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26) 0262.0001
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 1: Miami and Everglades
Film box notes: 'Feb and March 1955. Joel Campbells home also.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Sea. Ships. Car approaching along road. Palm trees. Oranges. Pan of field, palm tre...
558) 0290.0014
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 14
Amateur: Palm trees. Palm Beach Hotel. Goodyear blimp. Beach. Roads. Bridge. Cars. Beach motel. Suwannee River State Park sign. Beach. Mountain ridge. Houses. Roads. Old bridge....
16) 0290.0015
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 15
Amateur: Ridge. Bridge. Car driving. Tram overhead. In town: man with camera and group posing. Horse race as viewed from box. MCU of horses and jockeys. Stands. Box #14 said 'Fl...
17) 0290.0016
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 16
Amateur: Ranch. Mountain road. Cars. Children. Men riding burros laden with bananas or plantains. Pan of mountains. Latin American people walking. Mountains. Boy. Box #16 said '...
26) 0290.0018
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 18
Amateur: Village. Car on beach. Gulls or sea birds. City scene. Restaurants. Large ship in water. Road. Car. White sand beach. 'Hurry Back and Sleep by the Gulf Tonight' sign. B...
20) 0307 cat. 0005-03-WABI-54
Bangor-Brewer Bridge
Bangor Brewer : Construction of the Bangor-Brewer Bridge and dedication ceremonies. Includes various speakers, planes overhead flying in formation, crowd shots and a parade acro...
7) 0307 cat. 0005-04-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry Launching
Shots of the Blue Nose ferry on her first trip. From the side and from behind as the ship is put into the water after christening.
31) 0307 cat. 0005-06-WABI-54
Bangor-Brewer Bridge
Bangor Brewer : Construction and dedication of Bangor Brewer toll bridge. Aerial views, and shots from river of bridge under construction. Ribbon cutting ceremony and parade acr...
27) 0307 cat. 1001-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Blue Nose Day including ferry race, an ox-pull, speakers, shots onboard as ferry sails into harbor.
4) 0307 cat. 1001-02-WABI-55
President Dwight Eisenhower at Dow Air Force Base
Eisenhower refueling including landing strip and airplane, Ike talking with two officers.
12) 0307 cat. 1001-10-WABI-54
Last Steam Locomotive
Bangor: Silent footage of Engine 470 steaming into Bangor train yard, including the brakeman and engineer checking wheels and adding water to the engine; crowds of spectators l...
4) 0309 cat. 0007-05-WABI
Simulated Plane Crash Fire
Bangor ? : Scenes from a simulated plane crash fire as fire fighters try to get it under control. Night. Scenes of planes taxiing on runway. Ref. 300.
2) 0309 cat.0007-08-WABI-58
Freeses Department Store, Bangor
Bangor : Long static night shots of Freeses Department Store lit up for Christmas. Also, some shots of the crowds on the streets and a look through the front windows of the stor...
22) 0310 cat.1002-08-WABI-59
Ralph Takes a Jet Ride
Ralph's jet ride including pilot seating him in the cockpit, takeoff, flight, and landing. Also aerial views.
23) 0310 cat.1002-09-WABI-59
Armed Forces Day
Attack airplanes and bombers fly overhead together and solo as crowd watches.
11) 0310 cat.1002-10-WABI-59
Dow Air Fair
Bangor: Mock helicopter rescue including pickup of pilot from crashed airplane and firetruck with water gun.
25) 0310 cat.1002-11-WABI-59
Armed Forces Day Parade
Armed forces and their bands march while airplanes fly overhead in formation. The Hildreth Network covers the event.
23) 0310 cat.1002-16-WABI-59
Dow Air Force Base on Alert
Alert including people getting up from eating in mess hall to drive and board their airplanes.
20) 0310 cat.1002-18-WABI-59
Local Weather
Bangor: Heavy snowfall has stopped traffic.
31) 0310 cat.1002-20-WABI-59
Hauling of missile by truck including missile from several angles, and officials walking beside truck.
35) 0311 cat. 1002-14-WABI-59
Damaged Plane Dow Air Force Base
Nighttime shots of damaged airplane from various angles.
17) 0313 cat. 0009-01-WABI-59
Dwyer Release
Thomaston ? : The parole board approves Paul N. Dwyer's parole and release from Maine state prison. Scenes include a short speech by the three men of the parole board, exterior ...
15) 0314 cat.1004-01-WABI-59
Hunter's Breakfast
Old Town: Rotary Club outdoor breakfast event including people standing in food line, CU food, men serving, big pots on brick fires, people standing next to fire, women dancing,...
15) 0314 cat.1004-09-WABI-59
Jackson Boat Co. Fire
Veazie : Jackson Boat Co. fire including smoke pouring from building, fire fighters on ladders in the snowfall, fire truck.
35) 0315 cat.0010-05-WABI
Car Accident
Car accident. Shots include several angles of damaged car, and road and traffic from point of view of driver.
15) 0316 cat.0010-09-WABI-59
Storm Scenes
Bangor: Heavy snowfall and its impact. Scenes include vehicles having difficulty from slippery road conditions, snowdrifts, and a 'Merry Christmas' sign.
27) 0318 cat.0013-05-WABI-58
Train Derailment North Maine
Northern Maine: Train derailment. Shots of engine off track, engineers surveying damage, damage, train pulled back onto track.
9) 0329 cat. 1009-01-WABI-59
Camp Edwards
Governor Day's visit to camp including him boarding plane, aerial shots, governor posing with officials, other military personnel, eating in mess hall.
35) 0419 cat. 0091-02-WABI-55?
President Dwight Eisenhower Refuels at Dow Air Force Base
Refueling of Eisenhower's jet including his deplaning and talking with the base commander, his plane landing and taking off, LS and MLS of him talking with officers and young wo...
63) 0431 cat. 0039-03-WABI-59
Damaged refueling plane footage shot at night.
14) 0431 cat. 0039-04-WABI-58
Esso Super Tanker
Bucksport: Tanker in port.
22) 0431 cat. 0039-16-WABI-56
[Blue Nose Ferry]
Ferry arrival in Bar Harobor from Nova Scotia; includes tour of the boat, cars exiting, and control room
21) 0554 cat. 0042-01-WABI-59
Swan's Island Ferry
Silent footage of the Swan's Island Ferry William S. Silsby;views of the hardware store near the ferry landing; the Ferry picking up vehicles; closeups of the captain and crew a...
22) 0570 cat. 0041-01-WABI-59
'Gov. Muskie' Motor Ferry
Dedication ceremonies honoring the ferry's maiden voyage from Islesboro to Lincolnville. Interviews with Maine Port Authority's General Manager Edward Langlord, Authority Presid...
35) 0609 cat. 0034-05-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Ferry as it sails into Bar Harbor including LSs of ferry and crowds waiting for it.
14) 0609 cat. 0035-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry Launching
Canada: Launching of ferry on maiden voyage to Bar Harbor including LSs of ship and crowds waiting for christening, speeches, CU of deck, car driving onto ferry.
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Wilding Pictures Productions, Inc. (1)
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