview with Gould and shots of many of the finished pai...
21) 1567.0028A
[Freeport Archaeological Dig]
On tape with 1567.0028B. // Freeport High School students involved in archaeological excavation work at site of possible 18th century garrison. Purpose of the dig is to look for...
32) 1567.0028B
[Ticonic Foot Bridge]
On tape with 1567.0028A. // Reynolds at Ticonic Foot Bridge, which connects Waterville and Winslow. Bridge was initially built to allow workers to cross the Kennebec River to th...
33) 1567.0029A
[Grandfather Clockmaker]
On tape with 1567.0029B. // Interview with Donald Essman, who specializes in building grandfather clocks and tables. Shots of several clocks he has made. Prefers to use mahogany...
34) 1567.0030
[Country Doctor Marion Moulton]
Reynolds visits home of Doctor Marion Moulton, the local "country doctor" for the area. Discusses how times have changed since she began her practice nearly 40 years ago. Moulto...
35) 1567.0031
[100 Year-Old Woman]
Reynolds visits with 100 year-old Nancy "Becky" Rogers on her birthday. Born in Connecticut in 1879. Discusses her life and family history.
36) 1567.0032
[Lampshade Collector]
Interview with antique lampshade collector John Nappi. Discusses the difficulties of restoration work for lampshades and the many varieties of shades he has encountered.
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